
American Nihilist Underground Society

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Letters: Blues and Slander

Many people who write in to us are either misinformed or misdirected. They know the current society isn't very appealing and begin to feel passive and depressed. In order to escape that negative circle, they point their anger and confusion at others, to feel good about themselves. This is how the traditional Christian mentality works: if you can't beat your enemy by force, do it by upholding your weakness (pity). Viola, and you get a whining Jesus on the cross, begging for mercy. Do we whip or cry?

We choose to do neither. Partly we see these people as a product of their time. Resentment and self-defeatism are common traits of our friends and beloved ones today. Some end up as drug abusers, others spend their life chasing the dollar bills in corporate offices - "Hey, at least my children are going to have a secure future." The middle and working class people feel they're dedicating their time to a system that doesn't reward them with the things they need, so they hurry to take whatever they can get their hands on, before everything collapse.

This never works, especially not in our time, when it is precisely that mentality that has contributed to the slow decay of the West. Our time is running out, but our ideals and beliefs must not. They are supposed to be our guiding star for the future, whatever might happen to us or this system. ANUS will remain ANUS, because we're a voice of hope among the heap of garbage around us. Our message is the same as it's always been: awake to reality (nihilism), study its mechanisms (realism) and build for the future (idealism).

- Alexis

Good Morning.

I noticed that you regard "The Sorrows of Young Werther" as a work of Romanticist philosophy. I can't agree: This book was written within the years which directly followed the age of enlightenment. This era of German literature was definitely situated before Romanticism and even before the age of German Classicism, the age of our great idealist Schiller.

Due to the political and social development which caused a strong mental and spiritual revolution, this era, negating the former absolutes and Humanist objectivities of the enlightenment, was called, in German, the "Sturm und Drang".

As a non-German person, it is nearly impossible to understand this term, as it is deeply rooted into the germanic worldview, direction of mind and historical knowledge. Translate "Sturm und Drang" into English, and will you get "Storm and Impulse".

Employ yourself with the history of German literature (as I have to add, history is always necessary to understand a higher form of reality as "art"), and you will see that "The Sorrows of Young Werther" can never fit into Romanticism, because this work's main intentions went into another direction.

It was not written to represent an archaic worldview, it didn't want to cause a revolutionary reality of Naturalism and an essentially renewing understanding of "Life". It was rather a reactioning work, considering the disrooting spirit of age which emerged with the German age of enlightenment.

The enlightenment caused a wave of bureaucracy and materialism, finally leading to a political and social state in which people were planned as soldiers, functionaries and workers - a complete negation of what life's essence, to the idealist and not less to the nihilist, really is.

"The Sorrows of young Werther", belonging to the era of the "Sturm und Drang", tried to fight back this error of complex mental development which led to the decadent age of Modernism.

Werther was, contrary to your review, defnietly not a person formerly situated in a world comparable to our Modernist's paradise: He is a character deeply signed by psychical catastrophes, forcing him to find a new way within the simple life of farmers and primitive citizens.
And finally caused by his tragical love to Charlotte, his suicide isn't a spontaneous reaction - it is the result of a life-long development.

Compare this personal history of Werther to the history of German society, and you will find that these aspects can't be separated.

The "Storm and Impulse" represents a development - beginning with the misleading age of enlightenment, ending in a powerful form of nearly heroic art, showing new perspectives of society and politics. Werther as a characer surely belongs to this section.

"Romanticism" was an age which followed Classism - both eras had their time after the "Storm and Impulse"-age. The clear, sophisticated patterns of Classicism were negated by the pure emotional eruptions of Romanticism.
Romanticism is more a worldview than a development: It represents Naturalism as well as a revolution concerning all views on nature, life and, last but not least, reality itself, orienting towards our forefather's philosophies.
It recomments the separation of a mentally superior individual from all social restrictions, so that it may reach a higher state of life and existence, no matter how many inferior lives will have to be paid.

All this makes sure that "The Sorrows of young Wether" isn't a work of Romanticism - Werther is a symbol for a social development, not for a revolutionary worldview.

Behold the mystical wanderer who stands upon a high hill in foggy woods - this paintment by Caspar David Friedrich is pure Romanticism, permitting a completely new view of reality as all bonds of former objectivities are broken - as a new height of aesthetics is reached.

Listen to a symphony written by Robert Schumann - emotions and spontaneous reactions, finally summed up to a higher structure of beauty and intelligence, create the totally renewing and nonetheless also ancient spirit of Romanticism.

Read a poem by Heinrich Heine. Mourning verses, melancholical thoughts about the Rhine, about the undescribable destructions of Germany's great mythological creature, the "Loreley", result in a revolutioning state of mind, reaching back to - pure Romanticism.

"The Sorrows of young Wether" must be seen in its historical context. It offers a hight amount of emotions and melancholy, but its intentions and its basic structure do not belong to Romanticism, as they follow a trail of social and political development.

Greets, Arntor (GNUS)

at Sunday, June 17, 2007 8:19 PM from arntor@xxx.xxx

hi Arntor,

thank you for sharing your thoughts about werther and the review i wrote.

it's interesting to hear these words from a german, because at swedish universities we are taught that this book is the beginning to the coming german romanticist movement. i agree that it's a more complex novel than that, and that one could say it belongs more to "sturm und drang," but the focus on the sensitive subjective individual, the admiration for nature and ancient heritage (werther enjoys homer), and the rejection of the humanist values from the enlightment (albert), there are many things that point to romanticism, but your point is no less valid.

concerning albert's suicide, i agree with you, and also see it as a longer personal development, closely supported by the novel. his strong love to charlotte cannot, opposed to what albert thinks, be tamed by rational reasoning or moral conjections, which is another feature reminding us of future romanticist themes.

perhaps one easily confuse romanticism and sturm und drang, because the two of them seem very similar, from an outsider's perspective. i admit i haven't studied this period very much, although i enjoy some music from this time, e.g. joseph martin kraus. it seems to be a chaotic time, not entirely revolutionary as the romanticist movement was, but heading in the same direction. goethe, schiller and the rest are brilliant and need new exposure in our modern time.

what causes a feeling of being mediocre in the societal context ? what do you think. how can it be escaped ?

at Thursday, June 21, 2007 10:07 AM from berzhas@xxx.xxx

interesting question!

