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Letters, letters...It's never quiet out there. Someone's thinking. You can just about feel it. Now, depending on who they are, the thoughts may be complete nonsense or something with vision. We've selected letters, mostly from the latter category, for your enjoyment and the elucidation that real world questions bring to abstract theory... Date: Mon, 1 Aug 2005 23:33:20 -0700 (PDT) (This is a continuation of the emails from a blonde and her friend.) As you and I agree that culture and race are inseparable, what then do we as Americans do for culture and ethnic heritage? I myself am mostly English, with a lot of German and a bit of Dutch. You seem to have a very harsh view towards the English and see them as a mixed group much like Americans. I find this odd though considering that England is far more Nordic than Germany which you seem to hold up as a beacon of tribal purity within Indo-European populations. If England is so mixed, what elements and at what times have caused this admixture? I know that I myself am far more Nordic in appearance than the 100% Swedish family that lives up the road. And seeing as I am of mixed tribe (not being 75% of anything) what culture would I associate myself with? What are your views on the term "Aryan." I know that many see it as a dubious term and avoid it altogether. Julius Evola seemed to view it as more of a spiritual aristocracy rather than the Nazi's "zoological" notion of racial purity. Surely there is still an "Aryan" caste in India which signifies the aristocracy and upper classes, but these people don't display the traditional signs of what we think of as "Aryan" in the West i.e. blonde hair blue eyes. The view of many seem to be there were various stages of Aryan conquest out of the north and that the Germanic people were the last such group. Do you agree with this and the view that these people have been responsible for the establishment of all the earth's great civilizations? Lastly, what do you say to those who state that no pure Germanic or "Aryan" race even exists anymore but has dissipated through mixing with various tribal elements throughout the ages? Oh, and what are you anyways? Me? I'm black. "Pure" is a difficult concept for me. I'm not sure anything is "pure." I do know that with admixture, however, races lose their unique traits; it's common sense that thousands of generations of selective breeding produce a detailed profile, but when that is hybridized, the offspring has only a partial profile. This is why, "pure" or "impure" or other, racial admixture is destructive to all races involved. You seem to be mostly Germanic; the northwest Europeans are quite similar, excepting cases of obvious admixture. Call yourself English or nativist American (America was founded by English and Germans), and breed with someone like you. Uphold the cultures of German and English tribes. That's a fair course of action, I think; what do you think? "Aryan" is a difficult word. It refers to the highest caste of the Indo-Europeans, which was not just white/blond/blue but also spiritually quite advanced. I'm not sure we have any "Aryans" left, but "Aryan" remains a generic term of address for the most evolved subset of the Caucasians, often called Hyperboreans: those who chose to make a Northern pilgrimage for many generations, and thus exerted upon themselves the highest degree of natural selection experienced by humanity. Aryan remnants abound in Western Europe and America. I think we should work with those, and not breed them with other "white" groups including those of pre-Hyperborean (Falisch) or Slavic stock. Those other groups need to breed among themselves to produce the best humans they can. Either way, they have a right to exist on their own, as what they are, and should be protected from admixture and intervention by nutcase (Clinton) Americans. It's really not very complicated, but the amount of fear the word "Aryan" instills these days precludes rational debate on the topic for most people. More's the pity - one cannot discuss evolution without discussing human evolution, and as soon as these damn pretend Nazis get out of the way, we'll be able to have mature discussions (without namecalling directed at African-Americans, or the fear of revealing that Africans are a lower rung on the evolutionary ladder: in short, without moralizing pro/con the evolutionary status of other groups, including Slavs and Africans) about this topic again. Mazel tov! Thanks for some insightful questions.
