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Letters: Happy Birthday ANUS!The American Nihilist Underground Society has been online since 1987. That's 20 years of philosophical nihilism, internet trolling and sodomy! For 20 years we've been the number one source for nihilism and metal studies. We've appeared in a dozen of magazines and news sites, infecting forums world wide, and offending people from every culture and religion you could possibly imagine. From the start, ANUS consisted out of a few friends publishing textfiles, calling for like-minded to find truth and beauty in activities disrupting the uniform system behind modern society. Over time it expanded into literature with poetic fragments of loneliness as well as courage and resistence, drug stories and strange philosophical outputs. However, the heart of ANUS, besides its amoral nihilist content, has always been the intrinsic stream-of-consciousness metal reviews, praising an elitist attitude and constantly defending the genre's originality. Here we are, 20 years later, with members world wide, spreading our ideas and manifestos to a crowd larger than anyone could possibly imagine. Despite the simple design, the cryptic articles, the blasphemous inside jokes and the mystical poetry scattered out between broken HTML-files, ANUS march forward, spreading its hole wide open for those who dare to face the emptiness staring right back at them.
the more intellingent class should rule the system. do you believe in more a fascistic rule ar a more altruistic rule. rhe mix of both does come into the mix, realizing that the intelligent must rule while offering moderate freedoms to the middle class and slavery or destruction to the retarded (or lower class) does appeal to me. my question is, does the middle class deserve moderate freedoms or deserve total enslavement like the rest of the lower class. should the lower class all be slaves or be subject to several different rankings and be able to rise above the lower classes if they are intelligent enough. thanks for responding
at Monday, April 23, 2007 2:58 PM from oxygenman1@xxx.xxx
since we believe in meritocracy we also praise the social hierarchies that uphold such an ideal. class division was a victorian attempt to rank people after economical income, making it useful to justify capitalism but not much else. we uphold the indo-european caste system, which base the caste divisions on ability and heritage. our conception of freedom is that of ancient fascism: individual freedom is irrelevant - what we need is unity and through that, find common freedom to strive towards. the middle class would in a caste society involve a number of different castes but the general theory goes like this: leaders lead and workers work. slaves should not exist in a large number - if at all, since history proves that slavery is a mistake and eventually (together with slave morality) leads to slave revolt, which would bring us a new democratic totalitarianism of the crowd. don't look at the internal division as "enslavement," because it's not. the democratic logic tells us leaders must suppress the majority, which of course is true, but no people are "enslaved" under a leader. leadership is simply another form of specialization. caste meritocracy is the future for all functioning civilizations - and the only system that truly will bring freedom and peace to people.
Hi Prozak,
I had mailed you once , and this is the second mail i am sending, can we talk about what you have been trying to convey? I had asked one question, what is the basis of your reasoning and belief?, a very primary question that needs to be answered without choice to proceed on to discuss about your models of society and the shape self-destructive humanity in general. at Tuesday, April 24, 2007 4:27 PM from siddharth_com_hp@xxx.xxx
thank you for writing in. what i am trying to convey: that there is a better design for humanity, and it is rooted in an acceptance of design-based (Realistic) logic. what is the basis of my reasoning and belief: that when we look at the function of natural systems outside of our human definition, we can find more than a moral/emotional direction a mechanism by which life sustains itself. what i'd like to see: a localized, organic system of government which is intolerant of parasites and provides paths by which the better humans can breed more. cheers
v. Prozak
yea i want to know where the fuck my brothers in arms and through the tearany of the nigger revaloution are at.? i sit day to day while i see my country ravished and polluted by these fuckin boder jumpers who will work for nothing and putting people like my father out of work.. i'm sick of this shit.. i need some white power support in a fuckin quickness
at Thursday, April 26, 2007 5:53 PM from johnnydownsouth@xxx.xxx a lot of white people are seeing their homeland being destroyed, but the answer to our problems is not hate nor contempt for other ethnic groups; we need to fight the common enemy, which is multicultural globalism, not jews, negroes, freemasons etc. cheap labour is an oxymoron, because it both moves national business to foreign lands, while competing out the established white working class. this is why hitler saw nationalized economy as the solution; by preserving national business you are able to regulate it according to internal needs, not external.
I have been reading through the archives at anus.com. You wrote "Our lives are empty because there is no purpose other than self-gratification." Who is the Us and We that you are speaking of? - Valeria at Saturday, April 28, 2007 1:16 AM from valeriawinters@xxx.xxx thank you for reading, and writing in.
I have been reading through the archives at anus.com. You wrote "Our lives
are empty because there is no purpose other than self-gratification." Who
is the Us and We that you are speaking of?
"modern people" -- people whose fortunes are partially determined by a modern time
It seems that you are writing about how the world really is, and
describing your own entrapment in it and your understanding of this fact.
I find it hard to read rhetoric(?) because I don't know what to think of
it - whether it is my true thoughts manifesting themselves, or meaningless
lies created to entertain angry people.
a lot of the rhetoric out there is for "personal" reasons, meaning people seeking to justify their own failures or successes and avoid guilt, worry or doubt. in our case, we are well-adjusted people doing quite well in the world, but we see how its conclusions -- the path it's taking -- will be an end in slow degradation to inconsequence. so we work against it, not for personal interest but in the interest of the whole, which will in turn benefit us along with everyone else.