for most people, i think it's partly a product of a general psychological awareness of one's own abilities and limitations (most people are mediocre in many or most contexts), but most importantly, it seems to be a natural product of a society built upon systems that uphold the lowest common denominator in all cases. the smart kid in class is told not to play einstein because it may hurt his slower friends, leadership is banned because it means not all people can play politicians on their free time (democracy), and our whole fixation on morality in general is a sign that we're afraid of something in life and thus have to cover it up with good-sounding subjective rules. you can't say your co-worker is a moron, because then you might lose your job, even if you're right.

also, i think it's important to be aware of the distinction between being aware of something and how you feel inside about it. it's vital to be aware of one's own limitations, but only decadent societies force people to actively feel mediocre or stupid, because it's a feeling that breaks down the individual and his or her belief in personal change. this is one of the reasons to why so many people today feel alienated and depressed; they live in a society that upholds the ego of the individual, but doesn't care about actual individuality and personal strength. we can change things, but only by voting on smiling idiots in power. we can experience love, but only if we buy all the perfumes and sex tips from the multinational corporations. we can enjoy classical music, but only if we agree that it's nonsense for rich people.

there is a difference between creating a cult around the individual as a shallow phenomenon, and understanding the true nature of an individual. democracies, ironically, do not understand the nature of how an individual operates, because they reduce us to commercial robots, not human beings. that's not humanism, that's robotism.

Contrary to popular opinion, what ANUS needs is not a large black penis inserted in it, what the organization needs is to realize several things:

Racism, isms, forced eugenics, and many other things that run rampant on this websight are all products of hatred and/or ignorance (hatred of knowledge). But you ask,"How can you know this, we have been conditioned to think of these things as normal, and even beneficial?!?!?1?1" What I know is that racism and forced eugenics deny the creative power of man and his capacity for change, by definition. Though the ANUS tries to recognize this creative power ultimately you deny the true power and beauty of man, and this leaves you wallowing in your own ignorance and denial, with very little room to grow. ANUS, like all truly beautiful things, you are a contradiction.

As I have also been disgusted and alienated by modern society, I have followed this website for several years, (I am 19 years old) even making submissions to the forum under the name itsallaroundyou. However, my time spent involving myself with the ANUS has decreased roughly in proportion to the amount I have matured and grown intellectually, (except for this (probably last) attempt to help you realize where you've gone astray.) because I have now realized things this organization promote, things I once professed as my own beliefs, are contrary to my very nature as a thoughtful, creative, joyful and eugenically-desirable human being. This may help explain why everyone in your organization feels that nothing is actually accomplished, and people suddenly stop participating in any projects you undertake. If you cant really acknowledge the creative power inherent in human beings, how can you bring people together as a community, or even at all? How can you even get through the day without fearing yourself and the world around you? Its hard, if not impossible, and I know this because this has been my own experience.

I also know that the ANUS has not been led completely astray. Although I'm uncertain whether your concept of"nihilism" is salvageable, joyful nihilism is starting to sound a lot... nicer. I know there are many thoughtful, creative individuals in the ANUS, and that is the only reason I feel its worth my time to compose this email. Hopefully reading it has at least challenged you, and at most challenged you to think and grow.

As a P.S, I meant to write this on the forum, but could not successfully register on my *gasp* Mac (possibly related I must refresh every page on the forum in order to view it.) But I felt what I had to say might be important enough to warrant an inclusion in your letters feature, or a posting on the main page. But then, like a true nihilist, it may not be important at all.

many people today are lost and feel insecure on how they should approach the problems around them. sadly, some fall in the trap of putting other people down to feel better about themselves. science confirms this to be true; we enjoy the power of playing victims or "suggesting" things without actually doing anything about a problem.

lashing out at us by a) calling us racists and b) being dishonest by claiming your motives are to "help" us, when you summarize the actual intent pretty well: "ANUS, like all truly beautiful things, you are a contradiction." you've given up and you want us to do the same thing, so that you don't feel bad about being passive.

the only way to escape this entropy, is to leave the passivity behind and become truly creative, like you talk about in your letter. ANUS is a creative hub for creative people to influence and make a change in the world. we don't really care if you join another organization or decide to stay home and watch TV; we got our shit together -- do you?

It saddens me that you have neglected thinking about my email (as well as neglecting thought in general), and have responded by finding a way to avoid all of its content. You spend too much time on the internet. The internet is not a place where real change happens, its not even a place. Spend more time outside and you will find your thoughts correspond more to the world around you than the laughable world of your internet organization. If you feel I've "put you down" (I called it a challenge) then maybe you should think about what makes you feel threatened. YOUR silly attempts to "put me down", as you say, do not make me feel threatened, because I see you are mired down in even more self-deception than I originally thought. Now I must go, and you wont hear from me again, because I channel my creative power into the tangible world around us and create lasting beauty, arguing with fools on the intranet is only something I used to do. Good luck, you have a long ways to go before you get anywhere. itsallaroundyou

your "content" consisted out of a random rant, claiming we are full of hate because we don't agree with the current liberal agenda of masspopulation and pluralism. then you suddenly shift gear and once again try to play victim, acting like we've attacked you. jesus did the same thing ~2,000 years ago, but it didn't fool the smartest of people, and it won't fool us today.

we're not just a site on the internet, we're a voice in the real world. many of our members are engaged in several real-world movements and organize different forms of community events world wide. you shoot in the air, because it makes you feel good. we're not really threatened by a deluded person who creates straw man arguments to "win" a useless discussion.

if you're active and doing something in real life to make a positive change in the world, we salute that, but your motives to write in to us and "suggest" that we skip taking a stand against what we see as wrong by being "anti-ideology," or neglecting "isms" as you call it, is plain stupid, because we're not giving in to a world that kills the true creativity and spirit in man. fleeing the problems doesn't solve them, especially not when you're young and still have hope. use that power and energy toward something constructive, and suddenly there are no longer any enemies, just potential allies to build a better world to live in.