From: SilverEyez2@xxx.xxx
Date: Mon, 8 Aug 2005 22:36:53 EDT Subject: (no subject) To: prozak@xxx.xxx
um what happened to Children of Bodem, Cradle of Filth, Tool, Dark I imagine they're still making execrable music somewhere. There's two ways to view life: if you acknowledge the negative first, you celebrate the positive, where if you always chase after only the positive, you sublimate the negative and it eats you from within. I acknowledge the negative, and realize that the greatest error in this life is to praise mediocrity, therefore I don't write reviews about Children of Bodom, Cradle of Filth, Tool or Killswitchengage. Hypocrisy is covered as is Dark Tranquility, but I left off when the albums fell out of the quality frame of reference preferred on this site. Fair?
Date: Tue, 9 Aug 2005 23:48:42 -0700 (PDT)
From: Marcel Blais
Reply-To: mblais@xxx.xxx Subject: Question about your letter concerning Chuck SRP,
I just read through your "Chuck Schuldiner: Legend or Ideological Disaster"
letter. Did you really send that directly to Chuck's mother? I realize that this is probably old news, but I did not run across your letter until tonight. I do not claim to know anything about Chuck's beliefs, and I did not know him personally, so I am not writing you to attack your argument. To do so would require some more research on my part. It simply seems to me that sending such a malicious letter to a woman who has lost her son to a lengthy battle with cancer is a ridiculously disgusting thing to do. Sincerely, Marcel I did send that letter to Chuck's mother, briefly interrupting her total pimping of her son's legacy like a drama queen. Whatever you argue, suggesting that she is somehow protected from criticism because her son died is ludicrous. Many people die. Few people pimp. Pimps are bad DNA. They need to be hurt if not outright exterminated. What would we lose if Ms. Schuldiner got stuffed into an oven, impaled on a punji stake, or shot in the forehead? Nothing. I'd like to ask you to examine your own motivations when writing this letter. Did you think i'd be cowed? In other words, if you disagreed - why write, except to instill guilt or to intimidate? Do you know that's called passive aggression and is a sign of Jewish behavior, including evangelical Christianity or liberalism or neo-conservatism, in the writer? Change your ways and be loved by all - stay on your current path, and you're part of the problem. Do you really want to act like an Underman?
From: Chris M.
Date: Sat, Oct 15, 2005 at 10:34:59AM -0700 Subject: National Socialism Greets Prozak, This is a subject I think about often, but still haven't made the leap to calling myself one. I agree that people of indo-european descent should be supportive of their race, but should they uphold the values and practices of their ancestors even if those values are obsolete? Also, how would you describe a modern day National Socialist? Good questions. I see National Socialism as a subset of the philosophies of people like Aristotle and Marcus Aurelius, which are a form of idealism in the classic indo-european tradition. The only smart NS organization is www.nazi.org / the rest are too close to bigotry for my tastes. i'm pro- Indo-European, sure, but i'm not convinced that saying mean things about africans helps the cause (even if these things are "true"). Ultimately, I think what matters is acting according to classic IE values. I'm not sure politics could solve our problems. I don't see the old values as "obsolete" at all, however. They're in fact less obsolete than current values, as they're timeless, and that's why we call them tradition. To understand National Socialism, i would read the FAQ on nazi.org and then some of the NSDAP source documents. You might also find the copy of mein kampf on hitler.org to be useful. My advice is not to get tangled up with most white supremacist, neo-nazi, white power, etc etc type people - they will waste your life and make you alienated, marginalized and depressed. All in my opinion only.
