
American Nihilist Underground Society

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Letters: Existential wanderings

It is no news that modern society is broken from within. Most people are either depressed or naive enough to hang on to the system, that is currently enslaving people to serve money and bureaucracy, killing nature, and turning brave culture into a grey mass without identification. Our job here at ANUS is therefore to provide the intelligent segment of the West, with philosophy and hope, to take on the challenge of remaking modern society into something we can be proud of. It's not an easy task and obviously it takes a lot of effort and time, but knowing all the positive feedback we receive every week, there is in the mind of the nihilist only one way to go: ever onward.

- Alexis

From: nathanloso@xxx.xxx
To: hexen_666@xxx.xxx
Subject: Nate
Date: Sat, 30 Dec 2006 15:55:54 -0800 (PST)

After reading several articles, I've noticed a few notions of your opposition to plastics. My question is, at what degree does synthetic technology conform within your ideals? As an "Ecofascist," I understand how aversion to plastic is pertinent for environmental sustainability, but it's obvious that you utilize plastic for operating this website. Is it a temporary tool for you to circulate your beliefs, or do you envision it as a valuable commodity in a realist civilization?


Many times people will come up to me, thinking they're smart, exclaiming things like: "a-HA! You say you're against materialism, yet you also buy clothes, CDs, and computer parts - GOTCHA!". While we believe that plastic products are negative for the environment, as they're not recycable in the way that for instance regular paper would be, some products will still utilize this material. In our society we'd exchange plastic to something more environmental-friendly, where we could. The final problem will remain (overpopulation), but individually we can also help to ease the impact on the environment by simply avoiding food in plastic packeting, choosing something more sensible like wrapped paper or similar. We do need computers to run this site, like many of us probably will have children although we live on an overpopulated planet, but we make sure we leave as small footprint as possible, as well as we refuse having more children than we need. Everything can be used wisely, if we just remain sparse with the negative and instead focus on the positive. I hope this somewhat answers your question.


From: ted_heistman@xxx.xxx
To: hexen_666@xxx.xxx
Subject: Theodore Scott Heistman
Date: Mon, 1 Jan 2007 02:33:41 -0800 (PST)

I am a reptilian shape shifter.


I think one of the common misunderstandings regarding basic Darwinistic thought, is that "the strongest" survive. This somewhat draws its logic from the Social Darwinistic belief in natural selection through social and monetary grounds, creating a linear hierarchy, which from a pure biological perspective is incorrect. Knowing the original concept is "survival of the fittest" and nothing else, I admire your honesty.


From: Ted Heistman
To: -- Alexis --
Subject: RE: Theodore Scott Heistman
Date: Mon, 1 Jan 2007 13:03:47 -0800 (PST)


Thanks. I like your website. I have been reading a lot of the articles. I used to be into "Green Anarchy/Anarcho-primitivism" then interestingly enough, I got into animism and went on a vision quest/shamanic journey and realized that I am a dragon.

This had a profound effect on me and brought about a bit of a paradigm shift, that is still manifesting itself. But basically, I think what is needed in the world is a return to rule by a worthy aristocracy. I am descended from aristocrats. There are a lot of suffering aristocrats in the world, caught up in populist democratic ideals and afraid of their own power.

I agree with a lot of the articles in the A.N.U.S. archives. I can't support White Nationalism as it is, because of caste. Its my observation that poor even underclass blacks are like raw unrefined ore wheres underclass whites are more like mine tailings.

You have numerology in your e-mail adress. My full name reduces down to a master number 22. The number of the master builder. My goal in life is to dedicate myself to building a superior world.



Hi Theo,

Thanks for the interesting reply. I agree with you on the subject of White Nationalism and meritocracy; a caste system would fully utilize each individual capacity in ability, as well as denying idiots power over society at large. One of our missions is to inform all intelligent leaders of the current situation in the West, and reverse the democratic process into an ancient and traditional order of aristocracy, where only the most competent and intelligent people will rule.

If you wish to join us, you know my address.


From: nathanloso@xxx.xxx
To: hexen_666@xxx.xxx
Subject: Nate
Date: Tue, 2 Jan 2007 21:15:47 -0800 (PST)

I'm writing you to affirm my understanding of your philosophy. From what I gather you propose finding a middle ground between Realism and Romanticism. Realism defined as the acknowledgement of scientific evidence that we as humans have no real purpose other than what we create as abstractions in our own mind. That we are complex organisms developed through evolution. Death is inevitable and we live only to instinctually replicate ourselves, our lifetime being the negation of our descendents. We occupy an insignificant microcosm of organic life in an incomprehensively large and complex universe.
Romanticism being defined as the world views people uphold which are abstractions developed through societal culture as an adaptation to our growing cognitive abilities and conquest of nature; with the purpose of preventing a suicidal extinction of our species, resulting from realization of the absence of a greater purpose other than instinctual survival (Fatalism). The middle ground being nihilism; acknowledging no absolutions with a constant revaluation of all values to which best serves the survival of our species, more importantly to local populations; a polytypic civilization is the key for successful adaptation. Each side of the spectrum between Romanticism and Realism will lead to extinction or near it if taken to extremes, Fatalism being the extremity of Realism causing us to give up, and Cognitive Dissonance being the extremity of Romanticism causing us to ignore the actual source of our problems.
Do you think I have an understanding of the foundations of your philosophy? Does this polarity of extremes make any sense? If you can, and if necessary show me where I went astray in my thinking? As to which values to adopt is debatable and besides my point, is my notion of the underlying premise of ANUS accurate?


