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Live as you learn Whenever engaging in discussions with people about larger topics such as philosophy, politics or art, you'll quickly notice how a barrier slowly will build up between you and them. It might be as simple as discussing the inherent problems with democracy and the paradox in offering 'freedom', while at the same time denying certain political groups that same 'freedom'. Whenever such topics are raised, most people will respond with the same kind of reaction: we must not tolerate 'racism', nazis are scary, "we'll solve all environmental problems over time" etc. While this will be familiar to most readers, the understanding of why this always happens is a more far-fetched conclusion to make. The answer is simple: modern society is an illusion. Not as being an illusion itself, but demonstrating a social-cultural-political bubble where everything inside correlates to a misinterpretation of how things work outside that same bubble. If we see things according to this abstract model, we quickly come to realize why discussions with dogmatic Christians, Democrats and Multiculturalists are a waste of time: they're stuck inside their own personal world, and even if you'd show the truth right in front of their faces, they would just shake their heads and continue debating over how we must preserve our "democratic rights". Every day these people are manipulated to think in a certain way: 8 hours at work where they'll meet co-workers debating today's news with ideas and opinions from the same newspaper, 2 hours together with friends that have been exposed to the same information source (most people think that discussions create diversity in thinking; many times this is an illusion. if you discuss politics with people that read the same newspapers, watch the same TV-shows, and have been enduring the same educational system, the chance of someone providing an alternative idea is quite small), and another 2 hours in front of a TV where they passively take in "important news" regarding various events and how their politicians promise to solve everything by the next election year. From this a collective social acceptance arise which is, of course, maintained by simply restating and reaffirming that acceptance until it becomes an undisputable norm in society. Whenever someone points out an unpleasant truth that debunks any of the ideas found within the social norm, the mass will lash out at that person and demonize him/her as being in direct opposition of the current trende. This is why political, philosophical and ideological dissidents are more feared than hated; a dissident provides an alternative to the current order, which means he or she possesses the inherent ability to poke a hole in the bubble and let it fall flat to the floor. A dissident breaks down the collective conscience and is therefore in most situations interpreted as a threat to society. We see this very often when public officials or university professors debate moral absolutes such as "democracy is the best form of government that humanity has ever created", "all human beings are of equal worth and must never be violated", or "the opposite to multiculturalism is Nazism and racism". We call these "moral absolutes" because they are not based on a logical correlation with reality, but are constructed by purely moral means, and as they must never be questioned or evaluated they can rightly be given the epithet of being absolute. There are a number of people who either criticize or actually debunk these statements, but even if a logical conclusion has been reached regarding a certain moral statement, it is in most cases demonized as being "wrong" - that is, "morally incorrect". It is a fear of an alternative idea, a different way of interpreting the situation, and since it's something that's outside the social bubble, it's seen as 'evil' and therefore out of the equation. From this our modern society constructs a form of binary thinking that we easily can trace back to the Judaeo-Christian tradition, where all uncomfortable sides of reality (death, war, chaos, amoralness) are demonized as morally "bad". This is also why it's so hard for people to change views from one side to another, as it means becoming member of a group that is feared by society. No one wants to be that neo-nazi sitting at the coffeehouse, discussing politics with left-wing democrats, so we censor ourselves when we're about to criticize or debate topics that are not socially acceptable in discussion. One might think that a valid truth should be able to stand on its own without social laws, but the crowd is not interested in truth; they deny alternatives for belonging to "the other side", the other side of the social bubble that is our modern society. The only way to break free from these shackles is to deny the division between the subjective world and the objective world. The belief of modern people is similar to that of supernatural spiritualism found within Judaism, Christianity and Islam: the subjective mind is in total control of the physical world. All systems of belief that place the moral and ethical judgement before the evaluation of reality are based on this same premise. This creates a conflict between what one thinks and what one sees. Suddenly, the problem to all ethnic conflicts that are breaking out everywhere is not the idea behind multiculturalism itself but a constant lack of "tolerance". Suddenly, the reason to why people starve is not because we're too many people consuming too much natural resources, but that we use strong light bulbs instead of low energy ones. And suddenly, democracy no longer fails because it assumes that what most people think is right but that "there're too many neo -nazis that destroy and hate our freedom". We find the same kind of fallacy within academic circles, where you'll have people memorizing entire works by political leaders and bragging about it while inherently lacking any understanding of how to apply these ideas to reality. It's similar to the excellent student in class who always has the best grades in all courses who, despite this, is an outright moron when discussing philosophy and a failure when it comes to behaving intelligently in reality. Anyone can become a part of the norm, as it automatically means you're beyond any form of alternative criticism from people. While democrats never discuss the basic foundation to their ideological basis, all political dissidents such as fascists, nationalists and traditionalists, constantly have to hold long speeches in order to be understood remotely. Shout "NAZIS HATE CULTURAL DIVERSITY" on a local square and people will stop by and agree with every word - it's what they've heard since they were kids. Try to explain how con sumerism within democracies is destroying ecosystems and literally acting out biological genocide against all kinds of species in nature, and people will accuse you of being a "radicalist" and "extremist". There's an old Swedish saying that goes: "live as you learn". I cannot figure out a better way of saying this: if we ever want to construct a political and ethical system that is supposed to correlate with how reality functions, we must overlook our social and moral constructions in order to interpret our situation as realistically as possible. The process of active philosophical nihilism offers this key: by leaving out all of the propaganda you've received through TV, radio and commercials, by not giving in to the group pressure found within almost every single social circle you can think of, by melding together the bubble of modern society with "the outside world" - reality - you may find a peaceful way of managing your daily life. As most people will never be able to look outside their own personal dogmatic world, you're better off on your own, discussing important issues with people who are able to interpret ideas outside moral and social barriers. This is what our ancient Indo-European forefathers did and this is also what you as a modern Indo-European must do: think outside the box, break the bubble, unite good and evil to find the true paradise here on earth - but perhaps most importantly: live as you learn. November 15, 2006 |
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