Thank you for the response, I realize I haven't been expressing myself in a very constructive way. I am serious about making suggestions that are constructive.
In theory ANUS wants to change peoples hearts and minds, but much of ANUS philosophy is geared towards isolating individuals from the world around them (I give heavy metal, eugenics, racism, defeatism as a few examples). You devote most of your web space to heavy metal bands that in the end do no more than isolate the listener from the experience of being alive with a crude excess of noise, vulgarity and musical structure that gives the illusion of development and growth while actually remaining static. How much space do you devote to real music? You barely even touch the basics of the B's (Bach, Beethoven, Brahms).. giving people the same tired old information which truthfully is not even important (the important information is in the music). You have so much 'insightful' information regarding heavy metal, where is the insightful information on music that matters, which you call eternal? Its not there, because you don't understand it. Understanding eternal music, or any kind of true art, requires perception.
The world is not such a bad place if you can allow yourself to give it a chance. Sure, many people are confused and depressed, and for good reason, but if you develop the ability to listen to them and converse with them you can actually start to understand them and help them. This ability is called perception. Your organization does not promote the development of perception as I understand it. What it does promote is the idea that all the answers are clear, and that you already know everything important to know. Sure, an understanding of history and philosophy may help you understand the experience of being alive, but it can just as easily be a distraction from it. Isn't the history that is your living memory perhaps even more important than that which you read in books? So why go outside and deal with all those confused, depressed (probably non-Indo-European, whatever you think that means) people when you can sit inside and condemn them, perhaps listening to heavy metal? The latter may seem easier. So another challenge, tell me what your organization does that actually matters? How does your organization nurture people, help them realize the potential of their minds and bodies, creating true perception? How does your organization create a sense of community and progression towards a greater good among its members?
If you find yourself struggling to answer these questions, your organization may actually be nurturing what you most fear... entropy. You rush to call anyone who criticizes your organization 'passive'... doesnt that say something about what you fear in yourselves and in others? While I may be passive sometimes, and I have been passive in the past, I have nurtured my mind to the point where I can also be perceptive. This has given me the ability to absorb myself completely in the creative process, only being ripped away when the pangs of hunger, thirst or sleep overpower me.
Perhaps you understand what this is like, being truly perceptive and inspired, perhaps you have yet to discover it. For me it is creating music and poetry of lasting beauty and value, you may be inspired differently. I truly wish your journey through life leads you there.

Thank you for the response, I realize I haven't been expressing myself in a very constructive way. I am serious about making suggestions that are constructive. In theory ANUS wants to change peoples hearts and minds, but much of ANUS philosophy is geared towards isolating individuals from the world around them (I give heavy metal, eugenics, racism, defeatism as a few examples).

on the contrary, we want people to re-connect to the world around them. isolation is a process to find focus and be able to take part of reality. when that isolation becomes an end in itself, you're heading towards failure.
heavy metal summons millions and millions of people world wide and give them hope for the future. eugenics may scare most people off, hence why intelligent leaders in our society will deal with these issues. racism is not something we promote but condemn. defeatism is the opposite of our philosophy, which is a pragmatic idealism that wants to cure all depression and self-defeatism, by realizing the beauty in this world and how we must fight to preserve it.

You devote most of your web space to heavy metal bands that in the end do no more than isolate the listener from the experience of being alive with a crude excess of noise, vulgarity and musical structure that gives the illusion of development and growth while actually remaining static. How much space do you devote to real music? You barely even touch the basics of the B's (Bach, Beethoven, Brahms).. giving people the same tired old information which truthfully is not even important (the important information is in the music). You have so much 'insightful' information regarding heavy metal, where is the insightful information on music that matters, which you call eternal? Its not there, because you don't understand it. Understanding eternal music, or any kind of true art, requires perception.

behind that sea of noise and vulgarity, we believe there is a transcendent beauty and many truths about life. you seem to have a very stereotypical view of what metal and classical music are. have you listened to burzum? emperor? sacramentum? also, note that most metal is heavily influenced by classical music.

we started up a classical section some time ago, now archived for various reasons. we are working with CORRUPT.org to publish a new culture section where we of course will review and promote classical music, including the composers you mention. instead of complaining, how about helping us out by writing reviews?

The world is not such a bad place if you can allow yourself to give it a chance. Sure, many people are confused and depressed, and for good reason, but if you develop the ability to listen to them and converse with them you can actually start to understand them and help them. This ability is called perception. Your organization does not promote the development of perception as I understand it. What it does promote is the idea that all the answers are clear, and that you already know everything important to know. Sure, an understanding of history and philosophy may help you understand the experience of being alive, but it can just as easily be a distraction from it. Isn't the history that is your living memory perhaps even more important than that which you read in books? So why go outside and deal with all those confused, depressed (probably non-Indo-European, whatever you think that means) people when you can sit inside and condemn them, perhaps listening to heavy metal? The latter may seem easier.

if you wouldn't be so quick to condemn us, you'd notice that what you're talking about is exactly how we approach life and new experiences. by removing the illusions this society is imposing on us, we intepret reality free from prejudice and moral subjectivism. we promote the ultimate development of the perception, based on logic and experience.
many people write in to us and thank us for helping them getting out of their depression, by shutting out the social pressure around them and focus on what's important. as a result, they are able to meet the world with a cautious, brave and understanding spirit, that is critical in nature, but not necessarily condemning.

So another challenge, tell me what your organization does that actually matters? How does your organization nurture people, help them realize the potential of their minds and bodies, creating true perception? How does your organization create a sense of community and progression towards a greater good among its members?

we use their natural abilities and inclinations to direct their creativity towards something that will both reward them personally and the world around them, thus avoiding both the egoism and the defeatism of today. i think you should read up on some of the practical articles that are published at CORRUPT:


If you find yourself struggling to answer these questions, your organization may actually be nurturing what you most fear... entropy. You rush to call anyone who criticizes your organization 'passive'... doesnt that say something about what you fear in yourselves and in others? While I may be passive sometimes, and I have been passive in the past, I have nurtured my mind to the point where I can also be perceptive. This has given me the ability to absorb myself completely in the creative process, only being ripped away when the pangs of hunger, thirst or sleep overpower me. Perhaps you understand what this is like, being truly perceptive and inspired, perhaps you have yet to discover it. For me it is creating music and poetry of lasting beauty and value, you may be inspired differently. I truly wish your journey through life leads you there.

we don't lash out at people for criticizing us, but criticism that's not productive and honest is boring. there are lots of people who write in to us now and then, and claim to a have a brand "new" way of how we should do things, but they're never willing to do anything themselves, hence the dishonest motives: they're here to talk and complain, nothing more. the problem, as we see it, is not the criticism itself, but that they drag other honest people down and create a cult around being passive and defensive. it's not positive, neither spiritually nor existentially.

if you have found a creative way of expressing meaningful ideas about life, we urge you to continue to do so. we will continue giving people hope and inspiration to move on, despite the horror around us, because ultimately life itself is amazing and therefore worth fighting for.