Hi Nathan,

I want to thank you for your mature understanding of our ideas and philosophy. One can see it as you do: our minds constantly balance between the inherent emptiness of our lives (fatalism) and the will to create purpose and meaning through the achievement of an ideal (idealism). Nihilism is the deconstruction of moral, social, and emotional boundaries, first as a form of fatalism (our lives are inherently empty), then as a realization that the physical reality most certainly is real (realism), and lastly that we can describe the physical mechanisms in reality, through abstract schemes such as structuralism or gravity (idealism). When we've come this far, we gain access to the key leading us beyond modern materialism and Judeo-Christian supernaturalism, beyond relativism and objectivism: mind and body share a function and it is therefore irrelevant to make a distinction between idea and form; they are One. Nihilism is therefore, according to our philosophy, the very basic gateway to understand and interpret reality as "objectively" as possible. When you've come this far, a whole new range of possibilities open up before you.

I rarely receive emails as mature as this one, please let me know if you'd like to work with us in the future.


From: addam81379@xxx.xxx
To: hexen_666@xxx.xxx
Subject: Adam
Date: Sun, 7 Jan 2007 01:49:06 -0800 (PST)

I am looking for help and hope you can. I need to know what the most deadly chemical that can be injected is. I am reasearching but cant find anything. I want to know what would be lethal when injected. and where or if you can obtain it and would prefer a substacne that works very fast and is toxic enough to be gauranteed to work. ty


Vote Liberal.

Thank you for your email,


To be a pagan means to be neither a jew, christian or muslim, paganisim generally means the worship of nature for every mountain, valley, stream, forest, plain & even orchard will have a god which presides over it.
Today we live in a utopian society because we are constantly told what we need & what will be good for us, our society is future driven on our proposed needs.

The new age movement is very pagan but as of late their are sometimes less new age magazines available at the newsagent even though we have reached new age.

Some influencial. powerful & secretive pagan societies is Thule, the theosophical society & indymedia.org which was developed by me & a close friend many years ago, sadly my friend recently passed away from cancer.

another good pagan site is http://www.druidry.org

I feel that pagans & enviromentalists must unite themselves & their must be one pagan faith I call this Intuanua which means into the new forest, of cause a financial empire is required & needs to be administrated by pagans & enviromentalist thinking farmers to combat judaisim, chritianity & islam.

at Thursday, January 11, 2007 6:40 PM from mantra@xxx.xxx


Thanks for an interesting read. While I believe that Judeo-Christianity is a destructive force and should be kept in the Middle East, I also tend to be critical when it comes to New Age movements, Neo-Pagan groups, or other forms of modern spiritual beliefs, as they tend to become closed collectivistic circles with often times incorrect interpretations of ancient Pagan beliefs. Wicca and Neo-Paganism belong to this group, as they often are humanist, multiculturalist, and feminist movements, trying to fuse Indo-European mythology with modernism.

I think your goal sounds intruiging, although I think it'd be contraproductive to try to centralize (and thus normalize) all distinct differences between European Pagan beliefs. As you might know, even if for example Hinduism and Germanic religion share common ideas, they are still two distinct beliefs. The modern enemy today is perhaps not as much Judeo-Christianity, as it is modernism as a whole. We've made the mistake before to focus on "evils" while we today recognize that the only way to reach a symbiosis with the natural order, is to focus on what we CAN do. There is indeed a common base on which Pagans and Environmentalists can co-work on; the Pagans believed in Gods and Goddesses reincarnated in Mother Nature, and thus knew that man and nature was inseparable. This is opposed to Judeo-Christian thought, where God resides in an external Heaven somewhere, smoking pot and drinking wine while declaring world peace.

In short, secret societies like Freemasonry and Wicca groups, are inherent failures as they selfishly isolate themselves from the impact of modern society, which of course cannot be done; when the waters are polluted, the air is unclean, the city is a wreck, and our culture is nothing but remains of the glory 2000 years ago, we know that we need to work together to create a lasting change. I like the idea of letting Pagans, Traditionalists, and Environmentalists work together on this, but do not think secret movements are the right way, but open collaboration to fight the actual problem: modern society.



at Thursday, January 11, 2007 8:20 PM from semihazaznihil@xxx.xxx


While it seems to me that we all hate sometimes, hate is at core an emotional reaction, a response to something that has offended the individual in one way or another. Thus it's not productive but destructive, unless channelized into black metal music or sodomy activities.

We at ANUS do not hate, but instead love, and are driven forward by this emotion and will. One could perhaps call us Romanticists, which we admit we are, but I usually refer to the belief of Integralism: we're one with the natural order, so why hate a part of something that sustains us, when you can love it all?


