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Positive feedback from ANUS readersANUS.com has thousands of readers world wide, reading our philosophical essays, listening to our radio shows, studying our metal reviews, visiting our history hall - and much much more. Most of these readers are intelligent people that feel alienated from society and social norms. Perhaps they avoid the material pleasures that most people pursue in life and instead spend their time listening to classical music and reading the best in indoeuropean literature. This means that the smart people out there who should be leading the masses into a better age, are isolating themselves from any form of activism and hide inside their fantasy worlds to forget all the madness that's going on outside the window. While most of us have felt this way and spent much of our time in loneliness, we believe that this kind of "individualism" should be romanticist and not individualist in nature. Romanticists fled society - not to care about themselves and glorify their ego - but to discover a higher truth beyond what society could offer, to return to the masses and educate them about their faults. Most of the email we receive here at ANUS is positive feedback from people who appreciate what we're doing. To lighten up those who believe they are alone, to encourage intelligent people to rise up from depression and self-defeatism, and to spark new life in those souls that still roam alone and lost, we will archive selected emails that express appreciation for the American Nihilist Underground Society - You Are Not Alone! - Alex Hello. I've been a reader of your site for quite some time. I enjoy most of the articles published here. Naturally, I've drawn many of the same conclusions about the sickness of contemporary civilization as you have. Anyway, I was wondering why ANUS never has attempted to merge into the real world, as an actual organization, perhaps. I do believe that there are more individuals out there who acknowledge the same simple truths we do than we tend to assume. There should be ANUS chapters in every state! Although, I suppose it might then be ANS, considering the lack of "underground" nature in such an idea. I may have answered my own question if that is your intent... to solely operate "undergound." Keep up the good work, Friday, January 26, 2007 10:16 PM from xxx@xxx.xxx
I have to say, I cannot express how much your site, says everything I've been saying for years.....Eternal support! -Matt- Tuesday, January 16, 2007 6:41 PM from xxx@xxx.xxx
The information on this site helped me get through a very difficult time of confusion and despair. It helped me realize the strength inside me and provided a beacon of reason and personal dignity I so desperately was searching for. I think I now have a stronger and brighter outlook on my life and this site is responsible for a few really good kicks in the right direction. May you all live well and long. Sunday, January 21, 2007 9:12 PM from xxx@xxx.xxx
I believe in your ideals and believe that I can and will act/make them happen. I would like to join you in the cause. Monday, December 11, 2006 7:55 AM from xxx@xxx.xxx
Death Metal, Nihilism and TREND-REJECTION. Take me Aboard the mock Him good ship. Hail the metal of Death. Sunil/Anthrovore Monday, December 18, 2006 7:27 PM from xxx@xxx.xxx
Your posting about the holiday season put a smile on my face. Somebody will get bannana bread this year! Thank you. Props to the author who wrote it. Have a grand yule all of you! Thursday, December 28, 2006 9:38 AM from xxx@xxx.xxx
I am looking for help and hope you can. I need to know what the most deadly chemical that can be injected is. I am reasearching but cant find anything. I want to know what would be lethal when injected. and where or if you can obtain it and would prefer a substacne that works very fast and is toxic enough to be gauranteed to work. ty Sunday, January 7, 2007 1:49 AM from xxx@xxx.xxx
Greetings, I have been a lively reader, and promoter of the American Nihilist Underground Society. At this time I wish to be part of the cause that is ANUS. Essentially, The raison d'Ętre for this seemingly extraneous message is to inquire about how one becomes a writer on this site. Breakneck replies will be immensely appreciated. N. Friday, February 9, 2007 6:48 PM from xxx@xxx.xxx
Hi. I'm not really sure if this is the right place to send this message, but no matter. I've been reading CORRUPT material for quite a while, following it's development on an off since way back in the early days of ANUS. I first encountered it when I was 13 or so and looking for reviews of metal albums. I was impressed by the high intellectual caliber of the material, which was precisely the sort of thing I felt was so absent from the field at that point. Since then, I've visited the site on and off, and always found the attitudes of the writers to dovetail almost perfectly with my own intellectual/existential development. It has always been heartening to watch others reach the same conclusions as myself and evolve along the same patterns. -J Wednesday, February 14, 2007 4:22 PM from xxx@xxx.xxx