For SRProzak... I sent an email to prozak@xxx.xxx a while back, but I'm resending it here, as it seems that address is no longer active....
Just in case you don't recall, my orginal email was about a quote from your 'Vitation' piece, written by you some time ago in The Undiscovered Country 4. In it, you write:

"consider the tribal music of the african tribes migrating through the american south to become the blues; despite its complete technical eclipse in the face of the conventionally accepted forms of music (which as we know eclipse all popular music) it has a quality its adherents classify as 'soul,' which we of greater experience can experience as 'authenticity.' consider the artwork of lesser artists, who without the ability to skillfully craft every brushstroke produce prodigious works of splattered paint and concrete pantyhose, which they insist has artistic merit...We, of course, know differently. grammatical errors undermine the lowly texts of those who do not possess the assiduous persistence necessary for subversion of the graphical complexity..."

Being completely familiar with your current views on the subject, which you had expressed previously - you wrote:
"I was being genuine at the time....The issue for me is not that "african-american suck" but that I prefer to be with my own kind, and am unconcerned with any other group....It's also not an artform of my culture, so it's literally invisible to me...I think that blues as "the source of rock and metal" is a misplaced notion motivated by commercial consequences"

- I am still curious as to your orginal meaning in this 'Vitation' piece from 1993. While you mentioned that you were indeed being 'genuine at the time', I was curious as to what exactely you were being 'genuine' about - were you, at the time, in fact praising 'the blues, despite its technical eclipse, and the quality it's adherents classify as 'soul'.' Or (more in line with you current views on blues/rock) where you being a tad facetious, equating it to the "artwork of lesser artists, who without the abitlity to skillfully craft every brushstroke produce prodigous works of splattered paint and concrete pantyhose, which they insist has artistic merit" So, bascially I'm just asking for clarification on how these two ideas from the 'Vitation' piece relate to one another (the point you were attempting to make at the time it was written.) Where you, AT THE TIME, already developed you views equating blues/rock to 'shallow modern art' and 'lowly texts', or expressing a different sentiment?

If you could send me a quick response to this inquiry, please do...

at Wednesday, June 27, 2007 1:46 PM from questiondusk1@xxx.xxx

no; the whole point of the passage in question was more about punk than blues. it was that if an artist attempts to describe an experience, it should be done with 'authenticity' which is a commercial term for trying to describe honesty, insight, experience... i think the original blues had that, although i now know how very little of it came from america (none of it, in fact; the blues and rock were a commercial sham that some artists made into something good, notably muddy waters and willy dixon). authenticity is what punk music had, is what early metal had... the point of the passage is that technical ability != artistic ability, and this becomes especially clear if you diagram the sentence :)

my views on life -- in their most basic form -- have never changed since a relatively early age. i'd say there were two nodal points, one at age eight when i understood the forest for the first time, and the second at age 15 when i became a nihilist. however, knowledge has been acquired and these views have become refined in many ways. i do not speak ill of the vitality and coherence of early blues, only note, now, how little influence it has on bringing the human mind to clarity.

why, might i ask, is this question so pressing it keeps showing up? ;)

v. Prozak

Two very brief questions regaurding your response to me email...

you write: "the point of the passage is that technical ability != artistic ability,"

Am I correct in saying (!=) means 'not is equal to?'
If that is indeed the gist of the passage, what are you if fact saying about of the "artwork of lesser artists, who without the ability to skillfully craft every brushstroke produce prodigious works of splattered paint and concrete pantyhose."? That lack of technical alacrity does NOT undermine the art? If so why are they 'lesser?' So you liked this type of arts at the time and where defending it???
In Vitiation: "consider the tribal music of the african tribes migrating through the american south to become the blues; despite its complete technical eclipse in the face of the conventionally accepted forms of music..."
Now: "very little of it came from america (none of it, in fact; the blues and rock were a commercial sham"

Knowing you current views on the subject (ie "popular music of Europe was emulated by American Indian, African-American and "non-white" (Irish/Scottish) indentured servants, forming the basis for the blues, which owes to Celtic and German music") you might understand why I believe this line in the orginal 'Vitiation' piece was entirely facetious given your current views. Back when the piece was written, had you already formulated your views on the 'sham' of American music? - it seems not, but perhaps I am mistaken, and you were being facecious... Also what are the "conventionally accepted forms of music" of which you spoke? Classical?

"why, might i ask, is this question so pressing it keeps showing up? ;)"

The orginal 'Vititation' piece seemed to go against your current works (but as you suggest, this is perhaps not the case) which make me confused. Nothing pressing...I just discovered that I havethis 6 month old email in my outbox (which I think I send to wrong address or something orginally and never recieved a response) and I decide to resend it through the anus.com/mock contact page...

you write: "the point of the passage is that technical ability != artistic ability," Am I correct in saying (!=) means 'not is equal to?'

yes, sorry: long week and i'm using abbreviations.

If that is indeed the gist of the passage, what are you if fact saying about of the "artwork of lesser artists, who without the ability to skillfully craft every brushstroke produce prodigious works of splattered paint and concrete pantyhose."? That lack of technical alacrity does NOT undermine the art? If so why are they 'lesser?' So you liked this type of arts at the time and where defending it???

that the lack of technical ability does not undermine the art, if it also possesses some sense of the authentic; concrete pantyhose and other faux art notwithstanding.

In Vitiation: "consider the tribal music of the african tribes migrating through the american south to become the blues; despite its complete technical eclipse in the face of the conventionally accepted forms of music..."
Now: "very little of it came from america (none of it, in fact; the blues and rock were a commercial sham"
Knowing you current views on the subject (ie "popular music of Europe was emulated by American Indian, African-American and "non-white" (Irish/Scottish) indentured servants, forming the basis for the blues, which owes to Celtic and German music") you might understand why I believe this line in the orginal 'Vitiation' piece was entirely facetious given your current views. Back when the piece was written, had you already formulated your views on the 'sham' of American music? - it seems not, but perhaps I am mistaken, and you were being facecious... Also what are the "conventionally accepted forms of music" of which you spoke? Classical?

i'm fairly irony impaired. i think there are some things of value to praise about blues and rock, but to recognize their commercial and historical roots accurately is important. black blues was an important phenomenon, but perhaps not to those heading in an upward direction; there are artists in that group who are clearly more realistic and powerful than the average pop band. but as a movement, it is dreck... much like punk music, which had a few standouts in an overall movement with a direction inevitably carrying it toward collapse.