I have to say, I cannot express how much you're site, says everything I've been saying for years.....Eternal support!


at Tuesday, January 16, 2007 6:41 PM from aphexacid93@xxx.xxx

Hi Matt,

Thanks a lot for your kind words, we love to receive feedback from our readers. This is partly why we're still doing this: we know there are other people out there who share our vision of a better society.

If you ever want to work with us, don't hesitate to contact me!


Dear Quorthon,
Dude, you rule. I mean it. You are a true pioneer. Every black metal band in existence today owes you a debt of gratitude for giving birth to their genre along with Venom. And your music, whoa... From the simplistic, but revolutionary beginnings to the thrashing of Octagon to the epic, Viking Metal of your most recent work.

This stuff is amazing. Great, galloping riffs and doom-like pronouncements of the elements. And gallant acoustic guitar passages that literally sound like they come from the late 1200s. Your ability to arrange music and convey mood is absolutely incredible.

But you can't sing worth a s%@$...

It's not that you don't have good lyrical concepts or melodies. You do. I love the low, solemn reflections and twisted harmonies. It's just that you physically can't sing worth a s&@$. Whatever gift people are born with in this area, you missed Christmas. When you start singing on "Mother Earth Father Thunder" on Nordland I, I want to literally crawl under a desk. You think you're saying "Fuck you" to us. But you're really saying "Fuck you" to yourself. Who's going to take that voice seriously?

It's bad. Someone's 6-year old brother would be a better vocalist. That's right. Little Danny Kimble would have more tonal command.

Come on, it's not like you wouldn't still be the front-man. We all know you're the main man, the genius behind Bathory all these years, The Pioneer, for chrissakes. No matter who is standing on the stage with you, we will hail you.

And can you imagine how good Bathory would be with an Eric Adams of Manowar, say, on lead vocals? Do you want me to say "Bathory is one of the best metal bands on the planet"? I want to say those words. Help me say those words. In the immortal words of Dr. Evil, throw me a friggin' bone here, Quorthon.

Listen, you know I am a loyal citizen. I even posted a photo of you doing guitar dips over a waterfall (when you still had some hair) on our website.

But you must stop singing. Please! That is bloody terrible! Even your slaves—errr...drummers must be close to revolt!

As a final argument, I submit that a viking who sang like this would have been strapped to a boulder and sent to the bottom of the North Sea. Don't we deserve the same consideration?

By: Ladd Everitt

Whats Your Coment To This Shit I Found On Some Crapy Site

at Wednesday, January 17, 2007 12:28 AM from tesat@xxx.xxx


My comment on this text is that he's partly right, but seems to have focused too much on a special part of the music of Bathory. Quorthon was never a professional singer, he was a brilliant composer of post-trash black metal music, and that is how most of us remember him when we listen to his albums. Of course I can agree that he didn't quite nail the tonal heights he wanted to achieve when singing clean, but on the other hand, albums like "Twilight of the Gods" seem to prove they are masterpieces despite Quorthon's singing voice. In fact, many fans seem to feel that it's an essential part of the music as a whole, creating a certain epic and improvisational feeling other bands never really got into.

In short, I think the criticism is uninteresting: in all chains there's a weak point, but looking at something from a larger perspective, the music and power of Bathory remains as one of the greatest metal experiences in modern time.


What's wrong with Jews or non-whites in metal?


You shouldn't be so closed minded. Black metal and any elitist form of music will always be consumed by the crowd because people like you will always reject them. I am saddened by the fact that you misunderstand this.

Anus.com is my favorite website, even though myself, I too am non-white. I am caught between two worlds:

The crowd who cares only with plastic useless rewards, image, popularity and vast illusion (especially my race which is African American).

And those like you elitists who don't give a damn about who you offend, but offend so many your point never gets across. I probably agree with 90% of the material you write (With the exception of Satanism as any form of factual thought, which I am strongly opposed too). But when it somes to race, you need a more realistic understanding.

You might not think you're racist, but racial separatism is by definition racist, unless compromise is being made for the benefit of both of our peoples. If for example my tribe was to be extradited from this country, where would we go? Africa? We as a people feel as much ownership of this country as much as you Indo-Europeans do, whether or not the laws and or principles were or are made for white people. Slavery was the worst thing to happen to my people and your people, but my people leaving this country is unacceptable. If anyone is going to leave this country, it should be your people.

Your ancestors brought us from our countries over here to perform free labor without any pay whatsoever, not to mention the abuse, the mistreatment and the injustice that we have been burdened with. You're saying so what? Not my problem, its their problem? Caring for your own above others will always lead you nowhere.

But peaceful compromise with my race and other races will lead to a better future for both blacks and whites altogether.

Unless you are willing to compromise and help my tribe and other tribes to strengthen ourselves, if not, then your demanding the removal of my people will lead to serious repercussions of your own. Hence why blacks commit violent crimes aginst your people, or black men breeding with white women and crime, poverty, disease, and other misfortunes will haunt your people and so on and so forth.

