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Interview: Mr. BlaashThose on the prowl for interesting literature about the metal movement may be familiar with Mr. Blaash of Where's My Skin? zine. His misanthropic commentaries on metal, death, life, self-mutilation and guns are gratifying to those of us who have experienced enough alienation to hate any form of sociability. Blaash kindly granted an interview between reloads on his MP5 during a streetfight in Houston.
how did you get into black metal: was there metal before it that you liked, did it alone appeal to you, or did you find it through a non-metal genre?
Hm. When I was a little blaash, back in the 80s, I found early bands like SLAYER, early METALLICA with Cliff (no remorse, no regrets, we don't care, what it meant), early MEGADETH (its black Friday!), a little POSSESSED(7 churches), early SABBAT (a history of a time to come - from the UK before they turned UltraGay), and a fucking healthy LOUD dosage of RIGOR MORTIS ( DEMONS).. from there I instinctively turned to the glory of death metal, with DEMIGOD, XYSMA, FUNEBRE, PHLEGM, IMPETIGO, BOLT THROWER, CARCASS and so on.. mainly by listening to a radio show at like midnight by Wes Weaver (now of INFERNAL DOMINION) called Sweet Nightmares... around the time of my first issue oh, lets say 92 or so, I was introduced to the TAOG EHT FO HTAO demo from IMPALED NAZARENE.. I immediately made contact with the man and from henceward I followed with IMMORTAL's "Fullmoon..", MARDUK's "dark endless" and COF's "principle".. it culminated with the first slicing as I heard the EMPEROR split with ENSLAVED.. truly an honour to have heard such albums before they have long since "progressed" or some such thing.. it is a shame that the younger generations (rightfully perhaps) spit upon these bands because they were introduced to the LATTER releases, instead of realizing that back in 93 or so that these were skullfucking releases at the time..
![]() As it should - Extreme, in at least some sense of the word.
describe what black metal communicates to you.
Ah - An aura of violence followed by an intrinsic self destructive honour; that it is still within our grasp to end our own existence or that of another... feelings of no self worth, but with the knowledge that one does not need to have any.. perhaps this is sounding a bit confused; but for me it fuels the fire of negativism in my person; of continuing a fight with the knowledge that in the end I will lose; but that is not the point; the point is the struggle itself, and how many I plague, harass, molest, spread the seed of propaganda onto (heh or into)and/or horrify/depress or encourage others to do so....
what "is" black metal?
As with any form of medium; propaganda - a weapon to encourage negativity in the extreme to others...
how did you get into writing, and why did you choose to do "where's my skin"?
When I was a young maggot I always had the penchant to write.. I used to write cynical opinions about world events.. I especially liked the LA riots (the darkies were outraged about something, so they destroyed THEIR OWN neighborhood.. shouldn't they have at least destroyed somebody elses) and also Maggie Thatcher, and CNN (I really think they start the wars, just to have something on TV)...
As I delved further into the scene, I ran into some killer zines like billy nocera's COVEN zine and others.. however, I also ran into shittily written pieces of fucking nonsensical crap - I could not tolerate the extremely poor grammar and just outright usage of the same 'its brutal man' reviews. Fuck I couldn't fucking stand it. Theres nothing wrong with a shitty looking zine - hell look at mine; but at the very least compose it competently.. a good current example would be HELLISH MASSACRE from Sweden.. also TALES FROM THE EIBON (france), tho needs A LOT OF WORK... seems to be showing improvement.. do you believe as did georges bataille that human life in part consists of looking for a good method of expenditure, meaning a means of expression that culminates in the depletion of the life itself?
I believe this is simply a metaphor for 'finding a goal' in life. To find 'meaning' - be it rape, serial killing or an accounting position at KPMG.. as one attempts to reach these goals, he is confounded (and/or arrested or shot, depending on what goals one pursues)... and eventually dies. Bataille was quite a healthy pervert and an esoteric/violent thinker, from what little I know of him. Would probably great to trade stories with over whiskey.
