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Interview: Ze'ev/Salem![]() what is the difference between humans and animals?
The difference between humans and animals is that animals act with their
instincts alone and that is why you can't accuse them of animalistic
do you believe that a deity exists, as a physical or otherworldly manifestation outside of the world of symbols?
I'm not a religious person, I think everyone can believe in what they
want as long as they don't hurt anyone and as long as they don't force you
to think like them. I don't believe in god the way most people do, I think
"god" is the good things in everyone
what do you see as the ideals shared by black metal bands? if you see no shared ideals, please describe how we have all arrived at roughly similarly sounding music.
In my opinion, Black metal especially share style, subjects and
visuallity, this style fits dark subjects and that is why the music sounds
similar and you can define a band as black metal.
what are the historical origins of black metal music?
I think "Venom" brought this style.
when you founded salem (in 1985, as your bio claims) what bands were influencing you then and what do you feel you added to metal at the time?
Salem was formed in 1985, at the time our main influences were "venom",
"slayer" "black sabbath" et cetera. I think "Salem" and bands like "Mayhem"
"Masacre" "Merciless" et cetera, brought the next generation to metal with
new ideas, new instruments and more...
how would you describe the music you have written for "collective demise"?
"Collective demise" is very aggressive, although it has a lot of melodies
and harmonies. I think that "Collective demise" reflects a certain
adolescence of Salem, the fact that it's more aggresive and much faster
distinguish it from our previous releases.
"Collective Demise" contains 12 new songs which textually are snapshots of our reality since September 2001 and musically explore new territories; The use of Afro-Cuban Percussion on "Dead Eyes" and "Slave", Arabic darbuka on "Broken Yet United" and "Act of Terror", female vocals on "Coming End of Reason", "Feed on Your Grief", "Act of War" and "Al Taster" and the most sophisticated second guitar harmonies ever submitted to reel. "Al Taster" is also the first single and video off the album released in Israel on June 19th 2002. This song is a cover of an old Jewish hymn. Lyrics are taken from Psalms, chapter 102, verse 3. This album is the first Salem offering for KMG/ System Shock in Germany. Earlier this year Salem signed a 3-album contract with this well-established label.
in your bio it says:
"Kaddish" also featured a cover song called "Ha'ayara Bo'eret" (the town is on fire), a song that is being associated with The Holocaust. This national controversy found its way to the Israeli parliament for a discussion of whether or not it is appropriate for a metal band to play such songs.
why would it be inappropriate for a metal band to cover such songs?
This is a very sensitive subject and some people thought the music is
too aggresive, but eventually we decided that it is appropriate to cover
songs like that, and that is why we did it, after all we are a democratic
country with freedom of speech.
what do you think are the causes of the current conflict between iraq, afghanistan and the USA?
T E R R O R!!!
it seems to me israel and the USA are similar, in that both are countries of immigrants founded for religions reasons. do you see this as true?
There is no doubt that Israel and USA are similar, except i don't think
that Israel was founded for religions reasons only, The main reson was
what is like living in a place that is currently under somewhat warlike conditions?
In Israel it's impossible to ignore the news since it has a direct
effect on your daily life and as a result you have songs. It's hard to cope
with the fear of being somewhere crowded (like busses, restaurants, or even
live shows) without knowing how it will end. The fact that innocent
civilians are dying gives you an helplessness feeling. It is difficult for
us to see a solution for it right now, but we don't know what tomorrow will
bring - therefore we try to keep hoping.
how do you feel toward the palestinians who live in israel?
I don't have a problem with the palestinians who live in Israel, i think
they are suffering because a minority of fanatical who believe in terror.
why do you think the UN decided israel should be created in the first place?
Well, the Jews were living all over the world, they had no country, and
they suffered holocaust all over Europe, 6,000,000 was killed! that fact
shocked the whole world and the result was that the UN decided to create
Israel. ( It's a pity that 6,000,000 had to die so that we'll have a
when you are writing songs, how do you create them - from lyrics, from a melody, or from a general concept? which members write most of the songs?
Evry member of the band is writing material, and in most cases We are
all meeting, listening to it and choosing what we like, eventually we build
song, after that we are writing a lyrics to it. When the song is ready, We
can change it , so a song is not realy ready until we record it
do you think metal is an expression of rebellion, or does it have deeper significance?