It would be better for you (Hence you the oppressors and initiators of my people affliction in the first place) to leave America for Europe and rebuild your own nations and leave this Country to us, since we mostly built it anyway, and since we will never leave, it makes you look racist for politely telling us to leave and for you to suggest anything in the sort of force upon us in anyway whatsoever.

Thank you,
From your biggest supporter,
Adrian Clipps McCoy

at Thursday, January 25, 2007 3:56 AM from artist@xxx.xxx


What's wrong with Jews or non-whites in metal?

to my knowledge, nothing. i think jews and non-whites should get into metal and use it to develop the Romantic traditions of their traditional cultures.

You shouldn't be so closed minded. Black metal and any elitist form of music will always be consumed by the crowd because people like you will always reject them. I am saddened by the fact that you misunderstand this.

i am interested in your idea here: elitist music will always be consumed by the crowd because we reject them. does them mean "the crowd" or "Jews and non-whites"?

Anus.com is my favorite website, even though myself, I too am non-white. I am caught between two worlds:

The crowd who cares only with plastic useless rewards, image, popularity and vast illusion (especially my race which is African American).

And those like you elitists who don't give a damn about who you offend, but offend so many your point never gets across. I probably agree with 90% of the material you write (With the exception of Satanism as any form of factual thought, which I am strongly opposed too). But when it somes to race, you need a more realistic understanding.

You might not think you're racist, but racial separatism is by definition racist, unless compromise is being made for the benefit of both of our peoples. If for example my tribe was to be extradited from this country, where would we go? Africa? We as a people feel as much ownership of this country as much as you Indo-Europeans do, whether or not the laws and or principles were or are made for white people. Slavery was the worst thing to happen to my people and your people, but my people leaving this country is unacceptable. If anyone is going to leave this country, it should be your people.

i view these as secondary after we agree on the principle: blacks should govern blacks, and whites, whites. i agree on slavery being a terrible idea. i'm not opposed to several sub-nations in america. however, i think the best option for blacks is to reclaim africa and kick everyone else out. this gives them an identifiable homeland and significant resources to use together.

my first and primary focus is this: pluralism, or the coexistence of differing ideas as a foundation to a society, does not work. not religion, not ethnicity, not culture. for this reason, political separation of whites, blacks and other races is needed. physical separation makes sense. if we agree on this, we have a hopeful starting point.

whether blacks go to africa or stay in the USA is not something i concern myself with vastly. however, for them to maintain the greatest amount of autonomy, having a continent is better than having a settlement within one.

Your ancestors brought us from our countries over here to perform free labor without any pay whatsoever, not to mention the abuse, the mistreatment and the injustice that we have been burdened with. You're saying so what? Not my problem, its their problem? Caring for your own above others will always lead you nowhere.

well, for starters, i'm pretty sure my ancestors did not. fewer than 5% of texans owned slaves, and fewer than 2% of all whites did, and most of those who did own slaves were newly-wealthy anglocelts, not germans. (many germans found slavery abhorrent and a stupid idea; they were right, of course).

i do not see my position as one of "not my problem." the more correct formulation is: not my place to say. african-americans must rule african-americans and i am not african-american, thus cannot do that. i can say that from a strategy/realism perspective, repatriation to africa and taking ownership of that continent (e.g. south african whites and zimbabwean whites out, and so on) gives africans the greatest political power and autonomy.

But peaceful compromise with my race and other races will lead to a better future for both blacks and whites altogether.

i agree, and that's why i work toward this end, despite receiving criticism from many of my "white" brethren. i don't think it's fair to act without regard for the welfare of other people or other races, but in achieving that welfare, one must do what is most sensible.

one reason i would like ethnic separation and white self-rule: we've got a lot of white parasites who need to go away in one way or another. we can't really do that in a multicultural society, and if there are other societies nearby, it may be criticized as "weakening" the society in question. it is for this same reason that an african-american state in america might experience instability.

were i african, this would be my intention:

i would like to do the same to whites, esp. purging our useless and violent and cruel people along with the stupid and dysfunctional.

Unless you are willing to compromise and help my tribe and other tribes to strengthen ourselves, if not, then your demanding the removal of my people will lead to serious repercussions of your own. Hence why blacks commit violent crimes aginst your people, or black men breeding with white women and crime, poverty, disease, and other misfortunes will haunt your people and so on and so forth.

It would be better for you (Hence you the oppressors and initiators of my people affliction in the first place) to leave America for Europe and rebuild your own nations and leave this Country to us, since we mostly built it anyway, and since we will never leave, it makes you look racist for politely telling us to leave and for you to suggest anything in the sort of force upon us in anyway whatsoever.

i think we are willing to help, at least intelligent white people are. however, this does not change the practical argument i outlined above.

there are problems with returning americans to europe, at least any part but england, and even that will obliterate the mix there. if nothing else, we would aim for partition, but that leaves future problems to be created.

i would like to remove all white people from africa esp. some of the profiteers, who might face execution.

i agree with everything you've said here in concept, but in method we are still differing. it is entirely possible we'll come to an agreement.

thank you for reading anus.com and hope to hear from you soon



Hello. I've been a reader of your site for quite some time. I enjoy most of the articles published here. Naturally, I've drawn many of the same conclusions about the sickness of contemporary civilization as you have.