Let us consider in particular how concepts are formed; each word immediately becomes a concept, not by virtue of the fact that it is inteded to serve as a memory (say) of the unique, utterly individualized, primary experience to which it owes its existence, but because at the same time it must fit countless other, more or less similar cases, i.e. cases which strictly speaking are never equivalent, and thus nothing other than non-equivalent cases. Just as it is certain that no leaf is ever exactly the same as any other leaf, it is equally certain that the concept 'leaf' is formed by dropping these individual differences arbitrarily, by forgetting those features which differentiate one thing from another, so that the concept then gives rise to the notion that something other than leaves exists in nature, something which would be 'leaf,' a primal form, say, from which all leaves were woven, drawn, delineated, dyed, curled, painted -- but by a clumsy pair of hands, so that no single example turned out to be a faithful, correct, and reliable copy of the primal form. We call a man honest; we ask, 'Why did he act so honestly today?' Our answer is usually: 'Because of his honesty.' Honesty! -- yet again, this means that the leaf is the cause of the leaves.
-- F.W. Nietzsche, On Truth and Lying in a Non-Moral Sense is there any division between love and hate for you?
Well. They're spelled differently. Hows that?
Hm. Both are strong emotions.... I myself am trying to move to that cold, negative feeling that one gets when listening to the ANTAEUS interludes from CYAWS.. of simply Not caring. Par example "No I don't hate that person, because that would mean I care about them - I just want them dead"... I realize in our pseudo nihilistic coalition it is necessary to have those with passion (and strong emotion like hate); those who enjoy their work - these men (women?) will be the brutal, sadistic serial killers that truly define us.. while we just sit back and guffaw when we read about the newest missing daughter's breasticle found in her mothers shoe... most art in this postmodern time outside of black metal seems to focus on finding a convenient way to express the idea that human life is valuable. why is it artistically, politically and socially valuable for you to think otherwise?
The morals of the current American society have attempted to teach this; however, I believe it is having the opposite effect.. the morally deviant can obviously see the hollowness of this deluge; hell, even the supposed xtians are doing the opposite these days..
I have always been wary of society and socially accepted principles - I see nothing but mediocrity and hypocrisy .. that is one reason I have embraced the path of self destruction and disdain for the majority of society... do you think armed political uprising is in the american future?
No. Big Brother has too much of a stranglehold.. if we in turn manage some decent domestic terrorism, it will only serve as a carte blanche for the government to act in silencing us further.. still. It would be interesting to bring down the wrath of oppression - as it nominally, at the least, brings forth rebellion and then violent repression.. so.
what is your preferred method of killing humans?
Havent killed any, so unfortunately I cant give a first hand account and/or description and high points/low points of such an activity. However, I am very, very prone to projectile weapons.
Again, those with the passion to properly enjoy this activity should be on our payroll; but me, hell, I just want to get the job done; I have a bar I have to go to afterwards anyway. you live in one of the most ethnically- and culturally-diverse cities on earth, houston. what do you like about houston, and what do you dislike?
I can see you giggling as you write that statement. What the fuck .. we have a dangerous VietCong Mafia, 4thWard NigsAplenty, the BlackHand Messican mafia, and more Nigerian cabbies then I can shake my willy at.. there is NOTHING to like.. fuck. The only interesting thing is that there are Europeans (women) that come here, due to Houston being a port city. It is a nice break from the fucking Huge FuckinG MOO-Cows we have runnin' around here that pass for women. Shit.
isn't it fucking hot as hell there?
Prozak - I'm gonna kick you in the groin for that one when/if I see you at the SatanTonio Fest in December. Fuck yeah its like breathing in a nuclear cloud - I don't fucking care if its sunny in all of the south, we're in a fucking sewer in Houston - the humidity makes it feel like youre in a sauna - to boot, it rains a lot, and then its SUNNY at the same time - great for blinding you and making you sweat your ass off. I guaranFuckinGtee satan thinks that even Houston might be a good training ground for some of his potential executives.
Likes -
Waco - hehe. Killed us some ATF agents we did. In the name of god too. Hehe Guns. Lots of em. Not too many Yankees - The northern aggressors Space - nice, open non populated, flat space. Cheap consumer goods - food, clothes, cocaine, whiskey, porn etc
Dislikes - are there any local bands you find excellent?