Reading through the archives,
there were moments when I needed to do something, about it all. This was
roughly a month ago, and all I have really "done" was buying a few black
metal albums... and also writing one item of homo-erotic slash. (That grim
I have also considered performance art. Can you give me any ideas?
Perhaps, the most noble thing a girl like me can do is breed with some
well-endowed ubermenschen and eat grapes all day. I've found that
sometimes, just loving someone and supporting their ideas and goals can be
enough. To me, this is the most self-gratifying thing I can think of. I am
not able to figure out how, if at all, this works in nihilism and whether
you consider it to be a form of egoism. Thank you for your attention.
it's important to separate self-interest in a holistic context from eogism. egoism is self with no external consequences; self-interest in a holistic sense is doing what is good for the individual within the set of actions that are coherent with the whole. egoism knows no such context :) were i in your situation i would follow a simple plan: 1. acquire uebermensch for family (this is more important than most acknowledge) 2. find whatever position of power, influence or community stalwartism you can in your local community 3. continue writing and/or distributing news and ideas to support the ideas you have discovered 4. in every choice you make, and every choice you explain to others, display these values (from ideas you have discovered) as a form of personal discipline 5. if and when possible, join with others to gain political influence for a movement or movements who are committed to achieving change on whatever levels possible at that time perhaps not the most satisfying answer -- many seem to want some quick response about distributing flyers and killing untermenschen. but on a practical level, a useful guide for achievement. you also might consider (#3 and #5) joining up with corrupt.org forces to keep changing minds among those who are still awake, and eventually, to mobilize a political force to change the world. details available at http://www.corrupt.org/act cheers ps - nothing wrong with quality black metal, or high-impact trolling, either! :)
v. Prozak
Regarding what you think of Capitalism, if it is the problem since it makes a pretense of finance and judges a person by their economic wealth, and Communism is not better since it assumes that the direct opposite is positive, what is the solution? I don't think you make it very clear within all those articles, or i just couldn't grasp what you were trying to say.
Thank you and keep it up with the excellent material and effort. Cheers. at Tuesday, May 1, 2007 9:21 AM from hexen_uamenti@xxx.xxx We see meritocracy as a third option and ultimate solution to the problem. Judging people by ability would secure effective and quality work within society, and avoid most of the corruption associated with the capitalist system, where any moron can buy his or her way up to leadership, without even being acquainted with Plato.
What is the meaning of the symbol at the top of the homepage of anus? The vertical line with the 4 slanted lines coming out of the top? Is it just a tree symbol or does it stand for something in particular?
at Thursday, May 3, 2007 8:03 AM from jfisch@xxx.xxx thanks for reading, and for asking such a perceptive question.
What is the meaning of the symbol at the top of the homepage of anus? The
vertical line with the 4 slanted lines coming out of the top? Is it just
a tree symbol or does it stand for something in particular?
the icon we use is a fusion of the norse rune for life, and as we as holists associate the tree with the process of life (that which takes raw materials and puts them into a cycle from which nothing is lost, and nothing created except beauty: a form of information), we adapted it to a more treelike form in part to avoid commenting on other types of groups who use similar symbols. we wanted a new symbol, a compassionate and giving one that also brought to mind the order of nature, natural selection and the inherent idealism of those who appreciate beauty. if you like our symbol, please plant a tree, kill a fool (smart people can be delusional as an inherent tendency, which makes them fools) or moron, and/or join up at http://www.corrupt.org/act cheers
v. Prozak
how do we escape capitalism?.....every action we make contributes towards it
at Friday, May 4, 2007 9:19 AM from dan_cant_lose@xxx.xxx
this is an interesting question. what we need to have in mind, is that capitalism may be defined both as an economical system, and as a quasi-political, quasi-ideological system. the latter is what we must see as a corrupt: it sees Money as the highest value and destroys national culture and independence - all for the sake of centralizing power in the hands of those who are able to make clever profits, regardless of its consequences. therefore, we cannot escape capitalism unless we set out to create new values; other values than that of production and/or consumption of commerce. ultimately, the people living in capitalist societies will not be able to reform society on their own, without a group of leaders changing the current design. most european countries today are moving toward nationalism, meaning they will stop the international economic power, and transfer it into the national economy to preserve political independence. capitalism as defined by competition is not so much a problem, as long as the State is able to regulate the market as it sees fit. one could argue that capitalism is simply a by-product of democracy, and knowing how the current democracies in the west are working, we also know this to be a correct assumption. in other words, the belief in Money as God, is the result of over 2,000 years of crowd revolt. most people think selfishly and thus support any principle that means they will be able to profit on other people, regardless consequences.
