Spinoza Ray Prozak



















Spinoza Ray Prozak Interview

this was an interview with wilhelm of gallery of the grotesque zine. i feel sort of bad about this one as it ended up being huge, and there's no way he will be able to include even a quarter of it in that zine without bloating it, but he asked some great questions so out it came.

1.) Hellish Greetings Spinoza Ray Prozak. Seeing as I have no idea how to start off our tour, maybe you could open up with a few words of wisdom.
Greetings Wilhelm! Thanks for taking the time to indulge this interview as descent into madness... may a sheep bleed its last in your name. What words can start any interview but the start of the interview itself? It's the boundary between an object and that which defines it from its environment, a sense of context and yet decontextualization. Similar to how mortality divides our consciousnesses from existence as a whole.
2.) A.N.U.S. Is your work of course, and is a web based outlet for the black and death metal underground. For the record, your website is perhaps the most extensive and thorough of its kind, not only detailing hundreds of bands by reviews and articles, but featuring and extensive group of writings with philosophical and esoteric subjects as well. The amount of work on A.N.U.S. Is mind boggling. How and when did you first start A.N.U.S.?
It is strange how things grow over time. There are two components to A.N.U.S.: a political organization, and a web site including the metal reviews area. A.N.U.S. began as an organization fifteen years ago when I and others were massively dissatisfied with society, life, and the conductive shapes of human awareness as recognized by the collective thought of the time, and so started an organization to combat the intellectual constructs which were the root level at which the confusion existed. Over the last 15 years, A.N.U.S. members have been involved in philosophical writings, literature, music writing, ecofascism and anti-globalism protest. We are also recognized by several anti-hate groups as being hateful toward Christians and the Judeo- Christian tradition.

Back to the origins of A.N.U.S.: I was once a small lad and would witness things that I thought were out of place. Somethings I recognized as being too large to be understood at the time, but others I saw as simply "unnatural" and confinding, as if engineered by needy people so they could dominate over others. One thing that always made no sense to me were the rules that empowered the stupid, celebrated the trivial, and created lots of justifications for mentally and emotionally needy people to have power and social status. I rebelled against these and soon found that I was facing a beast of superior strength but, unlike most of my classmates, I didn't get beat down. I took my viewpoints else- where and began reading more literature and writing stories which revealed what I saw as the truth of this society: a massive front of justification behind which socially-corrupted instincts twitched like the severed tails of lizards.

As I grew older, I became enamored of first computers and then philosophy, and my views became strengthened through various analytical methods and informational patterns revealed to me in computer networks and digital machines via analysis. What had once been a simple world view became more complex, and eventually, I arrived at the concept of nihilism - something I twisted into my own definition, perhaps, but into which my values and those of others meshed on a single agreement: there was a neurotic aura associated with every object and action in this society which prevented the truth from being seen, as well as from being acted upon. Thus as I first became aware of the world after puberty I was already a nihilist, and already had the idea for the A.N.U.S. in my mind.

Shortly after this, I expanded my activities in the computer security field by becoming involved with first, violent hardcore punk music, and second, thrash music in the style of DRI, COC and MDC. (I also witnessed my first Nazi, a 6' something skinhead who without a word pulled me out of a pit after I got knocked over and nearly trampled - my first vision that perhaps I couldn't stereotype these people. He saved me from at least some broken ribs, and probably a lot worse, and expected no thanks nor was concerned with my opinion of him - something heroic and new to my young life.) With music I found a new elation, a new method of celebration, and also, something that went with me wherever I was isolated. No matter how boring the school or home confinement it was easy to find a tape player and listen to DRI, The Exploited, and any of a number of other punk bands. I've forgotten most of the names but I was indoctrinated into this culture on my own, with nothing other than the works of the bands who shaped it as my guide. This was healthy, because as I was to learn later, the fans are mostly uninformed and vociferous about the philosophies of least resistance. Before I heard metal, mostly I had been exposed to classical music and the more melodic variants of rock such as The Beatles and King Crimson.

Quickly the A.N.U.S. organization grew around me, with several members who were into metal and hacking to help out with the chaos. We gained some notoriety for publishing the Houston Blinkie Letter, a local newsletter detailing the theft of blinking lights from signposts, and there were a few investigations of A.N.U.S. members for various things, although not at all like the political investigations we've seen of late. The organization ran several bulletin boards, some of which were well-known information watering holes in the most active part of the computer security scene in the late 1980s. It was a good time.

Somewhere after that, I became a DJ on the outskirts of Los Angeles. I loved it and started buying a ton of metal and selling other people's bodies for even more. However, people were always asking me, "what are some good bands?" and so I started writing down my opinions. First, in an e-zine; next via an FTP site; after that, in 1993 onward, from the world wide web. Eventuall in 1996 it became a full-time presence on the anus.com web site, at which point the metal mission seemed to obscure the other aspects of the site for awhile. This continued, with the expansion of the metal site in both reviews and other forms of metal journalism, until 2002 when the work began to revert to a more balanced approach. Now the A.N.U.S. is moving ahead as a website and an organization...

Speaking of A.N.U.S. as an organization, it has been a long time in the evolution, but the group continues its work as originally conceived. Its goal is subversion for a positive outcome, and so far while success has not been as visible as we'd like, there have been a number of vital points of intellectual technology (ways of programming one's own mind) and valuation (ways of discovering and evaluating goals/ideals) developed and promulgated by the A.N.U.S. group.