Of course.. I ll plug them here I suppose
KATHONIK - most underrated band of houston - the front man for this band has been around for 10 fucking years, 4 demos, an unreleased (never will be) older album and a newer cd (that still needs proper releasement) - killllller razor in your face black with a touch of doom.. ADUMUS - hehe. I know you don't like the keyboards, but heh. BRUTALLY MUTILATED - old style IMPETIGO worship BLACK BONED ANGEL - satanic celtic frost Johnny cash TO SCALE THE THRONE - basic straight forward mid paced black.. INFERNAL DOMINION - ex IMPRECATION .. fast as fuck brutal satanic death THE DRUNKS - VIOLENT WHISKEY ROCKNROLL - excellent live shows.. good cover of witching hour.. UNCHRIST - newer band - good demo release - kathonik members HIDEOUSLY DEFLESHED Uhm.. I liked their vocals - that is what saved me from just walking away from the stage in boredom... I'm sure I forgot someone.. I suppose I'll just get thocked for it. what do you think distinguishes texas as a locality from other areas, aside from climactic and geographical concerns?
We have a lot of satanic Hispanics? I don't know. For some reason, I've noticed, even when in other countries, that I state I am a Texan first... I guess its because I've personally become enamored with the right of Texans to shoot and kill anybody attempting to steal property at night. Or the "trespassers will be SHOT" signs I see on open roadside (where I'm sure some redneck with a sniper rifle is just waiting for a city boy to try to piss on it)... just the fact that we up and stole this land fair n square from the Mexicans two centuries ago and that we joined the yankee coalition of states as a Favour to them. We have our oil, NASA (for space defense) and our own ground/air forces, so I don't see a problem with becoming the United Texan Front or something...
do you think there will be another truly great band from texas?
You mean besides RIGOR MORTIS and ABSU .. and NECROVORE (I 'm unfamiliar with this band however, but it is greatly appreciated it seems)...
I think so. The climate and road construction leads to so much rage I figure it will manifest itself in another project. Who this might be.. I don't know. what are your feelings on texas seceding from the union?
See above.
do you think metal music is a form of rock-n-roll?
I am not a metal geetarist per se- but many I know seem have all started out with the older bands of rocknroll and such... and many still admire the technical proficiency of said artists.. I would like to say we've defined our own sub genre that cannot be categorized with simple rock bands; however though that argument may hold true for younger dragoons within the metal ranks, it might not hold much veracity with the elders of this genre - mainly with more experience there usually comes further education into other forms of music etc..
what is most important in a metal band, composition, production or attitude? can these be separated?
![]() 2nd Okay - youre an evil motherfucker trying to seduce young jedis to the darkside, now what? Can't play an instrument to save your life eh? Well fucking learn the basics before composing the propaganda - badly formulated propaganda encourages Ridicule.. 3rd Production - low production means youre heavy - bad production means youre raw and kult - good production means you did it ABYSS studios and sold out. when you hear something for the first time, how do you analyze it? for what do you listen?
Drums ... I like blasting violence THEN.. vocals - horribly painful vocals like FUNERAL MIST, BETHLEHEM or ANTAEUS (live or rehearsal) can easily encourage Violence and Suicide.
Lastly, geetars.. I can't stand solos.. so unless its horrible I judge these last. do you believe the values and beliefs of artists shape the music they produce?
I would like to think so - ive noticed a change as of late.. in the early days of WMSitude, I used to ask bands the equivalent question of their beliefs and the reflection into music... most early bands (death, grind) simply liked playing aggressive music.. with the advent of black metal, it seems that it is Very Important that life imitates the music they produce.. and that is what I prefer.. THOUGH, there were some early satanic death and VIOLENT porn/rape/gore bands that were totally fucking into mass murder and of course endless sodomy of young pigtailed little catholic school girl anuses... so...
does this explain "christian metal"?
I have no logical explanation for xtian metal. IF this is to exist, I want more like David Koresh - he played that thar geetar, fucked everybody's wives, and then done and shot and kilt some Federales...
in your opinion, what is the symbolic value of "satan" to a modern society and those who wish to reprogram it?