Anyway, I was wondering why ANUS never has attempted to merge into the real world, as an actual organization, perhaps. I do believe that there are more individuals out there who acknowledge the same simple truths we do than we tend to assume. There should be ANUS chapters in every state! Although, I suppose it might then be ANS, considering the lack of "underground" nature in such an idea. I may have answered my own question if that is your intent... to solely operate "undergound."

Keep up the good work,


at Friday, January 26, 2007 10:16 PM from nick@xxx.xxx

Hi Nick,

Your positive feedback is much appreciated, thank you!

ANUS has a lot of influence on different organizations and people around the world, but it has remained as a sort of think-tank due to its elitist nature. We do however collaborate with a pragmatic organization, CORRUPT.org, which is intended to function as a real political and cultural movement, working globally. If you agree with our ideas you will most likely find CORRUPT to be of importance.


stubble instead lol the handle running out like an old server, but it's not get his anus to fight. Mac: hi tcs skempel is a place down hill, then it's running bear! this annoying guy who is fucking EARS got better not /b/ CHARLETONZLKJASD I AM BUSY Please have fun, But exodia a pool PARTY for me. Didn't say something different? wetfish when my 2x a lan party at building looked like an.

[20:06] <%red> going to a .000005% chance Anyway, lol i think girls dont LET

at Saturday, February 17, 2007 5:13 PM from mr.man@xxx.xxx


While I admire your sense of playing with post-modern sentence-structure, the basic syntax reveals itself as deprived of something more...meaningful?

Nonetheless, I'm known for my generosity, thus inviting you in to an exclusive movie night:

REALITY (2007)


Wake up, you're a facist!! You've become what you hate. Listen to you scorning the voters ... who are you to pass judgement according to what you deem to be "the truth" ? (The truth is different for EVERY PERSON!) I'm with you that the world is in trouble, and much needs to be done, but you'd do well to lead by example, not by dangerous inflammatory rhetoric. This path leads to much suffering.

at Wednesday, February 21, 2007 6:26 PM from baraka@xxx.xxx


Thanks for your email. We are fascists because we believe that only the capable in our society should take on the role of a leader. We cannot exchange leadership for symbolic votes or political slogans. This is not "our truth," but reality: all people have different abilities, and leadership is one of them. The amount of suffering has only increased in democratic socities, and will continue to wreck ecosystems, civilizations, and cultures, if we do not find a new design that will grant us positions in society after ability, not money or greed. A better question to you would be: what are you afraid of?


hey you guys dont have anything on nargaroth no one does i need to find out more about them if there is anyway you can help let me know! thx and keep shit fucking brutal Mia

at Monday, February 26, 2007 9:44 AM from brutalbm@xxx.xxx

Hi Mia,

We do. Check out the following bands to find out what Nargaroth is all about:



I live in northern california, and I see all the race's sticking together against the white man. Is there a group I can join or give some advice how to start one.


at Monday, February 26, 2007 8:34 PM from misfit6@xxx.xxx

Hi Ryan,

Thank you for your email. I was hoping to answer that question in an appropriate manner, but since I've been busy lately, working on a new Auschwitz (tm) Death Camp, I really can't give this as much time as I'd thought. We're working here to racially cleanse all White morons and hippies, who have destroyed Western society and turned it into a consumerist-capitalist hell. Financed by rich Jews and Blacks, we're re-introducing Hitler's "Arbeit Macht Frei"-theory, hoping to gas as many moronic Whites as possible. So far we've got Britney Spears, George W Bush, and that stupid hippie doing the Taco Bell commercials on TV, on our Death List.

Please let me know if you want to join our Cause, to help save the White Race from its own stupidity.

For the only TRUE Aryan brotherhood available,

Alexis, Führer of American Nihilist Underground Society

hi, i dont know if im mailing this to the right address or not...but i do have a few questions on your heavy metal section (sorry if this isnt to the right section!)

i was wondering, how do you guys obtain all the releases that you review? several releases are extremely obscure. do you guys download from torrent sites, or do you just get lucky in independent record stores? (if the latter is true, well then im quite jealous.)

also, why do you not have any punk reviews? im not talking about your mainstream garbage, but the crust punk/powerviolence/hardcore scenes. (not that moron street thug "hardcore") either. the only punk band i saw on here is Disfear, who are quite great, but there are many who i think you guys would appreciate.

sorry, last question. a few metal bands, such as Judas Iscariot, Vomitory (unless i missed them), Aura Noir, Vlad Tepes, and various other bands are not present. id imagine you guys either havent gotten around to reviewing them, but i read that you guys dont like Cannibal Corpse (i do, but i see your reasoning why you dont like them), so maybe you dont like these other bands too?