From: Emil
The reviews at the Dark Legions are very abstract, and therefore, I am curious of how they reach their conclusion. Are they the result of an initutive perception of the music, id est the collision of subject and object -- projecting their own logic through our general categories? Or are they yet a new abstraction (or substraction) of the basic idea and its transcendental forms? Or both? It seems to me, given that both suggestions are true, that one must undergo those processes yet again when one is reading the review. Language is not merely enough, as it does not replace the chaotical order which is nihilism, or diffusion of object and subject.
the reviews are designed so that the user must meet them, find a common ground of knowledge processing, and use imagination to creatively fill in the picture of what is being described. their logical format is pure information science, which takes into account a top-level description of the universe as a motion of data created by the exchange of heat that is physics, a brilliant design by which nothing is conserved or created except experience, knowledge, and evolving design. the cosmic order is their inspiration. the language used is designed to bring about the subject-object collision you describe in the patterns of idealism, or the recognition that the mathematics of thinking and informational organization of the universe originate in a common logical scheme. all of this fits into nihilism as it is the quieting of the human chaotic mind so that it may appreciate the broader scope (outside the self, outside symbolic logic) of the universe as whole.
v. Prozak
at Friday, May 11, 2007 2:52 AM from SPIRAMEN@xxx.xxx ...or God is such a masochist that he created an "imperfect" and "immoral" world of natural selection to whine about, only to make himself look good in front of delusional people?
ANUS talks about metalheads, skinheads and punks semioccasionally. Is there a clear view on the goth subculture in the ANUS ?
at Tuesday, May 15, 2007 4:45 AM from berzhas@xxx.xxx no, there is not, although i personally look at it this way: there are clever goths and there are foolish goths. i appreciate those people who define their lifestyle as gothic, as a way of creating a romanticist lifestyle away from modern society. the foolish goths tend to embrace self-pity, which is alien to traditional goths that usually lean toward nietzsche. today, most people calling themselves "goths" - just like with metalheads, punks and skinheads - do so to fit into a social scheme and play "outsider." in short, we don't judge people by their adherence to a specific subculture, not even after their membership in political parties. we judge people individually after character, intelligence, creativity, and willingness to engage in sodomy against the modern society of intolerance.
You do realize that your name's acronym spells out Anus. I mean I'm sure you all noticed that. But how can you be so comfortable with it, or expect your selves and cause to be taken seriously.
P.S. YOUR NAME IS ANUS! at Saturday, May 19, 2007 12:27 AM from focusfate@xxx.xxx if you feel morally offended by your own anus, you're not alone. more people are struggling to come to terms with the internal mechanisms of reality. a few of us thought it could be wise to accept truth, even if it's offending. p.s. if we were not serious, it'd be silly of you to write in, wouldn't it?
hi iam jen n i believe dat u guys should b allowed 2 do wat ever u want just as long it is not bothering ne one. u guys have as much right as we do n yea.
at Sunday, May 20, 2007 12:01 AM from babyjen_2010@xxx.xxx well, let me ask you one question: if you want A and i want B, and it turns out that both of us can't have it our way, then what should we do? we could either fight over it for a week or so, or we could pick the best from A and B and get on with our life. we cannot have it "our way," because we're not living in isolated bubbles. in a society, people are connected to each other and work together, whether we like it or not.
Regarding the "What is Art?" article, (before i continue, it was enlightening material which vividly answers alot) you say Neo-Classical music helps us operate properly and understand life through abstract thought, but then how are we to differentiate between Metal which is entirely fueled for financial reasons and one which is a true icon of art? For example the first 2 Deicide albums had clearly illustrated (at least in my eyes) how art functions and that their beliefs were important, yet it only appeared later than even when the band ran of ideas (and shortly after, people, were Christians like Ralph Santolla join) they still kept making music for the sake ofd financial welfare. Then even Possessed with their earlier material, "Seven Churches" which literally invented Death Metal, had been bashed by the band members themselves, claiming it was all a pile of fun, with no relation to what they aspire to musically. I would greatly appreciate it if you could answer these questions, keep up the phenomenal method of thinking and coherent beliefs, yet most of all keep up the good work. Cheers. at Tuesday, May 22, 2007 5:01 AM from Hexen_uamenti@xxx.xxx thanks a lot for your feedback, i'm glad to receive any support from our readers. what differs intelligent artistic metal from massproduced superficial metal, are the same things that differ beethoven from britney spears; the former manages to portray the will as a power to understand our relation to life and how it operates, while the latter uses melody - and occasionally harmony - as purely an aesthetic effect. for moronic metal artists and pop bands, music is entertainment that wants to pass the time. therefore it has nothing meaningful to say us, nor is the experience in any rewarding, although some peope might find it "cool" or "fun." the dark legions archive is dedicated to deconstruct music and analyze its very foundation, to discover how the music is built and from there on, learn the correlation between musical and existential thought. does such a relationship exist? i believe it does. we listen to music and we relate to things in life. clearly there is a connection, but no one has yet revealed it, only tried to describe it in very simle terms. we're here to contribute to that - yet preserve all the magic that music hides. the bottom line is this: if it was very simple to describe and debate art, it wouldn't be art, but some mathematical combination we had to solve. fortunately, art is more than that, hence why brilliant bands like possessed and deicide often devalue their own work - and why the very simple melodies by kraftwerk are able to evoke such strong emotions. lots of swedish death metal bands claim they created music "just for fun," but when we listen to what they created, we find something deeper that you only discover after having listened to the actual music. metal is a special chapter in the history of music though; brilliant teenagers crafting music after the great classical composers, while attending school, learning about women, and partying on graveyards. the result has got to be unique... i'm sorry that i can't answer your questions more specifically. perhaps this is a part of the magic of metal music; how did these young people create such beautiful music? we can analyze their instrumental skills, their philosophical influences and their dissident lifestyles, but that's probably as far as we're going to get. and when thinking about it, perhaps this is for the best?
