I was only 22, and fresh out of the suburbs. My tight white-Latino ass had not been punctured yet the way I wanted it to be and the way I hoped someday a strong man like James Hetfield might. My dealer was a corrupt Frenchman with a constant raging hardon, but he wasn't my type. Still he knew what he wanted and took it.
So on the night of the show I am wearing a red dress with a ninja star broach. My legs are shaved and I am recently washed with my makeup looking good. A place full of teenage hormones checking me out as a woman. It just about made me erect under the tape. I had 2 oz of cocaine and some extras for the guys in Metallica. They were supposed to find me by my broach. Finally a security guy led me backstage...
"What can we do for ya, lady?" said a resonably intoxicated James Hetfield as I walked into the room. In my best falsetto I said, "I am here bringing office supplies," looking around, wondering if they knew. "Yeah right, lady," said Lars with emphasis on the last two syllables. Before I knew it he had whipped my wig off, and torn open my dress.
"Of all silliness..." said James but then his eyes widened when I tossed him the giant package. "Well, I can understand
that, anyway," he said. "Why're you dressed up like a girl?"
I couldn't say anything. Paralyzed with fear.
Finally Lars said, "Because he's a faggot."
"That's it," I said.
Lars fucking grabbed me again and I thought he was going to bite me but instead he was deep tonguing me, while Kirk and Jason unpeeled the rest of my dress and licked my mancherry ring. I could hear James getting lubed up in the background, and sighed as Lars grabbed my throbbing cock. He handed it to Kirk who began palming it while wearing a creepy trenchcoat like all the guys hanging out near the boy's locker room at the YMCA. Lars forced me to my knees, and shoved his earnest 4" manhood into my waiting mouth.
I gulped and slurped while a painful ramming from behind let me knowthat Jason was trying my ass with some guacamole for lubricant.
"URRRGGGHHH!!!" I moaned as Lars fired his searing milk into my throat, gagging on the salty congealing mucus. At the same time Jason suddenly squealed and from the strange pressure in my ass I realized he was filling it. My 7" member fully erect, I was getting mouthed by Kirk who had a bag of candy and a Tickle Me Elmo doll also. Jason collapsed into a corner.
Now I thought, maybe it's my turn on the sweet round ass of Lars, but instead I was roughly turned about and flung over a couch as a massive 9" erect James Hetfield strode over to me. "Boy, you ARE going to be a woman when I am through." It was the most painful anal battering of my life, but I could not stop shrieking my delight as he probed far into my inmost essence.
They had to go play a show after that so I hung out and took PCP with their trained dwarf gimp until they got sick of the crowd and came back to the hotel room. In a fog of drugs and alcohol, I got fucked by Lars and Jaymz all night long, satisfied Newstead twice and got free UnderRoos(tm) from Kirk. I couldn't believe how long my ass bled the next day but it's a night I never will forget!!