3.) What do the initials A.N.U.S. Stand for, and what significance does the name have in relation to what you do?
The name stands for American Nihilist Underground Society, and it refers to our belief that by stripping away external influences and mental programming it is possible to lead a life independent from the constant neurosis and internal discourse that marks the "Western" mind, especially in the suburbs, during this current era. We were using the term "Underground" before metal seemed to adopt it to reflect our network-within-a- network principle, and "Society" addresses our belief that we are forging as a positive value a replacement society in form and ideal. We keep the "American" on there because distinctively American issues provoked our descent into obscure ideology, as did reflections on the liberalism and valuelessness and whorishness of our time, a time in which America became the world leader in media, politics and economy (1980s).
4.) The first thing someone should notice about your "journalism" is your highly technical and incompatible style of critiquing metal and assessing miscellaneous issues in general. I myself have been a bit thrown off by what you do, especially when it comes to the music review section of A.N.U.S. What inspires you to write in this fashion? Do we really need to be assaulted with this sort of technicality?
I think what inspired this writing more than anything else was an immersion in technical philosophy, which has both a "seriousness" and an element of fun in enjoying the specificity of language, while simultaneously noticing how many death metal bands displayed a favoritism for technical latinate language. Further, the death metal of the time inspired my writing in its pure patterning; its tendencies toward recursion, its motifs and resurgent themes, and its tendency to bounce between levels of detail in such a way that reinforced the vast impact and breadth of the whole. The other thing that influenced the text on the A.N.U.S. was some of the computer code I was reading, modifying and creating at the time, which seemed to me a model for how language would evolve in a technological era.

Do people need to be assaulted with this? I would argue that it forces people to interpret what they are reading more than to shove it into a predictable container of interpretation, and also serves as a barrier to those who are unwilling to recognize language for the basic technology that it is and thus to exploit it, whether by dictionary or reading in context. To me, this language does the same thing to everyday writing that death metal did to heavy metal and rock music, so I consider it a fair and useful tradeoff, but I know many are insulted by it or consider it to be gibberish; this is their position in the order of things and I don't dispute their view of events as relative to their own forms of consciousness. To a brine shrimp, anus.com is not useful, also.

I think most people are thrown off by it at first, but if they can find some reason for what is being done they will often stick with it, realizing the worst that will happen to them is a little time being spent on getting acquainted with the older words in the English language and some of the best death and black metal created. At least, this is how it appears from where I stand.

5.) When did you first start to develop a taste for metal music? What attracted you to this culture?
I was in my middle teens, and what attracted me to metal was really Slayer, since I'd sort of gotten into Metallica and AC/DC before that, but mainly because the other options were lame. Slayer resembled the classical music I'd enjoyed as a youngster and had an urgency and passion to it that was unmatched by most rock which seemed driven by sentiment only. From that point on I sought metal outside of the radio stuff, and was very glad for it as most of the mainstream metal I've heard is embarrassing to me. Vapid lyrics, stupid overdriven rock-style songwriting, and garish flash on lead guitar and drums and vocals with little emphasis on centrality or uniqueness in songwriting.

What drew me toward the culture was becoming a DJ. At the time when I was in California and the opportunity was present, I swallowed some fears and charged on down to a radio station to learn how to be an operator of radio equipment and CD players. After learning how it was - like everything else on earth - not very complicated once you got into it, I began creating radio noise and playing what I did have, which comprised about 20 CDs of assorted hardcore, thrash, speed metal, death metal and Merciless "The Awakening," an early black metal album. Luckily, there were a number of well-informed fans in the area as well as record shops like Rhino Records and Wild Rags, so I was able to learn from the other fans who weren't just self-important cognitive dissonance cases. It was an amazing experience to have the underground rise up around me and to have a radio show which reflected the new movement; it was something I'll never forget.

6.) You seem to be generally interested in black metal.. What is it about this style in general you find appealing?
I still love the death metal works that were impressive and articulate in their own ways, but since about 1995 there have been few death metal albums that have really captured anything of what the genre desired. I think for the most part it acknowledged it had run its course and was therefore somewhat defunct, although naturally some talented bands remain. Black metal to me was at first a joke, as all I knew of it was Venom, but over time as the genre emerged it became clear to me that it had all of the structuralism and naturalist values of death metal but was more developed in the context of melody, thus a step forward. Consequently, since the day I first hauled home Darkthrone's "Soulside Journey" (what I was calling 'dark metal' at the time) from Rhino Records I was interested in discovering this new style. At first, many death metal fans wanted no part of it and were to some degree upset that I played it on the radio show (the "Oration of Disorder" which ran usually on Friday nights from 8-10 pm) but as a whole, they trusted me enough to tolerate my taste for it during the early days of first album Immortal, Mayhem, Burzum, Belial, Sacramentum, Dissection, Gorgoroth, et al.

What still appeals to me about the style is its basic approach to musicality, namely using different melodic layers overlapping to create mood in an operatic sense, as well as its values, which to me resurrect all that I admired about ancient Greco-Roman, Viking, Teutonic and Indic civilizations. In our society today, convenience/technology is the highest goal and there is little space for people of spirit or collective action, consequently most things are valueless, numbly conformist, and uninspiring. People are bored and miserable at a level that is so subtle they can't even express it, so they become more dead to the passion and living beauty of existence, thus feeding themselves deeper into a hole. We have better medical care, machines, et al, but do we live better than the ancients? We are cowardly people in a culture that is increasingly turning us into mass-produced creations from a Platonic archetype of generic human, and while we can go on all day about "individual rights" and "justice" we're destroying our natural environment at an unprecedented pace for profit! In short, modern society has no values or spirit to speak of and thus those with lower motivations have risen to the highest positions, degrading all that remains which has any balls at all; thus I celebrate black metal for hauling from the depths of the human psyche a desire for the days of blood, honor and natural pride, and for bringing back the idea that the highest man is not the man "moral" in the Judeo- Christian sense but the man who asserts what is true and right and of beauty for the collective, including that which exists outside of humanity, whether abstract concept or natural ecosystem. This applies to women also but in a different form and one which I can't go into much here.