For S.R. Prozak:
I am a seventeen year old male living in Texas. I have a question I would like for you to answer if you deem it worthy. What is a Christian to you? I do not mean what do you think of Christians, you are quite clear on that point, but what does a Christian believe? How are Christians wrong in what they believe and what evidence/reason can you exhibit that would convince a Christian to renounce his/her faith? I am most interested to hear your arguments against my Lord, and look forward to a reply if you find me worth your time. Sincerely, Isaac at Wednesday, May 30, 2007 1:21 AM from zras4@xxx.xxx thank you for writing in with what i consider to be interesting and vital questions.
I am a seventeen year old male living in Texas. I have a question I would like for you to answer if you deem it worthy. What is a Christian to you? I do not mean what do you think of Christians, you are quite clear on that point, but what does a Christian believe? How are Christians wrong in what they believe and what evidence/reason can you exhibit that would convince a Christian to renounce his/her faith? I am most interested to hear your arguments against my Lord, and look forward to a reply if you find me worth your time.
i think it's useful to separate out christianity into three views, none of which defines it, but each of which reveals what it meanst in certain contexts. first, there is the religious-philosophical definition, or that christians are people with certain values based on certain philosophical decisions. second, there is the historical-political definition, or who was drawn to christianity and what were its effects on civilization. finally, there is the name "christian" and as we know this can be applied to anything without particular relevance ("christian pornography","christian potheads","christian toast"). in my view, the historical-political definition encompasses most of what you read about christianity and christians on this site: a wrecking ball for many positive values, and an empowerer of corporate-crowdist rule. the religious-philosophical side of christianity however is most likely what you are asking here: what values or beliefs make someone a christian? in this context, my answer may be unsettling. a christian is someone who interprets the interpretation of reality known as the bible (with selected other sources). my goal at this point in life is not to assault christianity, but to make christians see it as part of the language of philosophy which can describe all faiths and outlooks on life, and within that language, to make it more specific and realistic. some christians are pure dualists, who believe that if they do what they read from the bible and interpret as God's word, they will be able to join others in an eternal life called heaven. others are transcendentalists, like ralph waldo emerson or johannes eckhart, and they believe that God is a metaphysical summary of the world (like an emotion or intuition) and to reach a divine state is to live well, and to see with clarity the actions that need be taken. there are other interpretations as well -- millions of them. the question then becomes not "what is the best interpretation of christianity?" but "what is the best interpretation of reality to which an interpretation of christianity can be applied?" i think the viability of christianity, in short, depends on how realistic this interpretation is. if you want arguments against God, you must first acknowledge that these are arguments against interpretations of God, as God itself/himself remains invisible and unknowable. i would argue against the simplistic, dualistic, symbolic reality that mainstream christianity has perpetrated upon the world for the past 2,000 years; clearly it is both arealistic and unreasonable, and its effects have been destructive. but now we are in the political-historical realm i am not sure i want anyone to renounce God. i want them to see God in a realistic light, which i interpret as the transcendental. in this light, few of the destructive actions of mainstream political-historical christianity make sense. i think the problem with most people renouncing God is that they throw the baby out with the bathwater, and so renounce all belief in life. i want them to believe in life, and to believe in that metaphysical summation called Gods, Godhead or The Gods if they can -- but then the real job begins, for a philosopher, which is tuning the accuracy of that belief. i hope these answers make sense in light of your questions but i fear that any response will be oblique. there's a wonderful author from texas named paul woodruff who created a book called "reverence: renewing a forgotten virtue" which i recommend to any christian alongside the basic writings of johannes eckhart. christians who take the transcendental path are saying the same thing we are in different words, and would have a much more positive effect on human civilization than the political-historical manifestation of christianity has done. cheers
v. Prozak
Mr. Prozak:
First of all, thank you for replying to my letter so quickly, It is much appreciated. Secondly, your division of Christianity makes sense to me, mostly. As you explain in your third view, Christianity is thrown around as a meaningless word too often. I also partially agree with your second view in that Christianity is used as a means to achieve our human ends. I am a proponent of allowing God to use me and never using Him to get what I personally want. I feel your first view is the category that I am more interested in. I am a person who follows certain values based upon my own philosophical decisions (which have been heavily influenced by my parents' teachings as well as various others but are ultimately my own). However, one of my questions remains unanswered: what exactly ARE the philosophical views of Christians? You said that they believe in the Bible, which they say is the word of God, but what exactly does that entail? What is in the Bible that compels them to believe in it? I also have three requests of you, again only if you find them worth your time: (1)Would you please explain to me why, when replying to a message sent by myself, it is not your "goal at this point to assault Christianity", when replies to other letters on your website include such obvious assaults on Christianity as "F... Christ F... God" etc. (2) Would you kindly post my letters on your website to prove that, while you may disagree with my beliefs and I with yours, we are perfectly capable of conversing with each other without cursing each other or treating each other condescendingly. I am pleased to see that my respectful manner toward you in initiating this conversation has evoked a mutual respect between the two of us. I have read many other Christians' letters to you on your website, and I am appalled that they should hate you so much. You see Christ commanded us to love those who hate us and the Christians who have written to your site have obviously lost sight of that, but then again, we all do. (3)Could you remove the song quote in the letters section of your website, which is horribly offensive to myself and others of the same creed as myself. I do not expect an affirmative to this request, but I just thought I would ask.