well, if you do answer this, thank you for your time. sorry for making this so long. i dont necessarily agree with the philosophy of your site, but i applaud you for sticking to your guns and writing what you believe. thanks!

at Tuesday, March 6, 2007 10:55 PM from parasite8508@xxx.xxx


thanks for reading, and writing in.

i was wondering, how do you guys obtain all the releases that you review?

we buy them. many were bought a decade ago for a radio show. if we cannot find something, we will download it usually by asking the band.

also, why do you not have any punk reviews? im not talking about your mainstream garbage, but the crust punk/powerviolence/hardcore scenes. (not that moron street thug "hardcore") either. the only punk band i saw on here is Disfear, who are quite great, but there are many who i think you guys would appreciate.

agreed. we have reviews of punk hardcore, crust and more grindcore planned for the future :)

sorry, last question. a few metal bands, such as Judas Iscariot, Vomitory (unless i missed them), Aura Noir, Vlad Tepes, and various other bands are not present. id imagine you guys either havent gotten around to reviewing them, but i read that you guys dont like Cannibal Corpse (i do, but i see your reasoning why you dont like them), so maybe you dont like these other bands too?

we have reviews planned for vlad tepes in the future, and possibly vomitory. we like the idea of judas iscariot (minimalist, hateful black metal) but aren't really liking the music except the "dethroned, conquered and forgotten" EP. note that previous akhenaten project Sarcophagus does have a review.

well, if you do answer this, thank you for your time. sorry for making this so long. i dont necessarily agree with the philosophy of your site, but i applaud you for sticking to your guns and writing what you believe. thanks!

we appreciate you saying so, and look for new writings soon!


I was wondering what was it that really matters... There is alot of talk of what doesn't matter, and I agree with it (what I can comprehend, that is) whole-heartedly. Most of what people say and do is basically mental junk food. But in my mind "what really matters" boils down to what makes the subject happy.

Lets say Jordan feverishly loves everything to do with antiques. He collects them, keeps them lookin' nice, and marvels at their shiney old glory. All that matters in Jordan's world is antiques and he will do whatever he has to do to have antiques in his life. Antiques make him happy.

In the long run (for me) antiques dont matter. In fact, I would say I think antiques are a waste of time, money, and energy in every sense of all of those words. Instead of antiques, I like reading and thinking and making thought out and well-planned decisions in my life. That makes me happy.

so what really matters is being happy, right?

Wouldnt that mean that eating burgers matters just as much as reading books (depending on the person)?

So whats wrong with sitting around doing nothing? In the end isnt it the same as being active?

Try not to get stuck up in semantics with the words like "happy". All Im asking is, if the person enjoys to do said thing then isnt it meaningful?

Im asking for your personal opinion of course.


at Monday, March 12, 2007 9:15 AM from daltontosolt@xxx.xxx

Hi Dalton,

The idea that as long as people are happy, society prospers, is often called 'utilitarianism,' which at first may seem like a good idea; like you say, if we consume fast food and enjoy that, why is that wrong?

Here's the deal: just because we are amused by something, doesn't make it useful, meaningful, or even positive. Most people today enjoy watching TV and shopping at supermarkets, not knowing they are political tools who sell their soul to business interests. It's important for individuals to be happy, but 'happiness' is a vague concept that we cannot base our society upon, as it only focus on the individual and its material well-being. Most people claim they're 'happy' in material welfare, yet we all know this is not true. In other words, many people are not sure of what makes them happy, and are often misled and misguided by things, that in the long run will make them sad and angry.

Happiness is important, but there are short-term ideas of happiness, and more holistic approaches to happiness, such as overcoming goals to fight for an ideal. A society stops to function properly, once a mass of people scream for material comfort, neglecting the other factors in life, such as a healthy nature. The best happiness stems, not from the ego, but from the understanding of and love to life as a whole. That's beyond most people, yet history seems to agree: we were better off before, even though we didn't have junk food and TV-screens in every part of our life.


I hope this reaches you and respond accordingly,

As the majority have been impressed with your extensive knowledge of the philosophical approach to Extreme Metal and complimenting bands that add much more dexterity and intricate features than required, i believe that there are a few bands which you have either not had the time to review their albums, or haven't seen any justifying reason as to mention them. These bands are as follows:

Necrophagist: It isn't a surprise that a solid number of underground, sane metalheads haven't come across the unparalleled sense of destruction, skill and melodic components all into one brilliant band. Very few people actually recognize the skill involved, not because it isn't obvious, on the contrary, but the reason being is that thise band have dabbled far beyond the limits of what the average single minded person could appreciate of even withstand.

Nile: This band have been around for several years now and are known by name for their dexterity. I understand that this band have no real philosophical concept behind their music, although they do incorporate musical intelligence and artistry in their songs to create one of the most skilled bands within the history of metal. However they are egregiously knowledgeable about the history of ancient Egypt, as member Karl Sanders is completely interested in it. I do suggest their latest album, "Annihilation Of The Wicked" although from what i have read of your reviews, you enjoy a band with a specific direction.