7.)An interesting part of this tour would be for you to elaborate a bit on your feelings of the underground metal music scenes current state. You've expressed some dissatisfaction with the new wave of bands and claim that "Nothing new or interesting is being made available..."
There are a few interesting acts that I pursue, including stuff like Averse Sefira, Krieg, Weltmacht, Demoncy, Watain, Funeral Mist, Antaeus, The Syre and Xasthur, but on the whole metal music in the underground is at its highest point of conformity yet. Look at it this way: it is a mirror of American politics.

On the left, we have the "heart people," who because they want to make themselves feel more important decide to celebrate all that is NOT black metal within black metal, thus you get postmodern bands such as Sigh or Ulver and a fanbase who sit around talking about how "open-minded" they are, while the music that integrates the bassoon solos, ska- inspired tuba riffs, techno beats and hip-hop interludes is the same tedious generic black metal that they claim to dislike. These people are like the American left closet Christians; they believe nature is somehow horrible and congratulate them- selves for making it "moral" by equalizing it and removing all of what allows it to move and produce actual diversity.

On the American right-styled section of the genre, we have the "rule people," who believe that what has been established is a template which must be followed closely - and in my opinion, this is their only error, one arising from their partial liberalism and thus desire to treat symbols as absolutes - they follow it too closely. These types tend to make stuff that so adheres to formula and an aesthetic concept similar to that of the third Darkthrone album that it degrades itself by having no room to move; it forgets the "diversity" which occurred without stylistic changes in the formative works of black metal. The style does not make that which makes a band unique; it is the music within; however, the style can become oppressive in how it constrains what one is willing to write, sort of a form of symbolic allegiance interfering with the process of making music itself! When one is too focused on the conclusion, one can only build from templates in which that conclusion was triumphant, and the result is too often corrupt in its own slavish emulation. Most of this music sounds to me like later hardcore punk, and similarly to the way that community degenerated, the metal community is now an entity where 90% of the "fans" have an mp3.com band, a half- hearted zine or webzine, or a label that puts out product indistinguishable from any of the other bands which are fanboy projects.

The result is, in short summary, that the carny hipsters and itinerant con-men have burnt down the black metal scene - apologies to William Burroughs, or perhaps none are needed, for ripping his line.

7)****What must a band do to obtain your interest?
They must be poetic: the form of their music, its concept as expressed in lyrics + name + aesthetic and actions of the band members must communicate something which is shown most clearly in the music, which as in any form of art is at its highest proficiency in a sense of metaphor. There is normal art, which fits within a form and serves aesthetic goals only; it is pretty on the north wall, it sounds good when you're doing the dishes, or it's a good read for a 4-hour plane flight. There is then progressive art, in which the form of the medium itself is bent into a shape or concept which metaphorically illustrates something else, perhaps best seen in Greek tragedies or operas. It is this secondary form, no matter how cruedly rendered or in what state of musical "ignorance" produced, that impresses me and catches my interest as a writer and fan. I think while others may not articulate this the same way, the same is true of those with experience and some disappointment under their belt.

Some of my favorite works for all time, usually at the earlier stages of the band before the reactionary impulse and self-critical neurosis of dealing with fans, bands, labels and critics has come in: Sepultura, The Exploited, Discharge, Amebix, Absurd, Graveland, Burzum, Morbid Angel, Skrewdriver, Bathory, Sacramentum, Dismember, At the Gates, Atheist, Bad Brains, Deeds of Flesh, Possessed, Celtic Frost, Hellhammer, DRI, COC, Angel Witch, Slayer, Merciless, Sarcofago, Beherit, Darkthrone, Immortal, Belial, Enslaved, Gorgoroth, Ancient, Emperor, Therion, Amorphis, Antaeus, Atrocity, Unleashed, Varathron, Rotting Christ, Necrophobic, Havohej/Profanatica, Impaled Nazarene, Prong, Incantation, Goreaphobia, Immolation, Cryptic Slaughter, Godflesh, Deicide, dead horse, Behemoth, Autopsy, Voivod, Gorguts, Sammath, Infester. These are in the metal/punk genres only.

8.) You seem to have a desire to keep metal music "intelligent". Apparently, headbanging, large drunken gatherings and typical metal clichés are not to your liking. Why is this? Explain to us your thoughts about the desire for an "Intelligent" approach to the metal culture.
To understand any of the things that are of value in life, one must understand the structure behind the appearance. When I say structure I mean the forces or objects which in intersection present the appearance both visually and in whatever function the object has or projects, such as the blood, viscera, nerves and brains of a human being/soul or the pistons, cogs, tubes and wires of an automobile. In addition, one must separate recreation from that which is both fun and serious, that being art, ideology and life itself.

Early in my days as a DJ, I noticed that of the up- and-coming bands, it was easy to spot the half- hearted ones. Not being able to conceive of a concept of the grand level they desired, these bands would throw in the towel and instead come up with something "fun," or "whacky" or "provocative" in the way that most marketing firms like to pitch products that aren't good for you but need to be sold anyway. Similarly, these bands are uniformly vapid; they can on the average play their instruments better than other metal bands, but are lost for compositional ability or any reasoning behind what they do, which suggests to me an aimlessness and desire to advance themselves in ways unrelated to the music. Uniformly they've made crappy music and have fallen into dust and obscurity faster than any other type of band, but there were still people, usually very scared and existentially confused people, who would seize on these things and talk them up, usually with some reward for having been the ones to "discover" such new and exciting acts. The same is true of activities.