Thank you once again for your time, P.S: And consequently, I enjoy Christian metal very much. From reading your works, I know you are very much against Christianity in metal, and I would like to discuss this with you as I see that Christianity can very easily be a part of metal. I enjoy Extol, Antestor, Drottnar, and many American bands also. at Wednesday, May 30, 2007 12:07 AM from zras4@xxx.xxx
Secondly, your division of Christianity makes sense to me, mostly. As you explain in your third view, Christianity is thrown around as a meaningless word too often. I also partially agree with your second view in that Christianity is used as a means to achieve our human ends. I am a proponent of allowing God to use me and never using Him to get what I personally want.
I feel your first view is the category that I am more interested in. I am a person who follows certain values based upon my own philosophical decisions (which have been heavily influenced by my parents' teachings as well as various others but are ultimately my own). However, one of my questions remains unanswered: what exactly ARE the philosophical views of Christians? You said that they believe in the Bible, which they say is the word of God, but what exactly does that entail? What is in the Bible that compels them to believe in it? you have two questions here: 1. what are the philosophical views of christians? i think what i said was that they believe in an interpretation of the bible, which is in itself an interpretation of reality. for this reason, the question is impossible to answer: you would have to see into the minds of the christians. christianity, as a philosophy, can be documented and understood, but keep in mind that this does not encompass all christian views, as it is written vaguely and is widely open to interpretation. a. dualism. Christianity believes in separation between reality and God, (good and evil) and (reality) as being from separate planes, and the personal relationship between the human and God. again, in the hands of a studied thinker, these terms may take on a different meaning. transcendentalists for example reject dualism because they recognize that any other worlds out there are contiguous to this one, as they're from the same unitive order. b. morality. Christianity asserts that moral absolutes exist. c. symbolism. Christianity believes that moral symbolism, and recognition of God-symbolism, may be more important than reality. d. love. Christianity believes in love as a guiding principle, leading to a passive morality of forgiving others regardless of outcome. as such, we might call it an "after processing" moral judgment, in that it does not assess results as much as intent. what is interesting is that all of these concepts are based on words and symbols that are interpreted differently among individuals. a person of IQ 105 might find a stadium church that preaches the literality of hell to be rewarding, but someone at 125 IQ points is more likely to see that as metaphorical or symbolic in the ways of the ancient gods. given that the bible is handed down to us as an oral tradition thousands of years old that incorporates elements of hindu, sumerian, greek, jewish and roman religious philosophies, it is hard to claim there is a single interpretation of christianity that is correct. so we must say that christians believe in an interpretation of the bible which is itself an interpretation of reality, and thus their beliefs vary widely. other religions do not succumb as much to this informational entropy, since they define their absolutes and interpretive guideliness differently. 2. what compels them to believe in it? this would also vary with the individual. i'd say the top reasons are: a desire for moral framework to life, fear of death, and need for an absolute means of compelling/controlling others.
I also have three requests of you, again only if you find them worth your time: (1)Would you please explain to me why, when replying to a message sent by myself, it is not your "goal at this point to assault Christianity", when replies to other letters on your website include such obvious assaults on Christianity as "F... Christ F... God" etc.
it is not my goal at this point to assault christianity. other circumstances may vary and may have varied in the past. your question seems to be disconnected from the rest of our narrative here, as if you asked other questions as a means to introduce this one. why not simply ask that?
(2) Would you kindly post my letters on your website to prove that, while you may disagree with my beliefs and I with yours, we are perfectly capable of conversing with each other without cursing each other or treating each other condescendingly. I am pleased to see that my respectful manner toward you in initiating this conversation has evoked a mutual respect between the two of us. I have read many other Christians' letters to you on your website, and I am appalled that they should hate you so much. You see Christ commanded us to love those who hate us and the Christians who have written to your site have obviously lost sight of that, but then again, we all do.
we post all letters that are "interesting" (subjective) on the website, and that is the discretion of our editor, not myself.