Beneath The Massacre: A band which could, more or less, suit your taste and comprehension of Death Metal. One of my personal favourite technical death metal bands because they focus on the self destructive nature of humanity and see idealogies such as democracy and religion to be curropt and complete delusions. Very skilled band, and very intelligable to.

I hope you found anything useful to extract from this, i truly would like to read your very own reviews of such bands...please do keep up the excellent job and you are one of the few who give metal it's real direction and taste.


at Thursday, February 8, 2007 4:43 AM from cosmological_aeon@xxx.xxx


thank you for writing in.

i appreciate your words and that you read what is written on this site. we are doing our best to keep up with (a) past glories and (b) present activities. i find nile to be interesting and plan to explore their earlier works in greater depth; i've bookmarked "beneath the massacre" (who seem to be allied with galy records, who've done some great work in the past) for future exploration. i would also recommend sanders' solo work, which is ambient but of interesting dimensions. we continue our mission to make metal seen as the genre of vast power and portent that it is.


V. Prozak

Hello (I'm assuming the one reading this is Prozak)
First i have to say: Thank you. The DLA (which i sometimes think is a little over-elitist) is a great resource.

Q1: Do you have any recommendations for a 17 year old wanting to learn about romantacism and ancient ideologies represented in classical music?

Q2: "Race is important: Racism is not". Whilst looking apon racism as being petty, everyone still regards Burzum as being oh so great. I like reading Varg's articles on his official site, and I am caught somewhere between racism and anti-racism. What's the go with supporting so Burzum to the extent of (ChristianHolocaust I think) owning a Burzum fanpage?

Q3: How come Abyssic Hate aren't mentioned in the DLA when (I'm pretty sure of this...) you sell AH shirts? Im pretty sure i came across an ANUS store?

Q4: The DLA doesn't like the 'cheese' in the clean vox in Amorphis' 'Tales from the thousand lakes'. I love clean vox: and thoroughly enjoyed that album's. Know any death/black bands that make good use of clean vox? I'd like to hear them.

Q5: I downloaded the Neoclassical Comp vol2 about 2 days after it was posted, and I'm still listening to it. I love it, but this is the only lot of neoclassical I have (save "The Serpent's Egg" which I havent had time to listen to yet). Any recommendations? I especially liked the tracks by Loreena McKennitt and NVN Nation, though I liked every track.

A little request too: could you please add more to the classical and neoclassical reviews section?

I think that'll do for now. Thanks for reading (and hopefully answering :)). Keep up the great work.

at Sunday, February 4, 2007 4:06 AM from metal4tunes@xxx.xxx


First i have to say: Thank you. The DLA (which i sometimes think is a little over-elitist) is a great resource.

thank you for reading and writing in.

Q1: Do you have any recommendations for a 17 year old wanting to learn about romanticism and ancient ideologies represented in classical music?

yes: read music history, starting with

there are numerous resources for this, but we have not yet compiled a guide.

Q2: "Race is important: Racism is not". Whilst looking apon racism as being petty, everyone still regards Burzum as being oh so great. I like reading Varg's articles on his official site, and I am caught somewhere between racism and anti-racism. What's the go with supporting so Burzum to the extent of (ChristianHolocaust I think) owning a Burzum fanpage?

i am an anti-racist nationalist and so stand for nationalism but despise callow racism. burzum is supported i think mostly for musical reasons.

Q3: How come Abyssic Hate aren't mentioned in the DLA when (I'm pretty sure of this...) you sell AH shirts? Im pretty sure i came across an ANUS store?

there is an ANUS store? we used to work with "evilmusic.com," a metal distro, and they may have them, but we have no content influence there.

Q4: The DLA doesn't like the 'cheese' in the clean vox in Amorphis' 'Tales from the thousand lakes'. I love clean vox: and thoroughly enjoyed that album's. Know any death/black bands that make good use of clean vox? I'd like to hear them.

gorgoroth did on a later work, and enslaved have in the past, but in general, few do this well.

Q5: I downloaded the Neoclassical Comp vol2 about 2 days after it was posted, and I'm still listening to it. I love it, but this is the only lot of neoclassical I have (save "The Serpent's Egg" which I havent had time to listen to yet). Any recommendations? I especially liked the tracks by Loreena McKennitt and NVN Nation, though I liked every track.

i would further explore those artists and nordic folk artists like "vaesen"

A little request too: could you please add more to the classical and neoclassical reviews section?

we will be in the future. we appreciate the words of support!

I think that'll do for now. Thanks for reading (and hopefully answering :)). Keep up the great work.

we'll do our best, in no small part because we've got folks like you out there reading.


V. Prozak

I don't know whether I've sent it to the right place...I mean to send this to S.R Prozak.

I came across the American Nihilist Underground Society website again about half a year ago, having only seen the metal section previously.

What I read when I realised the primary content of the site truely amazed me and opened up my mind to new perspectives and ideas and made me realise that I have, in some respects, already been a nihilist for a while and lived outside modern society to some extent.

At one point, your writings "destroyed" my spirituality. I felt disconnected from the spiritual and felt rather depressed. However, my spirituality returned and I have so far "integrated" nihilism into my interpretation of spirituality with success.

