meal maniacs is a satire of the metal maniacs magazine

Meal Maniacs is a satire of the popular "metal" magazine "Metal Maniacs," published by Sterling-McFadden, Inc. You can reach the original magazine site here. We are not associated with Metal Maniacs or Sterling McFadden, nor do we intend to be; this site exists as an independent parody of something that needs skewering.

Back in the day when Metal Maniacs was still trim and fit, it was the roaring 1980s and metal was more mainstream than it is now. One could just go around to the larger labels and pick off the likely winners, slap some shit onto paper, and call it a day. In today's metal scene, however, a more discerning magazine is called for... and so far, that magazine hasn't been Metal Maniacs!

As a result, this site was created to celebrate all that is gourmand, obese, grotesque and bloated about the metal scene, through the vision of two overweight editors and their quest for food in the face of boring, derivative metal and the corporate labels who own their asses. If you enjoy it, be sure to visit our parent site, The Dark Legions Archive!

A project of the Dark Legions Archive.