(3)Could you remove the song quote in the letters section of your website, which is horribly offensive to myself and others of the same creed as myself. I do not expect an affirmative to this request, but I just thought I would ask.
one aspect of Christianity is loving others and tolerating their ways as much as Christians respect their own. for example, Christians tolerate Jewish and Muslim neighbors and respect radically different traditions. what you are seeing there as offensive is simply from a different tradition. you might find the above answer relativistic. after all, wouldn't it be nice to have an absolute moral standard by which we could declare one thing right and another thing wrong, and be done with it? however, christianity in itself is highly relativistic since it is based on love and tolerance for individuals and forgiveness of error on the basis of "intent," not outcome. so i think it is very christian to keep it there, as otherwise we will be denying metalheads their reality and religion in a way you would not want yours denied to you. a transcendentalist, of course, would observe that as God is the whole of the universe, God encloses both "good" and "evil," which are relative (but not relativistic, since they are not judged) terms, and therefore a true God would relish blasphemy in the right context as much as He/She would relish praise in the right context. it's a good matter to think on. again, thank you for writing in for a civil dialogue. cheers
v. Prozak
Prozak: I am wondering something. If a metal band's members are christians and want to include their beliefs in their lyrics, how can one tell them that it doesn't fit in a genre to do so, especially a genre such as metal, the platform of which has been extremity and nonconformity since its very beginning.It seems that to disallow the freedom to express oneself in a genre designed to provide that freedom is putting the very limitations on the genre that the it sought to escape. It seems like a vicious cycle to me. What are your thoughts? In addition, only false or weak Christians conform to society and the standards of this world. Real Christians are looked down upon in many cases because they do what they believe is right and it is against the status quo. Is that no exaclty what A.N.U.S is all about? The enabling of people to make their own decisions without the influence of society holding sway with them seems to be central to your entire philosophy. Just some thoughts of mine. Sincerely, Isaac
I am wondering something. If a metal band's members are christians and want to include their beliefs in their lyrics, how can one tell them that it doesn't fit in a genre to do so, especially a genre such as metal, the platform of which has been extremity and nonconformity since its very beginning.It seems that to disallow the freedom to express oneself in a genre designed to provide that freedom is putting the very limitations on the genre that the it sought to escape. It seems like a vicious cycle to me. What are your thoughts?
a few thoughts: 1. christianity predated metal. it is thus impossible that christianity can be non-conformity within metal, given that metal is responding to a world order in part created by that political-historical christianity we talked about. 2. every genre has beliefs. not every one will include christianity. my guess is that enlightened christians do not see metal as a forum for their beliefs. the few successes of "christian metal" bands (on par with "white power" bands) seems to suggest this is accurate. 3. i don't think metal is about non-conformity. rather, i think it's about a modernistic reincarnation of romantic beliefs, from a position of education in modernity. it's machine-like music that speaks a truth outside of machines, and ugly-sounding music that finds beauty in that ugliness. (yes, i think the historical jesus would have been cool with slayer, but he did have a sense of humor, unlike some recent high-profile religious leaders of all stripes).
In addition, only false or weak Christians conform to society and the standards of this world. Real Christians are looked down upon in many cases because they do what they believe is right and it is against the status quo. Is that no exaclty what A.N.U.S is all about? The enabling of people to make their own decisions without the influence of society holding sway with them seems to be central to your entire philosophy. Just some thoughts of mine. this is where i find respect for christians, yes, but they must recall that if their beliefs and actions are ineffective in bringing about a better order, they are pursuing futility and should question their motives. we have always had a fair number of intelligent christians who visit the site and are not bothered by the content, nor the music. society does need to be overthrown in its current form, but we must be careful about what we ask for, because if the structure of our ideas is not substantially different, we will repeat its folly... sorry for the brief reply, but hopefully it is useful data. cheers
v. Prozak
1. christianity predated metal. it is thus impossible that christianity can
be non-conformity within metal, given that metal is responding to a world
order in part created by that political-historical christianity we talked about.
First, let me differentiate between what I feel you are taking my use of the word "Christian" to mean and what I intend it to mean. Christianity, in the political/historical sense, is not what I am trying to promote/imply in my usage. The teachings and salvation offered by Jesus Christ are the things that I mean by "Christianity". I do not mean politicians who use "Christianity" as a means to achieve personal goals, nor do I mean self-righteous religious leaders to be included in my use of the word. In addition and as you probably already know, Jesus himself was against the abuse of power that was rampant among the Jewish leaders of His day. That being cleared up (I apologize for not being clear in the first place) my argument stands that the teachings of Jesus and the salvation that He offers (not Christianity as an organized religion, but Christ following as a personal belief in Him, by choice) can undoubtedly be included in metal lyrics as easily as satanic lyrics can because, like the satanic lyrics, they are not the product of an organized faction, but simply a set of beliefs.