Very recently, and with great clarity and potency, I realised the falsity of reality and it came as quite a shock. Despite my spirituality, everything I see appears to be fake. I no longer see anything in what the majority do. The only things that matter to me now are nature, people, learning and the like. I feel quite at peace, hardly feel any negative emotions and do not wish to harm anything or anyone, regardless of the way I now look at the world.

Is this an undesirable psychological state or something brought on by misdirection or have you and/or other nihilists had a similar experience?

at Saturday, February 3, 2007 2:35 AM from inthisworldofnohope@xxx.xxx


thanks for reading the site, and writing in.

I came across the American Nihilist Underground Society website again about half a year ago, having only seen the metal section previously.

What I read when I realised the primary content of the site truely amazed me and opened up my mind to new perspectives and ideas and made me realise that I have, in some respects, already been a nihilist for a while and lived outside modern society to some extent.

At one point, your writings "destroyed" my spirituality. I felt disconnected from the spiritual and felt rather depressed. However, my spirituality returned and I have so far "integrated" nihilism into my interpretation of spirituality with success.

Very recently, and with great clarity and potency, I realised the falsity of reality and it came as quite a shock. Despite my spirituality, everything I see appears to be fake. I no longer see anything in what the majority do. The only things that matter to me now are nature, people, learning and the like. I feel quite at peace, hardly feel any negative emotions and do not wish to harm anything or anyone, regardless of the way I now look at the world.

Is this an undesirable psychological state or something brought on by misdirection or have you and/or other nihilists had a similar experience?

this is not an undesirable psychological state; it is a transitional one.

this is what nietzsche called "going under," or returning to re-evaluate values by first removing all values and becoming isolated in nothingness. you are on the path to removing all falseness, and then reconstructing your values based on your spirituality, or metaphysical path through life.

this is a rite of passage all of us have undergone, and all future thinkers must undergo.

your peaceful state of mind shows that presence of:

(a) will / holism ("spirituality" - i am not mocking the term, but renaming it for technical reasons)
(b) nihilism (loss of belief in all things)

there is a passage through nihilism to a pragmatic idealism: a junction of realism (body) and idealism (mind) that enables us to cease being individuals, and exploit a continuous state of existence between individual and whole in which we have a harmonic part.

related information:

again, we appreciate that you read our writings -- it is for such intelligent people that we write. please stay in touch as you go on your journey.


V. Prozak

this message is aimed at Vijay Prozak!

Greetings! thanks for answering my email,i've come to the realisation that this whole vinyl vs cd debate is another trick of consumerism to make one feel better choosing one format over the other.
thanks for clearing that up.How's life for the nihilist there in texas? currently i reside in new york city, the most despicable place in the country.Living here feels like reciting poems on the floor of the ny stock exchange,abhorrent.It really makes one see how low the world has fallen when our beliefs are considered insane,while their beliefs are pc and normal.
After rolling around on the net some time ago,i noticed some of the reviews of your site!how pathetic!How sad and pathetic that clueless imbeciles are allowed to open their feces staind mouths!Victims of their own ignorance.its like being stranded at the bottom of a dark well and throwing shit at the kind soul that is slowly offering you a rope with which you can climb out!they should have their fucked lips sown shut with aids laced barbed wire. any way thanks once more dear comrade in arms for the selfless service you provide to those of us whose hearts are still beating{though faintly}!

With honor,respect,and awe
your faithfull reader who get nourishment out of the words you write!{sorry for the typos and imperfections}

at Wednesday, February 14, 2007 4:12 PM from ayrapetov@xxx.xxx


thanks for writing back.

Greetings! thanks for answering my email,i've come to the realisation that this whole vinyl vs cd debate is another trick of consumerism to make one feel better choosing one format over the other.

for most of us, this is true. i'm more concerned about getting the master tapes to classic metal recordings and saving them for future forms of sound-media.

thanks for clearing that up.How's life for the nihilist there in texas? currently i reside in new york city, the most despicable place in the country.Living here feels like reciting poems on the floor of the ny stock exchange,abhorrent.It really makes one see how low the world has fallen when our beliefs are considered insane,while their beliefs are pc and normal.

big cities are the vanguard of this falling world. it's hard to resist but worth it. people are PC to feel better about themselves while they go off stealing money or "earning" it via theft

After rolling around on the net some time ago,i noticed some of the reviews of your site!how pathetic!How sad and pathetic that clueless imbeciles are allowed to open their feces staind mouths!Victims of their own ignorance.its like being stranded at the bottom of a dark well and throwing shit at the kind soul that is slowly offering you a rope with which you can climb out!they should have their fucked lips sown shut with aids laced barbed wire. any way thanks once more dear comrade in arms for the selfless service you provide to those of us whose hearts are still beating{though faintly}!

we do it for those who still have souls, so that some might survive. humanity isn't all bad. it's worth fighting for!

the hatred of morons is our badge of honor here at ANUS. but they do seem persistent, don't they?


March 12, 2007