It is an easy symbol to recognize as negativism... easiest put - the baphomet, the upsidedown cross, etc, represent to normal society something "bad". It is then those who are wearing it that bicker/personalize what it means to them..
do you believe "terrorism" is a valid way to describe the tactics of america's current "enemies"?
Yep. Good for them. Fucking smartfucking towel heads. I comment on this greatly in upcoming issue h8te, which will be out in November.
what zines do you read?
I just got FINAL SOLUTION from spain - good interviews in that one; correct mindset for writing.. I naturally have a liking towards the JenOside33 issue#1.. heh. I like older DESCENT mags and also NORDIC VISION (its pretty)... HELLISH MASSACRE is number one on my list right now.. its gonna take a lot to get me away from that one.. IMPAIRED (mKm's zine) was huge.. I would like to get hold of 666 zine from france...
do you think black metal ever had a clear direction, or is that something we assume looking back into the past?
The latter. Too many of the so-called visionaries of the black metal elite got themselves stabbed or put in jail. The propaganda machine splintered into different factions, and thus we stand where we are now.. a re emergence of nihilism and flesh mutilation... not a bad thing. But it does seem to be circular...
do you believe history "exists," or that each age invents an interpretation of previous events to justify its position?
Heh, I believe those who Won The War Write The History. If you got fucked, well, history will put you as getting fucked, even if you put up a helluva fight. Yes, we do manufacture history as we need to, but not like the good ole days in 1930s germany. Man did they come up with some good shit. And also W.A.R here in the US has some need ideas on history, and its placement of the Zionist Occupational Government and the Gubment Cheese Getters (darkie)
is there any "hope" for the human species?
Hope for what? I've read some of the manifestos at ...very interesting and I can admire the thought put into rationalizing Stupid Human Tendencies... But honestly, it doesn't concern me... Shit will continue in one form or another after I'm gone, and you're gone. So why do I care for the future?
these idiots who failed at that bank robbery in norfolk, ne - how did they manage to do such impressive shooting yet utterly flail when it came to taking the till?
HEHE. I was happy to finally seem some people killed in a bank robbery.. but again. I would prefer if it were authorities. No, nobody is innocent, but if youre going to go on a shooting spree, go on a SHOOTING SPREE. If you're gonna rob a bank, GET THE CASH. I heard there were like 4 or 5 head shots.. so I guess they just panicked, and started putting bullets in peoples heads. First way to get on the bad side of the law.
are there any historical figures who have impressed you?
Ho chi minh - gotta like anybody who fucked the French right? (sneak and surround French man drinking wine in valley called dien bein phu)
Joseph Goebbels - Nazi Minister of Propaganda. what was the last book you read that made a lasting impression?
I live off the horrible gore of this man alone - Edward Lee. If you don't know him - you must - fuck all other horror out there - this is The Shit.
The last book I read was Sex Drugs and PowerTools - fuckin' Christ. Check out for more info also heheh movie rights were given to them... I rarely indulge in the reading of any of the nihilistic writers.. though I suppose I should since I consider myself mostly nihilist.. ennui once again stunts my growth...
Awaiting the intention is neither a reflection upon the "goal" nor an expectation of the imminent completion of the work to be produced. It does not have the nature of a thematic grasping at all. Nor does retaining what is relevant mean holding fast to it thematically. Handling things is no more related merely to what it handles than to what it uses in relevance. Rather, being relevant constitutes itself in the unity of awaiting and retaining in such a way that the making present arising from this makes the characteristic absorption in taking care in the world of its useful things possible. When one is "really" busy with... and totally immersed in it, one is neither only together with the work nor with the tools nor with both "together." Being in relevance, which is grounde din temporality, has already founded hte unity of the relations in which taking care of things "moves" circumspectly.
A specific kind of forgetting is essential for the temporality that constitutes being in relevance. In ordre to be able to "really" get to work "lost" in the world of tools and to handle them, the self must forget itself. -- Martin Heidegger, Being and Time black metal was born right as the internet began being popularized in american and european homes. how has black metal been changed by the net, and vice versa?