2. every genre has beliefs. not every one will include christianity. my guess
is that enlightened christians do not see metal as a forum for their beliefs.
the few successes of "christian metal" bands (on par with "white power"
bands) seems to suggest this is accurate I will agree with you that metal is not necessarily a welcoming genre for Christ following artists (would we be having this conversation if it were?), nor is it a place of great success for Christian artists, especially in Europe; however, by the few of us who like the sound, but disagree strongly with the secular artists' lyrics, it is much appreciated. To say that every genre has beliefs is placing the worth of the genre above that of beliefs. The genre that music belongs to is simply the classification of its sound, how its instruments meld to create a certain audio wave that our brains all interpret differently. That medium through which the ideas are transferred cannot possibly be held above the ideas themselves. Just the opinion of myself and a few others.
this is where i find respect for christians, yes, but they must recall that
if their beliefs and actions are ineffective in bringing about a better order,
they are pursuing futility and should question their motives. we have always
had a fair number of intelligent christians who visit the site and are not
bothered by the content, nor the music.
Correct me if I am mistaken, but Nihilists believe that there is not any sort of a definite morality, do they not? A sort of indifference to right or wrong, good or bad? How then can they aspire to a "better order" when there is no better or worse, no standard by which conditions can be judged to be better or worse than the current order? In addition, I never feel that my actions are ineffective. They might be ineffective in bringing about a massive change in many peoples' lives, but everything I do affects somebody. Therefore, if my actions are positive and have a positive effect on somebody else, I have made progress toward a better order. An example of this might be this: when I was in the seventh grade, I was picked on occasionally by a certain eighth grader. This person belittled me and made me very angry at times. One day after football practice, he was thirsty and wanted a Gatorade or something and was asking around for some spare change. I walked up to him and looked him right in the eye, not with fear but with a look that said, "I forgive you for everything you have ever done to me" and gave him what change I had. He never bothered me again. Now we are fairly good friends, and he has grown to be a good man. This is a very small instance, but even it changed something. The world is in shambles, I will agree with you there, and I will even agree with you that it is due in part to power hungry people who have used Christianity (as well as other religions) as a political tool but I do not in any way feel that the efforts of true Christ Followers are futile. Also, I consider myself a fairly intelligent person and I believe in Jesus Christ and the content of your site still bothers me a great deal. The documentation of your philosophy and the listing of resources to help your cause do not bother me, everybody is entitled to believe what they believe, but such hateful and accosting things as the song lyrics I have already mentioned bother me a great deal. I am not a soft person, but those lyrics almost brought tears to my eyes. Not for my Lord, He can handle anything anybody has to say about Him, but for the people who wrote them. I cannot imagine what could breed such hate and anger. I am also very curious as to what kind of Christians you have spoken with and why your opinion of them is so very low. One last question: is it your belief that 1) Jesus' teachings are worth following, but his good teachings have been corrupted by church officials, thus they have lost their relevancy and power or 2) Jesus' teachings are worth nothing from the outset and are just another reason that Christians are wrong? This question was raised by your statement:
i think the historical jesus would have been cool with slayer, but he did have a sense of
humor, unlike some recent high-profile religious leaders of all stripes). In other words, are religious leaders your main reason for disagreeing so strongly with what I believe or is it something else? I am very much enjoying discussing these things with you. It helps me understand peoples' arguments against what I believe to be true. Thank you for your time, Isaac
1. christianity predated metal. it is thus impossible that christianity can
be non-conformity within metal, given that metal is responding to a world order in part created by that political-historical christianity we talked about.
First, let me differentiate between what I feel you are taking my use of the word "Christian" to mean and what I intend it to mean. Christianity, in the political/historical sense, is not what I am trying to promote/imply in my usage. The teachings and salvation offered by Jesus Christ are the things that I mean by "Christianity". I do not mean politicians who use "Christianity" as a means to achieve personal goals, nor do I mean self-righteous religious leaders to be included in my use of the word. In addition and as you probably already know, Jesus himself was against the abuse of power that was rampant among the Jewish leaders of His day. That being cleared up (I apologize for not being clear in the first place) my argument stands that the teachings of Jesus and the salvation that He offers (not Christianity as an organized religion, but Christ following as a personal belief in Him, by choice) can undoubtedly be included in metal lyrics as easily as satanic lyrics can because, like the satanic lyrics, they are not the product of an organized faction, but simply a set of beliefs. looking at the question from a philosopher's viewpoint however, metal as romantic art encourages exploration within a certain range of beliefs, which is what makes it distinctive as art. its sound and topic matter arise from those ideas. satanism in metal, for example, is not worship of satan but suggestion, metaphorically, of an amoral universe. i do not see metal as incompatible with transcendental beliefs, but transcendentalism is a philosophy discovered through individual exploration (esoteric) where finding personal belief in an icon, prophet or god is a passive, mechanical process (exoteric). for this reason, i do not think christian metal makes sense any more than white power hip-hop (a horrid idea).
