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Our Great Freedom
Our great freedom is nothing more than a feeble illusion, constructed and maintained in order to keep the human cattle from wandering too far from the rest of the herd and from the pasture that is the tainted, corrupted existence that is life in the modern world. Our lives are spent, for the first five years, knowing nothing but to play and to enjoy a family-based life: a localized, natural way of life. This illusion is quickly shattered when we are taken from our homes at once and thrust into a grueling indoctrinatory process in little more than a program of human domestication. We are taken from our mothers’ bosoms and our fathers’ knees, taken from the forests, fields, and the beautiful, majestic splendour of the outdoors, and we are forced to sit indoors in uncomfortable chairs and listen to the half-mad ravings of insecure fools. We are not only expected to submit ourselves to such torture, but we are, in turn, expected to submit our very own children to a like sentence once they reach the proper age for indoctrination. All at once, the world we knew is taken from us, though our parents, whom we are taught to honour and respect, agree to submit us to such cruelty without protest; how can one be expected to honour and respect those who would cause their own children to endure such trite conditions, as they experienced earlier in life, is beyond the author’s comprehension. For many years, thirteen of which are expected to be wasted, we are thrust into an environment and forced not only to tolerate but also to socialize with those who are not of equal stock or upbringing; this process merely serves as a catalyst to the indoctrination of tolerance and submission to those of lesser standing, including our state appointed "teachers” whom we are taught to obey and believe as they were messengers of divine wisdom. During this period, we are taught scant few skills that can be used to further oneself, of which the first and foremost, which also seems to be the most difficult to accomplish for the lower man, would be reading, as, once one has learned to read, one can educate oneself and begin to further form one’s own opinions. Another skill taught, which is partnered with reading, is writing, which allows one to record important events and to communicate ideas and opinions on a broader level apart from speaking. However, very few skills necessary for the survival of an individual are mentioned, much less taught, in school during this period. Eventually, during, or perhaps before this period in modern life, a child will begin viewing television programming, which will further plant the seeds of submissive indoctrination, yet will also bring to bear on the child social intrigues, such as popularity, through products owned and shows viewed, which would not have ever been imagined before this time. Being impressionable, as youth is, television, socialization, and public schooling will help to mold most young minds into a highly advanced domesticated animal. Though the potential of human cattle is highly advanced, it is rarely commanded, due to social pressures and outside influences in personal (rather collective) opinion, such as family members, teachers, so-called peers, and television programming. For the most part, children and young adults are seen as one entity, and a possession of so-called innocence, which in reality is merely a lack of faith in the abilities and potential of the young, is used to restrain us from true responsibilities until the age of eighteen years. At this point in life, one is finally considered as an adult, and, without preparation of any kind, are taken from the now familiar, if not also comfortable, environments of school and parental support; one is expected to enroll in some far-off university, which would cause one to lose many local and friendly bonds which have been formed up to this point in life, or one is expected to move out of the parental home out into the "real world,” from which we are obsessively and adamantly sheltered as youths, and to begin working at some job, which is merely something one does for money, though one does not necessarily enjoy the work performed, nor the work environment. We are taught, thus far, that slavery has been abolished in our great country, which is claimed to be the greatest country on Earth, yet we are expected to sacrifice more of our precious lives’ time to maintain the freedom of sacrificing our own preferences and convictions in return for a meager income, which ultimately serves to increase the wealth of others and to prolong one’s own servitude. Yes, after thirteen long years of boredom and imprisonment in the walls of educational institutions, away from home and the outdoors, we are expected to continue happily down this same path with a job or even more years of superfluous, useless education, none of which assists in the actual survival of the individual in reality (i.e. in the woods). We are known, from this point forth, by our trades or current employment endeavours, though most are short-lived and subject to drastic change; this is hardly akin to the old titles of Carpenter (Zimmerman) or Smith (Smythe, Schmidt), which were surnames held by those skilled members of a particular trade. Our future, as adults in the modern world, lie in these first few years of "actual freedom,” where we sacrifice so much merely to increase the wealth of others by our work and through or meager pay, which is taken from us by slumlords and large corporations, both of whom charge more than is needed for their services, which usually consist of merely possessing some essential aspect of life in the modern world (i.e. landlords who do not maintain their rented dwellings and Phone Companies, Energy Companies, etc.); all of this loss, for little in return, obviously comes as a detriment to ourselves. However, it is seen as an essential factor of life to have a job, for, when one is employed, what more could one ask for? Perhaps more free time, perhaps more preparation for this shocking change in daily life routines, or, if one has been successfully indoctrinated and domesticated, more than a "good job,” a term which is a severe oxymoron to any thinking person. While ceding much of our own personalities, opinions, and convictions merely to maintain employment, many people are bombarded with suggestions to spend all of their money on useless and overpriced trinkets, which eventually serve as another bond which aids in quelling freedom: the ability to wander, to maintain/sustain our own individual and familial lives, and to choose our own destinations, if any, at any time and place. Instead, we spend most of our waking hours increasing the wealth of others and struggling to eke out a meager existence for ourselves. People of the United States of America, tell me, please, where is this great freedom of which you so highly praise and claim to advocate? November 22, 2005
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