Greetings to you all from the wonderful lands of Stratford, Connecticut. I found my way to this site through researching metal a few years ago and have been intermittently visiting since. I find that the writings and ideas of the site are at the apex of all attempts at successful counterculture in the nihilistic vein and should be continued and preserved indefinitely to actively and passively combat what has become of the human condition. I myself have found a greater sense of my own being through readings on this site and related philosophy (namely the thought strains of Heidegger and Camus). Meditating and absorbing all forms of metal and grind has been the essence of my existence in the past 5 years of my being. Metal seems now as though it will be a lasting form of rebellion, as I have observed scores of little known musicians who still carry on the passion of the hessian way of life above creating rock star products to gain more recognition from there happy-go-lucky local scene peers. From my perspective this site is the most important of any dealing with the subject matter and I would take great pride in making an active contribution to what my mind functions with, around, and through. Sunday, February 18, 2007 5:15 PM from xxx@sbcglobal.net
Saludos, I just wanted to tell you boys that you are doing an excellent job up there. I truly believe that at this stage of things the world must go throught a great purge to get rid of all the scum, specially the producers in hollywood, those ones deserve to go first Anyhow, thanks for your outstanding contents and impressive essays. Alberto, proud Ibero-Latino descendant of conquerors. ˇBrazo en Alto! Thursday, March 8, 2007 5:35 PM from xxx@xxx.xxx
I LOVE your site! Keep upo the great work. x x x x x x
Tuesday, March 13, 2007 9:16 AM from xxx@xxx.xxx
The music reviews are excellent, the articles refreshingly sane and I find myself looking forward to the weekly radio show. Keep it up, another lurker Thursday, March 15, 2007 2:39 PM from xxx@xxx.xxx
Hi, I am a final year university student in Ankara, Turkey. I study International Relations. I have known ANUS for over five years now. I adore nihilism. Anyways, keep doing the awesome job guys. Regards, Tuesday, March 20, 2007 1:38 PM from xxx@xxx.xxx
[...] i would like to thank you for putting a little bit of meaning into my life, i listen to radio NIHIL every week. Wednesday, March 21, 2007 1:10 PM from xxx@xxx.xxx
hello A.N.U.S, I was recently introduced to your site by a friend and it has changed my life. I love the illumination of the articles and how rationally they cut through all of today's bullshit. I'm writing to say that i would like to join in any projects that you are working on, we need some action to spread our cause (or sabotage other destructive ones). Anyways Thank you for saying what i've always been thinking but was never able to express. I look forward to more articles and death metal. Saturday, March 24, 2007 5:36 PM from xxx@xxx.xxx
Thanks for being un-PC you are among the redeming factors present on the world wide web. steve Monday, April 2, 2007 2:33 PM from xxx@xxx.xxx
i really like this shit. it's by far the most cohesive replacement for today's schools of thought i've ever heard. Tuesday, April 3, 2007 9:38 PM from xxx@xxx.xxx
[...] thanks for the great site. Thanks to the Dark Legions Archives, I got into some really great music (Graveland, Ildjarn, Enslaved, etc.) and caught up on my black metal history. Thursday, April 5, 2007 1:01 PM from xxx@xxx.xxx
Greetings, Im an Icelander who has been a reader here (ogsa at Svenska Nihilistsallskapet) for quite some time now, your articles and viewpoints as those of Corrupt.org have changed my worldview. Nihilism has freed me from the constant feeling of guilt, confusion and weakness to feeling stronger, better and more alive than ever. Thank you! Wednesday, April 11, 2007 6:53 AM from xxx@xxx.xxx
i am exeptionally fond of this webiste. Filling the truth within the void of the world, especially Los Angeles, which is the capital of all materialism and shallowness please let me join
Wednesday, April 11, 2007 4:41 PM from xxx@xxx.xxx
I wish you were all african americans... You would be a great asset to my race... We need WAY more people like you, instead of all the "Equal" rights activists and lame ass idiotic rappers and phony mulatto politicians on TV... And thank you for the "Creating the African Superman" article...It really inspires me a lot.... Fuck the system!!!!! Down with shitty Democracy!!! Thursday, April 12, 2007 6:07 AM from xxx@xxx.xxx
What joy it gives me to actually say thanks for the years I've spent reading mock Him productions articles. I have been visiting this site since i was 14 and owe a great deal of thanks to this site for many of my view points and personal values. I only hope that one day we can all organize ourselves and try to change a few things in our communities. Maybe it will be possible for this to extend this message beyond the Internet and set up our own individual sects. Friday, April 13, 2007 12:44 AM from xxx@xxx.xxx
I've only been exposed to Nihilism and ANUS for a few months now, but I've read nearly every article on ANUS. I've known alot of these "facts" about society for a long time now, but until I learned of Nihilism, I didn't know if I was the only one thinking that. Currently I've been distributing some of the articles on ANUS to some of my friends and others that I think might be interested in them. I'd be honored to be able to join your organization. Death to the Underman. Friday, April 13, 2007 6:04 PM from xxx@xxx.xxx
Hi guys, Sunday, April 15, 2007 1:31 PM from xxx@yahoo.fr
Excellent site. The articles are a good read. Sunday, April 15, 2007 2:41 PM from xxx@xxx.xxx
I have been reading Anus.com and the Corrupt forums for some time now and have gained much learning, inspiration and new perspective from all I have read. at Sunday, April 15, 2007 11:53 PM from xxx@xxx.xxx