Those who can think of nothing better than headbanging, beer drinking/dope smoking, and "having fun" are in essence evaders: they want to run away from what life is, something that includes responsibility and some seriousness in planning. Death is real. The limitations on your time are real. This doesn't mean to be cowed by such things, but to make your time worthwhile. Partying is something best reserved for meeting people and spending quality time with friends; in metal, the genre has never been fully about these things, although rampant hedonism has been part of the picture. Metal like the ancient cultures stresses above all a clarity of mind and a health of spirit, and secondarily a hedonistic excess; what I learned from the lyrics and interviews of the metal bands I respected was they were in many ways responsible people who weren't complainers in the liberal sense, but leaders who wanted to affirm positive values in life even in the music of destruction and hatred. When I say positive values I do not refer to Judean morals but to things such as honor, pride, naturalism and bravery, as well as a sense that society is inescapably a collective endeavor in which we will all benefit if we all aim for intelligence.

Similarly, the bands I respect take their art seriously. They may party - as I do, having smoked more indica than the rest of the underground combined, and spent a good portion of my wild and reckless ongoing youth in deviant and hedonistic behavior - but above all else, they take their art seriously, as well as the thoughts and ideologies that inspire their art. Art doesn't exist in a vacuum; it isn't a purely sensual thing, or it quickly becomes commerce, being of the first form of art, that which is only aesthetic and designed for distraction more than communication. Art made by intelligent people communicates something, usually a worldview of the artist abstracted from learning and impressions of the world around him or her, and in doing so doesn't limit itself to something linear like hedonism, but includes hedonism in a broader worldview. Thus, I see the intelligence in metal and all that has ever made it attractive to those who aren't already beaten down sheep, in its distillation, as being something which lies independent from the neutralizing and mutely incoherent path of pure hedonism, which in many ways is giving up on life and trying to get your kicks before dusting off - something useless to any individual of personal bravery, conviction or vision.

9.) You are in league with a few well known black metal bands in Texas as well as other areas that are highly regarded for their philosophical and technical approach to (black) metal. Do you see these as the "Elite" of the USBM scene?
Among others, yes. I have found in certain bands of the TXBM elite a sense of bravery, artistic integrity and natural awareness of discipline, collectivism and yet fiercely independent values, and in these I take pride in companionship. They are an "elite," but I think the elite among Indo- European tribes is something shared between the USA and Europe; here we are just the fragmented remains of interbreeding between European tribes and thus are less likely to have inherited by culture and genetics the ideas and strengths of our forefathers.

Is there a USBM scene? Most of what is called "USBM" is either warmed over death metal or warmed over hardcore punk music and either way, almost all of it succumbs to the definitions I put forth a few questions ago regarding the nature of art and communication. If I had to pick a definition of the elite in the USBM scene I would say it is those who understand black metal musically and ideologically, in its passion anti- humanism and disdain for Judean morality, and with a spirit for life and in the mentality of the ancient cultures of earth, create bellicose and intelligent metal. Among these are the bands Krieg, Averse Sefira, Havohej, Demoncy, Weltmacht, Yamatu and some others.

10.) Likewise, who else sits high in Americas elite counsel?
"Americas elite counsel": Pardon me for being some- what of a smart ass, but let me answer outside of black metal: W.S. Burroughs, R.W. Emerson, T.S. Eliot, Ezra Pound, Madison Grant, William Faulkner, F.S. Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, Thomas Pynchon, Andrew MacDonald...
11.)Worldwide, are there any bands that impress you?
Yes, quite a few, although most of them are from the Northern European area, as was my taste in death metal it seems. However, there are quality bands in almost every nation and most are proud of their nationalities. A short list right now would be: Antaeus, Mortem, Mortem, Watain, Funeral Mist, Gorguts, Sammath... at least, that's what is on my desk today.
12.) Since the popularity of a few "known" Canadian bands in the past few years has escalated without warning, there has been a sea of individuals both performing in the Canadian Black (war) metal style and supporting the music. While I myself rather like some of these bands, I can't help to think it's started a sort of naive mania with gasmasks, nuclear weapons and the like. The war metal movement is nothing new for the record, but the the huge interest is. What are your thoughts on this phenomenon?
You hit it on the head with this: "The war metal movement is nothing new...but the the huge interest is." I think people are looking for a form of music that fulfills their need for violence, is easy to understand and to emulate, and has an image that they can easily adopt. Two years ago, Blasphemy wasn't highly praised, but now many are hailing them as the origins of all black metal. This is like the hardcore movement again: the scenesters have taken over.

I enjoy some of the bands participating in this movement also, but I think they're treading on thin ice if they don't create something new by their second release. If they don't, anyone serious loses any concern for their product. I find also many of these bands embrace the couch- sitter philosophy, which is essentially a bitterness and resentment toward all forms of action or accomplishment, a belief that is very Christian in the essence of its construction. Like many metalheads, they will see an immediate "wrong" in Christianity but in turn will argue against it using the same liberal and passive principles that brought Christianity into power. This to me isn't an argument; it's buying time until one's own failures recreate the original object of complaint.

13.) Give the visitors your thoughts on image -vs- message in metal music. Is one more important than the other? Why or why not?
They are one and the same. Message is encoded in the form of sound, the poetry of change in a song, and in the flavor and texture of the language of lyrics, as well as the appearance, interviews, public statements and symbolism of a band. Message is foremost the conceptions which empower an artist to create a certain type of art and, in fact, drive him or her toward it.
14.) How does the term "Metal is dead" strike you? (Feel free to elaborate)
I think it's like algebra. If "Metal is dead, long live metal" is the equation, we can add "the current generation of" to both sides and have basically the same idea.

The (last) generation of metal is dead = long live the (next) generation of metal.