Well now I can find anything out it seems by just typing it in the google search engine. That's both good and bad.. now I have the information, but I cant hoard it and feel self important when I name drop.
On the other hand, every bob, akhmed and zimboobma can make a cDr and put it on their webpage so now we have Afrikkkaner Black SpearChucking Metal.. sheesh. It allows for ridiculous crap that would have been stifled because it would not have been cost effective. The internet allows stupidity to be free of the righteous pain it should attain; after all, stupid should Hurt... is there human consciousness outside of the brain? in another phrasing: is the brain where the body, mind and soul exist, or is there another world in which these functions exist?
I am of the notion that there is something after my brain receives too many 9mm hollopoint bullets fired from a SWAT team members mp-5. I think it will equally suck.
why do you think people go hogwild for religion? what do you suggest instead of religion to take care of the same need?
Sigh. Nothing. Too many persons are weak and need a crutch, or are hypocrites who have learned that just coz you say youre xtian, hell that means you can fuck your daughter and the dog in a 69 position and sell it on the internet as long as you ask forgiveness on Sunday. .. and give the minister a copy of course...
It is convenience - religion is already set up; humanity as a whole is lazy, and is predisposed to go with what is at hand. Me, I'm gonna go jerk off. That's what I feel about religion. where does one buy CDs and related stuff in houston?
Sound exchange. Used to be a KILLER place called SOUND PLUS.. but sadly, it died a couple years ago.. that's where I was first able to get Osmose releases (first and second IMMORTAL etc) WITHOUT paying Osmose prices (though it was still 20 bux for imports..)...
what do you think of the art of suicide bombing?
Good fucking Job. Good idea. Hell. We need some of those kids. Why the hell don't we have our own suicide bombers. Damnit. Somebody get the Procurement Department on that one.
Man. Tho.. I would at least want a good ole fashioned 12 hour orgy of catholic school girls BEFORE I go meet allah.... what lies next for your zine?
Issue H8TE young Prozak, Issue H8te. Finally to be released with a 12 page (I think) diatribe dedicated to hatred... examples taken from the school yard, from work and from terrorterrorterror... yessirrree bob. I guarantee you this will be just as shitty as before, with the same fucking horrible humour and tasteless porn and violence and bloodletting. Bands also.. confirmed KRIEG, WATAIN, MALICIOUS SECRETS, URGEHAL, HORNA, ARKHON INFAUSTUS, DAWN OF AZAZEL, NECROPLASMA, ARMAGEDDA.
Who am I waiting on: AZAGHAL, HELL MILITIA and TEMPLE OF BAAL.. And theres always issue 9... i've always been impressed by the mix of metal, mutilation and machine guns. how did you come across this combination?
![]() Yeah right. That's why ive sold I think less issues then well.. not a lot of em. That's fine. My goal is not to have many copies floating around.. I assume that those who want to read this shit, will find it. do you think there's been a demographic shift in the black metal movement during the past few years (since 1998) to a younger audience?
Yes. See way, way above. Younger persons in the extreme scene have the benefit now of being able to pick and choose, and also ignore the first monuments that came out in the early 90s. Not a problem really.. but now also with all this CDR trading replacing tape trading and these high tech doodads that allow music to be taken from sites.. it leads to a proliferation of short term shit - what I mean is, yes, of course, there are those who will take this propaganda to heart; but there are those who will take it for a short while, and then find yet another form to entertain them; what I mean is that they leave their crap around for us to step in; before hand, in the days of Paper, one had to write and send tapes and such - it cost money ; nowadays, one can put ones fecal matter on a webpage and spread their e-coli music as such.
if you have any hopes for the future of metal as both a musical movement and a political/social one, please detail them here along with anything else i forgot
It's all in issue h8te son. You do us a service, mr. Prozak - I gather both a smirk of approval to an all out heil prozak with the material you have written and continue to produce - a true architect of propaganda you are, and should be bestowed the mandatory schoolgirls for slavery and sodomatic rites.
Mr. Blaash |
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