"why, might i ask, is this question so pressing it keeps showing up? ;)" The orginal 'Vititation' piece seemed to go against your current works (but as you suggest, this is perhaps not the case) which make me confused. Nothing pressing...I just discovered that I havethis 6 month old email in my outbox (which I think I send to wrong address or something orginally and never recieved a response) and I decide to resend it through the anus.com/mock contact page...

aha! ok, i am fairly amused at this one returning, and thank you for reading and thinking. i suggest anyone who is curious about music visit the record stores that sell budget classical, and explore that, as really most modern music has two layers: 1) music and 2) crowd control popularity. as such, much music ("lesser") plays mostly to (2) and (1) is often forgotten, although music which does retain authentic focus and a desire to communicate can obtain (1) even if it has the lesser technical ability of those we most commonly associate with (2).

v. Prozak

OK...for a *final* time, I will paraphrase your position to just make sure I'm am clear on the piece's intent at the time (just to satisfy curiousity)...and then I will put to rest...
So, in summary, your position in the 'Vitiation' piece is:

'lack of technical ability does not undermine the art' if (esp. speaking in regaurds to punk, early metal) as long as it possesses some sense of 'authenticity.'

This, you contrast to the "artwork of lesser artists, who without the abitlity to skillfully craft every brushstroke produce prodigous works of splattered paint and concrete pantyhose" which you believe posses neither....A correct reading?

i'm fairly irony impaired. i think there are some things of value to praise about blues and rock, but to recognize their commercial and historical roots accurately is important.

OK, but, in the 'Vitiation' piece you mention "the tribal music of the african tribes migrating through the american south to become the blues." So you were not being facetious in this sentence? Since you say you were not being ironic/facetious at the time - your views regaurding this *specific* sentence (regurding tribal music of the african tribes, being basis of blues/rock) have indeed changed since then (1993), and you would NOT use such a sentence if the piece was written now? Correct?
But otherwise you would say the 'Vitiation' piece still remains a reflection of the your current thinking for the most part ("my views on life -- in their most basic form -- have never changed) albeit somewhat less 'refined'....Correct?

that seems correct to me.

i think the blues was its own subgenre, but what's important is to realize that those who created it were not creating a musical genre, or really inventing anything, but finding a voice for themselves. it's more akin to the difference between industrial-tinged rock music and classical; not a giant leap, but there was an impetus there. it was not originally known as "the blues" as a style, but a variant of the predominant style called the blues for its mood... so the hype machine miscategorizes it, and makes it out to be the invention of an american music, when really no musics were invented in the americas -- it has only its adaptation of other musics (the quasi-indigenous peoples brough music with them from their homelands in asia and europe, and blues/rock is an extension of celtic folk, now called "country"). the reason i draw this distinction is that the hype machine has convinced many to become detached from musical tradition, to the detriment of culture and the enhanced sales of record moguls. the point of that passage in "vitiation" can be summarized as: authenticity can be bought and sold, and pretense regarding instrumentalism can be bandied about, but really what makes art is not form but the intent of those behind it, and yes i was thinking of punk bands like discharge and the cro-mags, who i consider the most vital that genre created. this applies doubly now as people are constantly hyping some musical "invention" and forgetting that art should be pure honest shaped into form by its content and the emotional intelligence of its creators, as a communication to its audience. i hope this makes sense and clarifies this thoroughly enjoyable debate, which covers topics that i wish were of greater prominence to starting artists.

v. Prozak

As I mentioned, I am perhaps less interested in your current views (for I feels I have good understanding of what they are), but rather have simply siezed on certain points from 'Vitiation' to satisfy my own curiousity about yout mindset at that point. If you can induldge me on two minor points, for a final time...

i think the blues was its own subgenre, but what's important is to realize that those who created it were not creating a musical genre, or really inventing anything...the hype machine miscategorizes it invention of an american

But would you say you believed this at the time, 1993, when 'Vitiation' was written? It is the sentence"consider the tribal music of the african tribes migrating through the american south to become the blues" that is throwing me off. Im not sure if (again at the time) 'tribal music of the african tribes migrating through the american south to become the blues...' is your phrase (one which you believed to be an apt description then) or are just throwing it out there as a phrase that, even back in 1993, you believed that the so-called 'hype machine' would use?

"...it's more akin to the difference between industrial-tinged rock music and classical"

Lastly, I'm unclear as to your exact meaning here: You're saying that 'industrial-tinged rock', ecetera, exists as essentially a simplified form/subset of the latter, rather than a 'distinct' in and of itselfs? Am correct as to your meaning?

you are correct with the industrial-tinged rock music idea.

you misunderstand the comment about the blues. my original comments stand: the creators knew what they were doing. however, as an art form, it is not african or american; it is celtic. that does not change what the original artists did.

the rest is the pretense of people in a modern time looking for neat categories when history is an intertwining of ideas.

v. Prozak

you misunderstand the comment about the blues. my original comments stand: the creators knew what they were doing. however, as an art form, it is not african or american; it is celtic.

I DO understand your comments - you have made your thoughts very clear in fact...
But regaurding this specific notion, my only question was/been been "did you think this way in 1993 when you wrote Vitiation?" I'm still not sure whether you have answered this point...
I'm not sure if (AT THE TIME) 'tribal music of the african tribes migrating through the american south to become the blues...' is YOUR phrase (one which you believed to be an apt description then) or are just throwing it out there as a phrase that, you believe, reflects the 'hype machine'?

you are correct with the industrial-tinged rock music idea.


the comment stands as is. there needs to be a separation between:

a) art as a communication medium in itself
b) the "form" of art as being some type of progress

as said, the passage was essentially about punk music, using the blues as a comparison.
recent comments about the blues are necessary to debunk the idea that rock and the blues are an invention; within that, some artists may create (a) of power.