I'm a guy who has been a reader of this site for almost a couple of years, I share your point of view, even when I disagree with a few, but in general terms I think that this page is a great source of cultural info, and to share some ideas. Greetings. Saturday, April 14, 2007 10:22 PM from xxx@xxx.xxx
i love anus and corrupt. i'm just looking to learn more Wednesday, April 18, 2007 3:35 AM from xxx@xxx.xxx
I absolutely love this site. You guys are really getting your shit together. Your actualization of all the potential out there is inspiring. Radio NIHIL gets better with every week. I wouldn't mind contributing playlists if it's possible. I'm looking forward to the expansion of the Hall of History as well. ANUS/Corrupt for life! Wednesday, April 18, 2007 11:00 PM from xxx@xxx.xxx
I have been visiting corrupt.org as well as anus.com for a long time now and very much support your mission as well as agree with your political and social beliefs. Thursday, April 19, 2007 8:03 PM from xxx@xxx.xxx
Hello, I love the way the reviews are written !! They are excellent and fun to read !!!! thanks, Thursday, May 24, 2007 11:51 AM from xxx@xxx.xxx
ANUS has helped form the person i am today. i have been reading this site for about since i was 14 years old i am 23 now so thats 9 years. 9 years of studying this site and other stuff related too it has definitly made me a better person. i really dont no how to put into words other than ANUS has brought REAL meaning to my life.. and also has helped me along the way in various ways. keep up the good work. if there is ANYTHING i can do to represent and help promote or whatever please let me know. TIM Tuesday, June 12, 2007 8:49 PM from xxx@xxx.xxx
Keep up the good work guys! I am a noise artist and always get so much of inspiration from this site through the articles since it hass started.I would like to thank everyone who writes the articles and everyone who is involved in this site.Thank you. Mindfuckingboy. Saturday, August 11, 2007 0:30 AM from mindfboy@xxx.xxx
I honestly can't think of an introduction to this. I'm 15 years old and I've been reading ANUS and Corrupt for about a year or so now. I've completely accepted Nihilism into my life as my personal belief system. I can't even describe how much this website has assisted me personally. It has changed me into a better person, both through the articles, which I am an avid reader of, and the music(Metal and Classical). I honestly can't thank the team of this site enough. To digress somewhat here, I'd like to be a part of the American Nihilist Underground Society team, if that is possible. Once again, thank you for all of the psychological and philosophical support this website and its idealogy has given me every day. Thursday, October 25, 2007 5:34 PM from him66610@xxx.xxx
I came across your articlea about Jokela and the school shooting by accident and whoever wrote it RIGHT ON about the problems of the world. I just wanted to say that I completely agree with your stance and when I am president of this country I will change the world, but don't wait for me... continue to influence people in a positive way. You realize that if we continue as a civilization to behave this way then we will follow in the footsteps of Rome. God Bless Sunday, November 11, 2007 9:39 PM from GI@xxx.xxx
Fatalism was the darkest time in my life. Christianity and its God were forever shattered in my mind; I knew I couldn't go back, and when I looked around I saw the selfish insanity that drives most of the average (particularly Western) person's reasoning. What does a poor ex-Christian do, I thought, when he can no longer comfort himself with "They'll burn in hell someday while I relax in paradise forever?" I did what I suspect most people in my shoes have done; I lapsed into cynicism and hid in a world of fluffy escapism, I rejected the very thought that anything in our sad mortal lives was worth the trouble. I was waiting to die. Looking back on those days, I don't know what else to say, ANUS, other than "thanks." Monday, December 3, 2007 4:46 PM from zantief@xxx.xxx
Hello Anus, I have been reading your writings for a few months now, and I have to say that it is refreshing to know that other people in this world share the same general world view as me. The writings found on ANUS have also opened my eyes to philosophers that I previously have not heard of. I just want to express my gratitude to all of the writers at ANUS, especially Mr.Prozak. Thanks guys! Friday, December 28, 2007 8:43 AM from danielipana@xxx.xxx
been here with you guys for about 5 years now, Keep up the amazing work, your posts are great, they're an oasis for me here in the deadlands, thanks again. Friday, January 25, 2008 12:59 AM from sulobodmt@xxx.xxx
I'll admit i dont follow everything on anus as close as i probably should be, given my personal disposition on life. And im not gonna be one of those long soppy emails about my problems or graveling at your e-feet. I'll do my best to feed myself upon your postings and what anus has to offer. Its a wonderful site ive known for years and years but never took the time to really listen. Its about that time for me to listen. Thank you Alexis -S Thursday, June 3, 2008 4:21 AM from darkskydesign@xxx.xxx
Hi, This site is just amazing, you guys share the opinion I had since I was born. Your site is the only site on the Internet(ok with Corrupt) that is worth visiting. Yosh Wednesday, July 9, 2008 10:57 AM from masteretard@xxx.xxx