Maybe in the past it was some kind of rebellion, but today,in my
opinion, it has lot of significance, otherwise i wouldn't keep doing it for
so many years!
in america, we have fanatical christians who both would like us to make war on iraq but also would like to ban certain types of metal. do you have a comment on that?
I don't think it's right to ban music. We are living in democratic
countries and we have the freedom of speech and creation . About making war
with Iraq - I think Iraq is a country that supports and exportes terror, so
USA have to do something to stop it.
how is christianity viewed in israel?
Israel is a country that contain all the religions. We think everyone
can believe in anything as long as you don't force your opinion on us.
![]() No.
do you feel you have gotten the right promotion for a band that has been around since 1985?
We didn't get the right promotion because our old record companies saved
money on publicity and tours. We were very disappointed, but i hope our new
record company - KMG/System shock will do much better work.
do you like any current black metal bands and if so, who?
of course! bands like "Limbonic art", "Arallu", and more...
if you could tour the world with any band, who would it be?
are there many metal bands in israel?
The metal scene in Israel is great, we have some good bands with a lot
of potential like: "Arallu", "Nail-Within", "Lehavoth", "Untropia",
"Meleches", "Orphaned Land" A lot of kids listen to metal and support it and
come to live shows.
have there been any churchburnings, or temple-burnings (not sure if i have the right word there) from black metal where you live?
No. Never.
what is your stance on the concept and spiritual significance of grave desecrations?
I think it horrible! not bcause of the deads, but because of the people who love them, and want to use this place to remember them.
do you see there as being a difference between commercial metal bands and underground metal?
There is a difference, underground metal don't compromise and that is why they aren't earning money like the commercial metal bands.
what's next for salem?
A European tour, The release of album Number 5, and then we'll see. We
want to remain active as long as we feel that we have something to say and
that there's someone who's interested to hear it. Salem try to be as much
original and come up with good material cause we work a lot on the songs to
make them interesting and have no rush to write songs that will end up being
crap in the end. We will continue as long as we have support from our fans
in Israel and worldwide.
what do you do outside of the band for intellectual, physical and spiritual stimulation?
First of all, I have a family - a wife and a beutiful girl, and i like
being with them, I also like exercise Martial art "Tai-box", create web
sites, playing with Salem, and helping metal bands- I produced several
bands like "Arallu", "Azazel" ,"Aztec", "Betrayer" , and i just returned
from germany, helping producing "Nail within" with Harris Jones.
![]() We don't do drugs. We once had a member in Salem that used drugs and the
result of that is that he is in psychiatric hospital to this very day. that
freaked us out.
some blackmetallers think that the music should be all about death, no hope, total destruction, watching the earth burn, etc. others have families and lives outside of the musical scene. do you have families? what is your feeling on this attitude?
As i mention before, i have a wonderful family. I'm against death and
destruction, but the music is about those things because we're living in it.
at what moment did you first feel like a "real band" or think, "wow, this is going to be our future"?
The day we recieved our first album and i held it!
in ancient mysticism, man was not viewed as separate from nature. do you think this view has changed?
People ruined most of nature, and separated themeselves from it.
is it possible that humans influence the outcome of events with their thoughts alone?
People, and their actions causes the outcomes! I dont think that a bus or a restaurant or even the twin towers exploded because of thoughts alone.
do you believe UFOs visit earth and if so, are they alien visitors or do they have malevolent intent?
I think it pretentious to think that we are alone in the universe. I
don't know what their intentions, maybe they just curious, wouldn't you be?
do you believe in "good" and "evil"?
Yes. I believe that everyone has good and evil in him.
Thank you very much for your support. Keep metal alive! For more information about Salem, you can visit our web site:
One would be bound to despair of our national character, too, if it had already become so inextricably entangled in its culture, indeed entirely at one with it, as is horrifyingly evident in the case of civilized France; the very thing which was France's great advantage for a long time, and the cause of its vast superiority, namely the identity of people and culture, should now, as we contemplate the consequences, make us thank our good fortune that this questionable cultur eof ours still has nothing in common with the noble core of our national character. Instead, all our hopes reach out longingly towards the perception that beneath this restlessly agitated cultural life and senseless education there lies hidden a magnificent, inwardly healthy, ancient strength, which admittedly only stirs powerfully in momentous times and then returns to dreaming of some future awakening.
F.W. Nietzsche, The Birth of Tragedy |
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