It's important to remember that metal isn't that old. In 1969, Black Sabbath fired the first shots with support from King Crimson, Black Widow, Led Zeppelin and Blue Cheer. Ten years later, after hardcore punk, the removal of metal from something which anyone could hear on the radio had begun. Ten years after that, metal was removing itself from the blues and reaching toward black metal, a new neoclassically- styled and melodic art form. Now ten years down the line after that, black metal is waning and something must challenge metal from within metal; as kings were once chosen, so must a successor be.

Some time ago, I was upset by the possibility of this occurring but now I have accepted it, probably in the same way one finally stops struggling against the inevitability of death. All that has been meaningful and significant in this time is passing into the background of history, albeit on the small scale of this observable (to us) postmodern era, and it will never have the same impact, power or relevance again. As the events in the background change, so does the focus. A newer generation with more problems has arisen, but with them the extremity has become more needful and they are closer to desperation, to an actual breakdown, than were the more comfortable and less ill-prepared previous generations. Perhaps something will come out of this, or maybe metal is dead and its final gift was the culmination of an ideological awareness from a counterculture leftism to a brutal rightism to an affirmation of ancient cultures and desire to crush the hamsterlike instinct toward socialization in all of us.

15.)If you had the ultimate power to control the masses, how would you change / control metal society and culture? Would violence be necessary?
In some cases, perhaps not violence but force would be necessary: locking them up until they were detoxified of their previous social beliefs and liberated mentally to accept something outside of what they'd been taught. Obviously, some people lack the intellect and leadership to ever see anything of truth, and these would have to be recognized as worthless, or possibly executed.

If I were to exert control, it would be this: I would remove the influences of the aimless and destroy that which is trivial or entertaining. But mostly I would use the power I had to encourage useful values over crap and to expound upon the utility and brilliance of the notable metal bands so far that don't suck. With enough emphasis behind these value systems I doubt I would ever need any more stringent form of control.

16.)While we are on the subject of control, if you had the opportunity to control the planet as a whole how and what would you do? What would change?
As a controller, I would remove many of the conveniences of modern society and replace the monetary motivation of our current political era with something more existential in nature; I would begin immediate cleanup of the environ- mental damage humans have done, and I would sponsor the mass death of the useless, degraded, impotent, stupid, cowardly, weak, religious and liberal. I would separate all ethnic groups and divide America into warring camps. And of course every television and private car would head into a blast furnace post-haste.

Once again, as weird as it sounds, all I would need for the most part would be the power of media to compete with the "bad values people" who preach degeneracy, helplessness, masturbatory convenience, unenlightened self-stimulus, pity, and sentiment... they currently own a multibillion dollar media industry which I would crush and supplant with programming which would benefit the intelligent and make it clear to the others that their input is not needed.

17.)You've expressed quite a bit of interest in the subject of Nihilism.......
Nihilism can be viewed two ways, one as the conclusion to a philosophical inquiry, and the other as the initial step in a philosophical inquiry. To me, it is clear that in this universe there are few conclusions that do not lead to other ideas, so it is most likely nihilism is a gateway to another level of thought; the past ten years of my life have proved this to me. In this the best summary perhaps of nihilism is "the belief in a lack of inherent value"; this to me means that as in nature there are no tags of importance on any one thing, but things become significant in patterns according to the whim of those things which interact - even by observation - with them. For the everyday person, this means a stripping away of the stigma and values which religion places on objects, events and symbols and a recognition of life as pure physical reality in which significance is created by action and is not inherent.

To many this may seem like a simple division, and it is, but it is something forgotten in a panicked and product-oriented society. Even the simplest class- ifications, "good" and "evil," divide up so much of what we do that it becomes impossible to see events and objects clearly through the fog of valuations that exist as assumptions before we even begin the perceptual process. It is as if we have allowed tokens - our conclusions and the words we use to express things - confuse the process of actually living through some- thing and finding value within that experience.

18.)What is individualism to you? In our talks, you claim not to be a individualist......
I am not an individualist. An individualist to me means someone who believes in the importance of the individual first, and measures all human actions in politics and philosophy and society by the perspectives of individuals. I think this is wishful thinking that asserts too great of an importance to the individual possible in defiance or equalization of life and death. No one should be fooled - death rules supreme, and always shall for the same reason there is more space for driving than parking in parking lots - you need room to navigate, for dynamic configuration changes. If life were allowed to dominate, it would soon choke itself into conformity and manipulation.

Instead, I am a collectivist, and not on the humanistic level but one in which nature and humans and even the motions of the universe itself are seen as a form of intelligence, or "that which calculates with a relatively specific objective state as its goal." There are no lines between myself and the whole, nature and humanity, and death and life for me to see any longer. All that is left is a continuum which endlessly calculates a vast cycle for the purpose of maintaining itself, even through the mechanism of incorporating what is not-it into what it is so that the two may create an equilibrium of inequality. Quite an amazing system, one that is wonderful to discover in the short lives we have.

19.) You claim to be a "Romanticist"..... Why is this the way for you?
Romanticism accepts death and horror as necessary for the adventure of life, and celebrates the heroic spirit - the triumph of desire, passion and love for existence over all that is negative in being alive. It also embraces the emotions as a necessary counterpart to intelligence and breathes life into existential soul-searching, giving what is otherwise a passive occupation some teeth and claws with which to grasp existence and never let go. Romanticism is for me the triumph of spirit over nothingness, and the ability to see past morality and socialization to embrace the mechanism of life, without becoming afraid or obstructed by its horrific unknowns such as death and pain.

The Buddha once said, "Life is suffering"; when one thinks on this for a long time, what becomes clear is that worrying about or trying to avoid suffering is pointless, because what is more important is the raw experience of life and the value that is held by living it and making the difficult if not impossible choics we make, asserting that which is against that which is not, and yet embracing both as part of a balance of both our cognition and that which generated us.