From: Eric
Subject: Is this nihilism? Date: Thu, Oct 06, 2005 at 01:07:30AM -0700 I have no idea if this is the right place to send e-mails like this, if it isn't, then could you fwd this to whoever it might concern. If this is the right place, than please respond as this matter has been bothering me for some time. Thanks: I first began reading anus.com when I found the article called "feral.” Except for the part about mother, it fit perfect. So I took it upon myself to read as much of the site as I could, I found only a few things I could agree with. I thought of myself as a Nihilist until then. You see, I believe their is no truth outside of the mind. But this web site tried to tell me how to act and behave, but that is the opposite of everything I thought Nihilism to be. To me, that fact that no truth exists beyond our own mind means that it doesn't matter what is done. If people want to destroy the earth, so what? If mixed races want to breed, it can't be wrong, right, good or bad because none of those exists outside of the human mind. To sum it all up, I believe that death is the only real thing, and because it is (currently) impossible to escape that, then nothing in life matters. Why bother trying to "advance the human race" when after my death, I will no longer be part of it. I live my life seeking pleasure because why waste my time trying to reach a goal that I will never know about after my death, unless the pleasure of the reward , minus the pain to reach it, is greater than what I would have known without that goal. I believe that my personal happiness is all that matters. Is this not Nihilism? If not, than what is it? Thank you for any help you might provide. Eric Thanks for asking a necessary question. Nihilism is a means of perceiving reality. Apathy recommends a course of action. Therein is the difference. To explain further: Nihilism means a belief in nothing. This leaves one with reality as it can be determined from experiment and perception. One does not pass judgment on it, nor does one try to wrap it in cute little opinions; one simply notes what it is, how it operates, and its structure and context as a whole. At that point, one will be able to construct values systems, but not before. Values systems do not require moral judgment, as most belief systems do; they operate from a simple "I prefer this order to all others" and are in the case of sane individuals derived from observation of the world as whole. Not the human world, only, or the natural world, only, but the entirety of reality ("physical" reality). Only through this do we gain a level ground on which reality and thought can be shown to have a common structural ancestor, and that and only that is the starting point of all intelligent belief, values and behavioral systems. It's not really a sound bite type of philosophy.
From: David K.
Subject: Philosophy question Date: Tue, Oct 04, 2005 at 02:21:08PM +0000 Good evening, I have a question for you that has been confusing me: The alignment of the individual against the collective. I guess it would be correct to say that in mainstreem politics that constitutes right vs left respectively. Now, I have come to believe that it is damaging and un-naturally restrictive to hold back the potentially gifted individual to please the herd in their quest for some utopian egalitarian harmony (the only situation where the herd have any relative power). However, I also beleive that it is damaging for everyone in a society to be highly individualistic (as is the current case in Western society, particularly U.S. & Australian), and, for a lack of a better term - grow big headed - to beleive that they are greater than the larger order of things. My question to you is, do you see this as a paradox? (That the individual should exert their own 'will to power' on the world, but should, at the same time, practice constraint). My current thoughts on the solution to this paradox that I find my mind confronting is one of: "know thyself". That there are certain people in a civilisation (the noble) who should be higher than the collective, and should exert power. That because they are of more noble construction they should not be held back by resentment from the herd. However, because such people would be of higher genetic make-up and ability, they would understand that they too are smaller than this "bigger picture or order"....So i guess they would not occupy their place in society/life coerced by any grumbling force of resentment, but through consultation with their own wisdom. But if this is the case, how does one deny a vital force in all people (will to power), in the lower classes?
What are your thoughts on this conclusion? I hope I can live up to that great intro. Thanks for writing in. This may sound overly simple, but I believe there is no paradox between individual and collective if the individual and society are geared toward the same heroic goals. To have heroic goals is to see oneself as one part of the whole, and to work for that whole on individual, collective and holistic levels. In this sense, there is no division between individual and collective: both are part of something larger, a holistic view that also includes nature, and all potential actions must make sense on all three levels. In other words, if an action does not benefit individual, collective and natural world all at once, it is probably missing something. Now, there will be conflicts of interest, such as in the case of total fools who "want" greater wealth and "want" to get it through destructive actions. They cannot perceive that what benefits the whole is of ultimate benefit to the individual, and thus while their actions may benefit the individual, and be "OK" by the judgment of most of the fools in the collective, they're not cool with the natural order of physical reality. Therefore, the proposed action, no matter how much they "want" it, fails our test. Nihilism is an anti-individualistic philosophy that ultimately becomes individualistic. Its individualism however is not absolutist, and derives its power not from pretending that individual is absolute, but from making the individual have clarity of thought and thus be better adapted to reality. August 3, 2005 |