2. every genre has beliefs. not every one will include christianity. my guess
is that enlightened christians do not see metal as a forum for their beliefs.
the few successes of "christian metal" bands (on par with "white power"
bands) seems to suggest this is accurate
I will agree with you that metal is not necessarily a welcoming genre for Christ following artists (would we be having this conversation if it were?), nor is it a place of great success for Christian artists, especially in Europe; however, by the few of us who like the sound, but disagree strongly with the secular artists' lyrics, it is much appreciated. To say that every genre has beliefs is placing the worth of the genre above that of beliefs. The genre that music belongs to is simply the classification of its sound, how its instruments meld to create a certain audio wave that our brains all interpret differently. That medium through which the ideas are transferred cannot possibly be held above the ideas themselves. i disagree wholeheartedly with this explanation. much as in literature, genres are founded by ideas expressed in words or sound. the symbols themselves are not those ideas. i do not see why christians could not enjoy metal, including arch-satanic bands, by appreciating them as metaphor/art and not literal spiritual instructions (i consider it unwise for any to take slayer and deicide literally).
this is where i find respect for christians, yes, but they must recall that
if their beliefs and actions are ineffective in bringing about a better order,
they are pursuing futility and should question their motives. we have always
had a fair number of intelligent christians who visit the site and are not
bothered by the content, nor the music.
Correct me if I am mistaken, but Nihilists believe that there is not any sort of a definite morality, do they not? A sort of indifference to right or wrong, good or bad? How then can they aspire to a "better order" when there is no better or worse, no standard by which conditions can be judged to be better or worse than the current order? In addition, I never feel that my actions are ineffective. They might be ineffective in bringing about a massive change in many peoples' lives, but everything I do affects somebody. Therefore, if my actions are positive and have a positive effect on somebody else, I have made progress toward a better order. An example of this might be this: when I was in the seventh grade, I was picked on occasionally by a certain eighth grader. This person belittled me and made me very angry at times. One day after football practice, he was thirsty and wanted a Gatorade or something and was asking around for some spare change. I walked up to him and looked him right in the eye, not with fear but with a look that said, "I forgive you for everything you have ever done to me" and gave him what change I had. He never bothered me again. Now we are fairly good friends, and he has grown to be a good man. This is a very small instance, but even it changed something. i am not certain why you conflate good/evil with better/worse; although both are interpretations, one is anthrocentric and the other is design- oriented. good move on the eighth grader. in my experience, most bullies have been abused into low self-esteem.
The world is in shambles, I will agree with you there, and I will even agree with you that
it is due in part to power hungry people who have used Christianity (as well as other
religions) as a political tool but I do not in any way feel that the efforts of true Christ
Followers are futile. Also, I consider myself a fairly intelligent person and I believe in Jesus
Christ and the content of your site still bothers me a great deal. The documentation of
your philosophy and the listing of resources to help your cause do not bother me,
everybody is entitled to believe what they believe, but such hateful and accosting things as
the song lyrics I have already mentioned bother me a great deal. I am not a soft person,
but those lyrics almost brought tears to my eyes. Not for my Lord, He can handle anything
anybody has to say about Him, but for the people who wrote them. I cannot imagine what could breed such hate and anger. I am also very curious as to what kind of
Christians you have spoken with and why your opinion of them is so very low.
my experience with christians is varied and, for the past decade, i have tried to talk to them in the language of philosophy -- not the language of politics. in philosophical terms, calling someone a "christian" is meaningless as the question is what they actually believe, and what they actually do. there's a fair amount of diversity in christianity. i don't believe everyone has a right to ANY kind of belief. i think we need to as a species get back to reality, because we've made our world into shambles. i think this realism can be expressed in christianity but not in the populist form of it, much like it cannot be expressed in other populist philosophies (Randism, scientology,etc). am i a fascist? no, i'm worse: i'm a realist. i'm the person who sees what's on the horizon before it happens, and would prefer we don't steer into it. i'm the one who sees that some people are wholly dishonest, while most are only partially so. i'm the one who knows altruism is fake, but believes in love for the whole, because only through that do we transcend what is otherwise life as glorified monkeys with car keys. as a realist, i also recognize that 99.9% of the population won't understand this and will oppose it, and so they need to be oppressed. and you want the shocker? the historical jesus would have agreed with me :)
One last question:
is it your belief that 1) Jesus' teachings are worth following, but his good teachings have been corrupted by church officials, thus they have lost their relevancy and power or 2) Jesus' teachings are worth nothing from the outset and are just another reason that Christians are wrong? This question was raised by your statement: i think the historical jesus would have been cool with slayer, but he did have a sense of humor, unlike some recent high-profile religious leaders of all stripes). In other words, are religious leaders your main reason for disagreeing so strongly with what I believe or is it something else? unfortunately, this question cannot be answered, because we only have records of jesus. however, based on what i have read in the bible, he did indeed have a sense of humor and was not threatened by blasphemy or other "bad" behavior. so yes, he would have enjoyed slayer. however, the structure of the religion as represented, whether by jesus or others, leads to an exoteric view that is poor psychology for most humans. christianity needs more geniuses (modern word for prophet) to reform its misinterpretation or design flaws; does it matter which?
I am very much enjoying discussing these things with you. It helps me understand
peoples' arguments against what I believe to be true.
i think it's a useful dialogue to have, unlike the somewhat acrimonious elitism from some groups like the internet infidels and fred phelps. you might also want to explore bands that take no religious stance whatsoever. i would have to read lyrics (something i normally do not do) but i know that many death metal bands were not explicitly blasphemous, although all were amoral. have you heard demilich? gorguts? cheers
v. Prozak June 17, 2007 |