20.)Countless times you've expressed great admiration for Islamic terrorism and it's impact on the united states. What is it about Islam that you support? Isn't it a weak and "light" religion in the league of other monotheistic doctrines such as Christianity or Judaism?
There are thinkers in both Christianity and Islam who have broken through the illusions of monotheism and produced existentialist mystical or gnostic thought, some even bordering on naturalism; however, I prefer Islam to Christianity because Islam has a love for a pantheistic animism, in which Allah is not some figure or symbol but is quite literally all that lives. Further, Allah ("God") is not seen as a figure of a solid resolute will but a creature of many directions in which a common will to renew existence unites good and evil. At least, these are the credible and non-socialized definitions of Islam that I have found, and that I respect; this religion is closer to naturalism and not surprisingly, handles death and the need for life-taking and horrific brutal combat far better than a Jewish or Christian religion could. While in the whole I find the Semitic tradition repugnant, perhaps something still exists in Islam of the religion of the Aryans who once held the land that is now Afghanistan and Iraq as part of their empire.

Islamic terrorism to me serves a purpose that no one else in politics has yet addressed: pointing out the unequal treatment Arabs recieve at the hands of the United States, the United Nations and Israel, and identifying the breakdown of partisan loyalties in the New World Order that America is proposing with her globalist policies, support for multinational corporations, and usage of the United Nations to achieve her aims. One might look at the names and charters of the United States and United Nations and realize they are the same concept: the creation of a marketplace out of states forced to bend to the political will of a central authority. This will mean a destruction of all ethnic cultures as economies and not ancestry determine national makeup, and the obliteration of ancient earth cultures in favor of a timeless, placeless and valueless consumption culture like that of the United States.

For me also, on a personal level, there is great respect for Osama bin Laden and Doctor Al-Zawahiri, one of his cohorts. These are brave and honorable men with an understanding of where politics, religion and warfare meet that is to my mind not only at a genius level but also insightful in an artistic context. Like other leaders from the past, they desire a return to the values of ancient civilizations and a trashing of the plastic beliefs and lifestyles of the current time. So yes, I support Islamic terrorism and al-Qaeda, as I support many other extremist groups and "terrorists" including Timoth McVeigh, Theodore Kaczynski, Andrew MacDonald and Charles Manson. They each thought they were leaders in politics or philosophy, but they were wrong: they are religious leaders. They are our shamans.

21.)What were your reactions when you first heard about the attacks on the WTC and the pentagon? Thousands had died after the buildings were obliterated by jets. Did you feel any sympathy for those who had perished?
There was a significant chance a close relative had been killed in the attacks, but I couldn't stop cheering. America has felt like a bus someone else is driving for too long now; the spell was broken in that moment, whether from within or from without, and I thought it was good to have reality come home to roost. I don't feel differently now. Those attacks took courage and amazing vision in planning and they are some of the most unforgettable images in American history. At the very least, they should be praised for bringing a sense of reality, of mortality and imminent change into the stagnant lives of Americans.

I still feel the same way. The lines of war have been drawn. Despite the American president, Israel, the United Nations and the Judeo-Christian American media attempting to tell us otherwise, it became clear to the educated out there that America's support for Israel had its enemies. And that our actions had been one-sided and continued to be so, and that perhaps a foreign power is in control of the American state...

Today I've read about Irv Rubin, leader of the Jewish Defense League, dying of a suicide which his wife says was not something he would do. If someone whacked him, why wouldn't it be the Mossad or the CIA, to remove a troublesome vision of those of a certain religion as politically active? The Christians in Europe and their guests, the "Chosen People of God" from Israel, have long been waging war to recapture the middle east. I know their religion is death worship and brings nothing but death to all that is beautiful, natural and independent in this world... how could I care about a few thousand dead when there is so much more expressed in an act of beauty like the 9-11 attacks?

22.) The United States is faced with the threat of Biological terrorism as rumors of Iraq housing secret weapons stir. What sort of opinions do you have on biological warfare and the threat imposed on us?
It is distinctly possible. There are many research scientists around the world with the capacity to make "weaponized" infectious agents, and with a little elbow grease and some book learning, the Arabs or other dissident groups could learn how to deploy these agents. Since "terrorism" occurs when nations of little internal wealth must face down global superpowers with all the cards in their hands by sheer virtue of the natural resources inherited by these powers, it is a legitimate response which seeks to destabilize a larger enemy and carries with it that aspect of "terror" - of not attacking an enemy but attacking *within* an enemy, and thus fragmenting his will to fight. In this context, a biological agent would be an excellent choice :)

I recall a news item from Jane's of London, one of the most reputed military research firms in the world, which said that Israel was working to make an biological agent which would infect Arab Semites but not Jewish Semites (both the Jews and the Arabs are Semitic in origin, with Ethiopia as their place of origination). Who can blame Saddam for keeping up with the Joneses?

23.)If you met Osama bin Laden, what would you do or ask him?
I would first praise what he has done, and I would then volunteer to write a history of the world based on ancient Buddhist and Islamic texts.
24.)Ecoterrorism is another area in which you have expressed a great deal of support for. Why do you think it is important to have a group of "secretive" and active ecoterrorists?
Ecoterrorism for me is similar to any other form of terrorism: the enemy is too large and has too much media power to make any gains against him except by drawing people's attention through the most shocking stimulus possible.