v. Prozak

Yes, You have made you beliefs 100% clears in this regaurd...
but as I have tried to make clear, this final question I'm asking is a much more minute and trivial ones....which you seem to be overestimating... Wheras before I was indeed asking about the meanings of the piece (which you have since spelled out very clearly in your subsequent respones to my questions) I am now only asking of this one single phrase as used in 1993:
"tribal music of the african tribes migrating through the american south to become the blues." (this in contrast to your repeated contemporary view: 'rock and the blues are an [not] and invention...not african or american; it is celtic.')
AT THE TIME, was this [tribal music of the african tribes migrating through the american south to become the blues] YOUR phrase (one which you honestly believed to be an apt description) or were you already (back in 1993 ) throwing it out there as a phrase that, you believe, reflected the claims of the 'hype machine' (as you might now)? Im just now asking this specific question, about this phrase, and its use IN 1993, nothing more...

yes, and you're not understanding my replies, i'm afraid. this would be repetition three: there is art, and art form. the blues as art was african, the blues as an art form is something else. in 1993 i knew it was not the "black invention" fairytale, although i suspected a chinese origin. as it turns out, arabs, chinese, indians, and celts have just about equal claim to it. my praise was for the ARISTS and not the FORM, and remains consistent. i don't think an artist should be criticized for formalist conformity so long as they state something of power, which i feel muddy waters did best.

v. Prozak

yes, and you're not understanding my replies, i'm afraid. this would be repetition three

I don't see any misunderstanding... Again you're missing my question for something larger (which I agree we have already covered.)
Although in this last email you HAVE basically answered the final question I was asking about your 1993 beliefs when you say specifically:"in 1993 i knew it was not the "black invention" fairytale, although I suspected a chinese origin."
But, if that was your belief at the time, I'm just asking why did you write the line:"consider tribal music of the african tribes migrating through the american south" at all?? Unless you were writing it, not as your OWN line but, to somehow reflect the "hype machine's" viewpoint/words...

the blues as art was african, the blues as an art form is something else

I don't see your disinction here...when you say 'art was african' you are only speaking of the artists (american/african), not the 'form' which you believe is 'something else'? Correct?

yes, it's a question of content versus form. that is what is not being communicated. i stand by original and current statements.

v. Prozak

yes, it's a question of content versus form. that is what is not being communicated.

OK. And my other question: you don't seem to want to answer (or believe you have answered) but it seems very easy to clarify... Why did you write the line:"tribal music of the african tribes migrating through the american south" at all (which seems to suggest an african 'form') if you say that"in 1993 i knew it was not the "black invention" fairytale, although I suspected a chinese origin."
Unless you were writing it, not as your OWN line but, to somehow reflect the "hype machine's" viewpoint/words...

your question has been answered three times in a row.

artistic content is what was spoken of; the form is not mentioned.

v. Prozak

your question has been answered three times in a row. artistic content is what was spoken of; the form is not mentioned.

Well indeed there has been a slight disconnect between my questions and your answers in the past few emails. I perhaps am persisting in reading the original sentence"tribal music of the african tribes migrating through the american south" wrongly as to your intent...
So, you mean to tell me that in reffering to the "tribal music of the african tribes" you are really speaking just of the lineage of the american performers in the south (them being the decendents of 'tribal' africas) and not the lineage of their music, which you believe, THEN as now, has little to do with 'tribal music in africa' ('not african or american; it is celtic') right? This seems a somewhat confused/not-precise way of saying this belief...as it seems to suggest just the opposite in fact... You do see my confusions?

i do see your confusions, but i think they arise from equating "art" = "form of art" :)

v. Prozak

It is such a shame to see that you folks have such a twisted view of what a real Christian is. The people you are addressing as "Christian" aren't even true believers at all. That's the bad thing about false christianity, it causes others to paint us all with the same brush. I don't belong to any denominational system due to the horrible treatment I incurred from the same people you hate; however I choose not to waste my time or energy by hating them. Most "church goers" and politicians who call themselves "Christians" are no more a follower of Christ as you are. Just because I stand in my garage and call myself a "car" doesn't make me a car.. The Lord diesn't use His own people to oppress others, so whoever is researching the material on your website lacks any biblical understanding as to what Christ is all about. I am not trying to start a debate with you, just simply correcting your misunderstanding of what a Christian stands for. We are not the hateful, murderous people you are making us out to be, but to the contrary. Thanks for hearing me out, and no hard feelings..

Chris at Friday, June 29, 2007 8:32 PM from jerrycbuck@xxx.xxx

while i'm not sure i disagree with you, i think you've pointed out a design flaw in christianity: in order to make the religion accessible to almost everyone, it supports a "whatever you think it is, it is" philosophy by being vague and embracing universal contextless absolutes like "love" and "pity" instead of focusing on structure of argument. consequently, the religion is doomed to forever be split into thousands of sects each with radically different interpretations based on the idea of a personal reality, a personal god, and a religion into which one can inject any interpretation that relies on the previous two. if a piece of software did this, i'd call it a "design flaw," and i'd say the same thing about any type of philosophy (for the sake of analysis, religions are philosophies) that's so wide open.

that being said, i have no problem with those who misinterpret christianity in a realistic manner. i don't think pacifism and unwillingness to oppress the deluded is realistic, but i do think transcendental christian thinkers like johannes eckhart, ralph waldo emerson and arthur schopenhauer are worthy of study and emulation. in fact, we're setting up a portal dedicated to such people here, and would like volunteers to help out. would you be interested in helping correct the misapprehensions of christian doctrine in this way?

v. Prozak

GROW UP!The Power of God will always Be!
Stop fooling yourself with the thought of the Fallen One to be your Friend he is not your Friend and will never be!
Think about!

at Friday, June 29, 2007 2:08 AM from vallenato4life@xxx.xxx

don't worry; our Friend is just a part of the power of God, thus a way for us to understand how God thinks and operates. which in the end, hopefully, will lead to greater knowledge about life itself.