To me, there is no greater threat to life on planet earth than the human wholesale disregard for our environment. By one study, we have claimed 98% of the habitable land on earth; other sources confirm that humans have poisoned air, water and ground with industrial byproducts. While poisons exist in nature, they do not exist in this diversity or these concentrations, and the effects are being seen. Frogs mutate. Species die. Ecosystems fade away and the climate changes from lack of regulatory systems as diverse as trees, blue-green algae and forest groundfloor growth. We have strewn trash across the oceans so thickly that it is now impossible to travel a mile on the open seas without seeing plastic floating past, oil slicks and sewage. We have overkilled many species and persist with industrial methods of farming that weaken the very resources that feed us. In our own species, we have destroyed evolution, allowing even the weakest and stupidest to live and nurturing them at the expense of potential leaders and independent thinkers; we have crushed ancient ethnic groups and supplanted them with humans of generic heritage. As a whole, it is disres- pectful and destructive toward all that has created this planet and exists within it.

Ecoterrorism is a wake up call for the rest of them. Environmental awareness is too important to be left to the ineffectual hippies and pothead college students, nor should it be given to politicians or easily flattered academics. It is the right of every warrior to stand up for his land, tribe and honor, and in this ecoterrorism, racism, and anti-humanism join hands as not noble causes but a single, *necessary* avenue of action and change.

25.Are you familiar with ELF? (Earth Liberation Front)
ELF has for a long time been an organization whose works and proclamations I have cheered. I consider them moderates.
26.How do you view the hippy movement?
Hippies, taking a view that the individual as a moral agent is the most important aspect of human thought, and that humans are the focus of all ethical/moral thinking, are in fact secular Christians like all liberals. I think they should be reeducated and shot if they fail to comply.
27. There has been much debate on environmentalism, and in general, the degeneration of the earth. Do you feel ecoterrorism is the only solution, or must we take a few steps further?
(Well worded question.) Ecoterrorism is an artifact of existing within a society where powerful international corporations control both the exploitation of the environment and the media blasting out distractions to keep us from noticing it. When these are no longer so overwhelmingly in control, ecoterrorism will be a thing of the past, possibly - hopefully - also seen as moderate in retrospect.
28.)Do you agree Christianity and other monotheistic religions are to blame for the fucked state of the earth and modern man's approach to dealing with this problem? We've discussed this before, you and I, and maybe the visitors would like to hear some of your insight...
Christianity, and really, Judaism, from which it stole every concept that wasn't ripped from Pagan religions and Greek popular philosophy, divided man and nature by claiming nature was amoral and man had the capacity to be moral in a binary sense (good/evil). If one accepts that view, it is impossible *not* to see nature as a form of evil which must be civilized, reduced to a state of equality and thus subjugated to the will of mankind, who are busy following absolute objectivist symbols for subjective states of mind.

Christianity and Judaism entered Europe at the same time, and brought one of nature's proudest peoples to its knees by sneaking in through the functional lower levels of society and convincing proud warriors to have guilt, and thus to lay down their swords and begin following the imaginary super- natural world of Jesus Christ and his "purity." Included in this was laying waste to anything which was not Christian. Thus the virus spread...

America and England were both religious zealot states, and within their territories spread Christianity but even more hideously, a secularized Christian dogma which fit hand in glove within the needs of the "industrial revolution" and those corporate entities which profitted from the conversion of natural resources to refined products (which eventually become landfill). While the new dogma took on names such as "humanism" (created during the Renaissance by European thinkers adapting Christian thought to secular demands), deism (a loosened form of Judeo-Christian dogma), or flower power and the counterculture, it had at is essence the same liberalizing, equalizing, revengeful impulse.

So Christianity started the ball rolling... F.W. Nietzsche, whose ideas are incorporated above with those of others and my own observations, called Christianity the one great evil of humankind, but added that had it not occurred, it might have needed to be invented. Like the story of Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden, the tale of Christianity suggests this evil exists so we can consciously form a choice to take the other path... no matter how much *more* grim it initially appears to be.

29.) Friedrich Nietzsche mentioned something to the effect that Christianity was a "tired" religion and would be soon replaced. Seeing as Islam is the fastest growing religion, do you think we have a current candidate for Christianity's replacement, or will something "new" come along?
It has. New Age religions, secular Christianity in the form of liberal dogma, or even Christianized versions of Pagan religions, such as Wicca or Falun Gong, have come along and are gaining strength daily. Of all of them I view the secular Christian dogma - liberalism - to be the most threatening, as one can avoid the supernatural hocus-pocus and still carry its virus. It is amazing how many people who "oppose Christianity" preach Christian values in their smug, blind and sentimental embrace of liberal thought... even if they consider themselves conservatives, as many do in America, the essence of their thought is not of the same ilk as the ancient cultures of the Indo- Europeans, and thus in my view is anti- Traditionalist or liberal/secular Christian.
30.) While you have a general interest in middle eastern terrorism on western culture, would you support a global religious move into an Islamic state? Why or why not?
Islam for middle eastern nations; anywhere else, it does not belong and should be destroyed.
31.)Moving back to Mr. Prozak now, you've labeled yourself a "Philosopher". In what way are you a philosopher? What ideas do you have that make YOU a philosopher?
I once considered myself a writer, but then became addicted to a thought process of structure more than aesthetic, and of analysis of root reasons for ideas and ideologies more than upholding any particular set of ideals. Thus I became what I would call a philosopher.

My contributions are summarized best as a better understanding of nihilism, an understand of complex causal context, and a conception of materialist mysticism in which a universal Will is given expression. Could I call this unique? It is mine, in its formulation, no matter how recombinant, but I see myself as a product of many other things that came before, thus I will simply say: what comes from "me" is the same as what comes from any source, the output of one thread of an environment that multiprocesses independent and oppositional forces to derive a heuristic of contextual, rule-based understanding. One might say that another way: in the forest many creatures act in their own interests to produce an ecosystem.