Hi, I have been reading your reviews about Black/Death metal and I find them very useful. And out of curiosity, I started reading about your beliefs about Nihilism. There were a few things I agree with, and some that I just just don't, such as this: "When Nietzsche spoke of the "super-human," this was his concept: that those who could accept the literality of life and fate and yet still do what is required to create a braver, more intelligent, more visionary human, would rise above the rabble and become a new standard of humanity."
This is basically stating that the "rabble", refering to supposedly inferior races such as jews and blacks, should be subjugated or annihilated by the "superior" beings. This is a dangerous philosophy that led to the Nazi movement, resulting in the death of millions of people, mostly Jews and Eastern Europeans. I strongly disagree with this and find it very disturbing, unless I have misunderstood that statement I quoted?

at Friday, July 6, 2007 2:28 PM from terminef@xxx.xxx

i'm afraid you've misunderstood that statement and fueled it with some traditional white supremacism. i'm not sure where you got the "superior races" from and why they necessarily would be jews and blacks (that, on the other hand, sound quite racist to me), but i believe that nietzsche's concept of the overman is not confined to the german people. it's an idealistic vision of an individual who overcomes its primitive, materialistic comfort and instead accepts the pain and suffering as natural parts of life, to overcome these things and fight for its ideals, regardless of morality and/or material death.

the german NS movement appreciated nietzsche because his philosophy - the will to power - well described their political-cultural concept, but it's unfair to discredit nietzsche by trying to turn him into a nazi. also, note that he was very much against anti-semitism.

i hope this answered your question.

Hi I came across your website when looking for anus's, because i masturbate to them daily. Usually i go straight to image search, but i clicked im feeling lucky, and am i glad that i found ANUS.com. i just love anus, and hope that we can maybe love eachothers anus's. My anus is wet and waiting. Thanks.

at Tuesday, July 10, 2007 0:28 AM from titgoochfool@xxx.xxx

thanks for your kind email.

i'm not really sure i share your utilitarian passion here; our belief is that our anus should be as morally "holy" as jesus or money, but once you begin focusing only on anus, your values turn to shit. to escape this, accept your anus as the beautiful and necessary part of your organic body as a whole, but don't stare yourself blind on it.

as nietzsche noted: "when you stare into an abyss, the abyss stares also into you."

Wow....I just read what you wrote about Chuck Schuldiners death way back when.
I'm amazed but your ignorance.The shit that you spew out is completely devoid of anything resembling intelligence.When I read you little column......or anything else I've been unfortunate enough to come across at quaint little old"anus.com"....I can't help but picture you...and your little punk friends running around in your wife(sister) beaters......zero teeth,and swastikas.....thinking you have a brain cell between all of you.....kinda makes me giggle.
You try to look/sound cool by using "big" words like"judeo-christian".(even cooler with a hyphen huh....HA!)And.....from what you wrote.....I assume that we are to believe that you.......FUCKING YOU.....are "philosophically LITERATE"
Give me a fucking break......(I bet your spell check got a REAL workout while preparing your"article")

Your a joke...a pathetic little joke.Not even a proper atheist.I'd like to meet/view/laugh at you sometime.Too bad I never make it to the Ozarks.

No more words wasted on you.
Fuck You.

Incomitatus Per Diabolus,

Mark Vincent

we're glad you enjoyed the article. obviously it gave you a sense of purpose in firing off the diatribe you directed at our email. now, we'd like to ask: what facts or logical arguments constitute the basis of your disagreement? please respond in the platonic style. thanks!

v. Prozak


I was wondering what's the meaning of your 2-angled Algiz rune.


at Thursday, July 26, 2007 1:13 PM from tohuwabohu88@xxx.xxx

as you can see, it is a modified version of the original algiz rune, that we have chosen to resemble a tree, hinting at out integralist philosophy; the philosophy of life as an organic process.

I have searched for sometime now and I find myself lost. What exactly are some films with nihilist properties.... at Sunday, July 29, 2007 0:20 AM from blitzcarnage@xxx.xxx

most movies are crap, but here's a small list of films i believe carry nihilist properties:

Aftermath (beauty in death)
Apocalypse Now: Redux (a poetic journey through a West that is dying from within)
Blade Runner (a dystopic, futuristic vision of a globalized, corporate America)
Cannibal Holocaust (a modern West unable to understand ancient cultures)
Death in Venice (art cannot be achieved via moral restraints)
The Idiots (intellectuals trying to escape the empty bourgeois lifestyle)
The Phantom Carriage (God will not save us from what we can save ourselves)
Taxi Driver (a lonely man rebelling against modern society)
Waking Life (dreamy, post-modern discussion about art and life)
anything by Ingmar Bergman, especially the Seventh Seal, Winter Light and Fanny and Alexander

of course there's a bunch of other good films that you ought to explore on your own, but this is a pretty interesting introduction to nihilist cinema.


I don't know if I'm actually speaking to Prozack himself... But anyway, let me start by asking you: Have you ever felt any love? I mean, is nihilism only about hating humanity?

The act of love, I mean having sex, is the most primitive form of activity we have on earth. Shouldn't you be praising how beautiful it is to love someone? How inspiring it is? How death creates life, even through our innocent human form.

Maybe it's all that death metal and gloomy classical music you listen to. Don't get me wrong, I know those bands and musicians (Deicide, At The Gates, Possessed, Wagner, Brahms to name a few). Powerfully written pieces yes but they can also get you depressed in no time. What do you think of the joy of pure being described by Jack Kerouac or the beauty of Mozart's repertoire? I think your Nihilist society is self-destructive.

I read some of your articles and I can admit that most of them reflect a sad truth. It may sound like some Buddhist shit (I don't know too much about Buddhist shit since I'm not very religious) but can't we accept fatality and live happily? ANUS.com is full of horrors while nature has so much more to offer.

Nietzsche, Schopenhauer are not examples of nihilism to me. They dreamed of it but most of what they wrote is hate and satire. Which is not bad reading at all after a depressing day but I mean, they can get you sick after a awhile.

Death, death, death, death... Ok, ok, I understand your point, we all die but if you would really care would you even be writing all those articles, creating this site, etc. No, I'm not better since I'm writing this email. But what I really want to say is that the ANUS community looks like a bunch deficient persons writing about how angry they are every time they go to the supermarket while they could praise the grandeur, the grace, the charm of Mother Nature.

Sincerely yours,
Doctor Growl

at Saturday, August 4, 2007 8:42 PM from dr4wazo@xxx.xxx

we get this letter in its varied forms all the time, or see it on the forums. the basic form is this: why don't you be more positive, because you're obssessed with negativity because (it is implied) you are "deficient" or losers.

did you really think this site was all about death, or rather, dealing with the individual's personal mortality? i think that is your projection, and your dysfunction, because this site is all about life -- and how to live it sanely.

if we were purely negative, as you note, we would not bother writing. rather, we are a few awakened peoples in a world of sleepwalkers who in their desire to avoid "negativity" have banished all unpopular, anti-social, and offensive "negative thoughts" like new age hippies and corporate car advertisements alike. that is the norm, and it is a mental error that leads to all forms of corrupt: people are in denial.

our goal is to find a way to escape this denial (nihilism), find out what is actually important in life (transcendentalism), design a method of achieving it in harmony with nature (idealism), consider the whole of the situation (holism) and put it into practice (realism). that's what this site does... and what do you do?

i mean, besides complain to others that their form of realistic giving a damn could be construed as "negative" by some bitter nobody with a keyboard.

v. Prozak

Well, you see, I like to complain, this is why I visited ANUS.com in the first place. Besides that, I'm a doctor, I open people... No seriously, I go to college (which means to get laid... even if haven't got laid very much lately). So yes, you can consider me as a nobody with a keyboard but you understood my point yes? I've read your nihilism page and one of the chapters described different forms of nihilism. One talked about "Joyful Nihilism" and maybe I stuck on it.

But let me ask you a few questions; why do you want each nation to have their own territory and so on (how about one nation?) and why such anger against jews? They are quite funny at times. Ok, many of them got influence (money, the fact they are a group), but I mean, you don't really care about money do you? If everyone would leave their pitiful jobs and try to help each other out (what will never happen but seems to be the only solution) they'd simply say fuck the money and they would live as a united force... I don't know which is easier: regroup everyone or divide everyone so that it makes a better group?

Anyway, these are basic questions about nihilism as you see it and your website, so don't take too seriously, thanks.

my problem here is this: people who say "don't take it too seriously" are usually underconfident; they don't want to pick an idea and stand behind it. it's better to admit that and proceed as a scientist.

second, i'm from a country where over half of the doctors leave medical school unfit to operate, and many end up doing rather disreputable things. so forgive me if your degree in the future, possibly, doesn't wow me.

if everyone would join together against jobs... well, wouldn't that be nice, but your first problem is that most people have no resentment toward jobs. they like them and consider them a good alternative.

i want each nation/ethnicity to have its own space to preserve indigenous culture.

i'm not sure i follow you with your question about anger toward jews; i'm not sure if there is any on the website, although clearly we're sceptical of materialistic religions like judaism and christianity! did you know that in the USA, most people named nowak/novak are jewish? we have a fascinating jewish population here and many of them are good people. they, too, are under assault by the globalist monoculture and should work to preserve their nation/ethnicity despite the cost. if you are jewish, you need to spend less time "getting laid" and more time finding a nice jewish girl with whom to reproduce children you will educate in traditional ways. your other option is for them to learn "culture" from malls and television. do you respect that kind of "culture"?

our ideas apply equally to africans, europeans, jews, arabs, nazis, christians and anal violators who live in basements and emerge at midnight to prey upon the unwilling. it's worth reading deeper, if you can gain the confidence to realize it will call upon you to take a stand, but that in turn will increase your testicle size by 28%

v. Prozak

Now it seems clear to me that your philosophy fits most of what I think too, I sure would enjoy a pink elephant and a little sun on your homepage but that's esthetic only (you have no taste!).

I'm not jewish, I know a lot of Novak are but as far as I went in my family tree (father side), we came from Austria, Croatia and Turkey and we're all christians, which is not a religion that really appeals to me like you might had guess.

Thanks for your answers and no, it's not that I'm underconfident, it's just that I don't how busy you might be. I guess you don't even work do ya? Just kidding...

I might participe to your site (I speak french). Besides, I don't care about being a doctor, but if one day I get to be one, it would not be in a hospital, I like anthrolopology and philosophy better. Doctor Growl's my "artist" name I'm a avant-garde musican I like to growl and rap on jazz-cross-folk-meets-metal music you see.

(damn, I'm stupid, I answered with my real name, hope you're not one of those sexual predators you talked about)

if we put happy pink elements on the homepage, we would get people who want to go back into comfortable modern states of denial. we are both darkness and light. others are one or the other.

we've got a french tribe (http://www.anus.com/tribes) coming later this year and it looks to be quite an impressive, in-depth one. if you have interest in helping out, we need more articulate people to push forward our vision instead of the dysfunctional ones we see everywhere else.

interesting on the music. i just completed an article on metal and jazz, and it will be published this friday in conjunction with another jazz site. no time to be a sexual predator or serial killer, sorry!

v. Prozak

Why no Bal Sagoth?

at Sunday, August 5, 2007 0:12 AM from manito9@xxx.xxx

good question. our goal is to find music whose creators have studied reality, formulated a theory of transcendent living, and replied with a concentrated focus in which they are able to express eternal truths of being alive. some bands approach this level but, for reasons of being unfocused or unable to confront unpleasant but necessary realities, do not quite qualify. we will look into the later works of bal-sagoth in the future.

v. Prozak

Dear Anus,

I've just finished reading "Conspiracy Theories" and I'm shocked at the article's ignorance. You know nothing about Freemasonry: Why mention it in the same sentence with Zionists? This article demonstrates that you are completely played by the paper work lie, or the necessary lie.
The paper work lie is nothing exotic or romantic. It's certainly not as romantic as your sad article.
Conspiracy is a diversion to allow for mundane bureaucratic paper pushing to continue on, no matter what faction is in power . That brings me to my next point: Your hypothesis of "us" all getting together to "fix the hole, or in some cases reform the whole system", sounds like Marxist evolutionary idealism. Overall the article is infantile, and not in the good Heraclitusian way.

By the way: your beloved Goethe was a Freemason

Good Day,

Perhaps I will end my interest in ANUS?

hi Urian,

i mentioned freemasons and zionists in the same sentence, because both are:

a) groups who have been or are part of conspiracy theories

b) groups that want to change society by establishing a new ethical/political order within it

i claim that a) is silly and that b) is a failure. if one wants to change society, one doesn't form interest groups within it to rebel against it, but melt in with the social system and reform it from within. this is contrary to the marxist idea that change is best done through revolution; we don't believe in revolution, we believe in reformation.

interest groups create internal divisions, which we see as a threat to a healthy society. our vision of a functioning society is the platonic one, based on consensus on values, ideals and goals. we don't need another "order" that will save us from their social evils, we need to remake the current order as a whole for the better.

Perhaps I will end my interest in ANUS?

i'm sorry, i write for CORRUPT.org, ANUS is a partner-site.

Alex Birch / Editor of CORRUPT.org

August 10, 2007