32.How did you first become interested in Philosophy?
I was raised in a household where Christianity was accepted not as mystical truth but as a social opportunity. I was the serious child, and took it all to heart, and shortly after declaring it something of serious study fell from grace and began to analyze the world structurally. Some years later someone told me about existentialism and I recognized my thoughts of 8-10 years of age, and realized that philosophy was the area where people discussed such things. Since then it has been an ongoing course, although for many years I viewed myself as uneducated and spoke only timidly of it.

When I went through the collegiate level, I finally undertook the study of philosophy for almost two years, but abandoned it once I realized that the calculations I needed to perform to verify and integrate each idea into the worldview growing within me would require separation from the politics of the classroom and the leftist dogma of universities of that time. Consequently, I continued my reading of Immanuel Kant, Friedrich Nietzsche, Arthur Schopenhauer, Martin Heidegger, and some others who expressed their ideas in literature and music, but my primary study has been and always will be walking in a natural or semi-natural setting and thinking on that which perplexes me, or pushing myself into a meditative state in the calm of my room in which I contemplate the issues which require manipulation of complex matrices of factors. To me this is both something existentially satisfying and something fun, in that it requires one pit oneself against problems of vast complexity and intensive subtlety.

**Do you feel modern man has become detached from Philosophical teachings? What benefit could he gain if he acquired philosophical skill?
I think modern humans have become detached from thinking in a structural or analytical sense, and are divided into two camps: those who think in linear causal terms are the scientists, and those who think in political/emotional terms are the humanities and liberal arts types.

In learning to think philosophically, those that are capable - and these are few - learn to see through the artifacts of appearance and chronological coincidence and thus gain a greater understanding of how what they know as reality is produced, and thus, what their role in it may be.

It seems to me this form of thought is an ongoing discipline... it will never be exhausted and, at the moment the last truth is conceptualized and the last piece of the puzzle falls into place, it will either expand outward or detonate and recreate itself on a higher level of complexity.

33.You are not "Visualist" as you say. What do you find tedious about visualism?
It appears to be an infinite method of thought, but is limited to only a few dimensions, and thus is like attempting to watch a sunset or fine piece of art while wearing a crash helmet: the frame of that through which one looks becomes highly limiting. For some it is a useful purpose however.
34.The visitors would like to know some more about yourself. Maybe a little bit of insight into your character is needed. Feel free to unload.....
I always kind of choke up here. It's foreign to think about myself from the outside. But maybe here is something useful, although even as it forms it appears like a cheesy personal ad. "Anti- social male, likes quiet evenings discussing Armageddon, walks in the park, non- smoker..."

The prozak unit is an odd one; he is highly sociable and succeeds where necessary at diverse and random tasks within this society, yet often prefers his own company and the isolation of intense thought to spending too much time out in the world. He enjoys reading, the music of classical composers and some underground metal and ambient bands, and finds solace in emotions derived from terraced conclusions of multiple vectors of convergent thought. Mostly nocturnal, he ventures into the day mostly for sustenance, but keeps an irregular schedule to avoid boring himself. While for an intoxicant he prefers sinsemilla, he is no longer a consistent user, as too much of anything physical detracts from the purity and clarity of mental focus and emotional strength. A hard worker, he is also one of the world's biggest goof offs, and sometimes can be found posting inflammatory dialogue to the internet when he could be doing other tasks. He likes to cook extravagant foods and engage in provoking and often disturbing conversation with friends, and is known by some to have an emotional openness toward them and celebration of their lives. While a total nerd who uses computers and pursues information obsessively, he is also a violent malcontent with the state of organization of computer technology, seeing the industry as experts in inefficient and illogical application of otherwise potent base technologies...

35.How long have you been working with computers? You've been labeled as a "Webnerd". Is this accurate?
Sure. I've been working with the web since the first days of its public existence. As I was a bulletin board fanatic in middle and high school, to me it was obvious such a thing would be created, and its benefits and eventual acceptance were a foregone conclusion... I have been working with computers since age fifteen, when I started my career as an independent computer consultant.
36.What should be stated about the infamous "mac-Bong"
Once upon a time, back when I was an extremist leftist with strong traditional leanings in conflict with my more obvious political ideals, I was in the habit of getting blasted out of my head via the soft graces of intensely powerful indica, usually in the company of some good friends, and thus created the first of several bongs from an old Macintosh computer. Over time, the inclination expanded and soon I was on a quest to produce a perfected MacBong. Somewhere during this time period, I wrote about the MacBong in a serial narrative hallucination called "stoner adventures," published in the undiscovered country e-zine, and some years later this writing was discovered by a Wired reporter named Leander Kahney who was searching for a history of the Macintosh and stoner culture. Somehow, a handful of pictures of this device were produced, and made it into a Wired news story, and thus the reputation of this device further moved amongst the waves of social cognition... I have no regrets about the MacBong, but on the suggestion of a fellow computer user, would like to make an iBong soon.
37.Are drugs an important part of your life? Do they inspire creative impulses? Why or why not?
They once were, and inspired a great deal of creative impulse. I saw them as refreshing my inner chaos, much as one has to first charge the randomizer in any computer program with a sample of data selected from an unlikely source (often time between keypresses, system time, or a chunk of data from a memory swap file). While these were excellent times, and I still enjoy the abuse of sinsemilla (seedless marijuana) and psilocybin (mush- rooms) on selected occasions, I have calmed down quite a bit, with one exception. When I am attempting to visualize something new, and wish to be in the greatest state of chaos so I can dump its raw viscera into text, I often pursue the beast of smoke for the pure stream of chaotic data, like a pulse of the ancient universe, that it delivers.

A word on drugs: They are nothing more than an effect which one plugs into the brain. Like a handgun, this effect can be pointed at anything, which results that vary from delicious humor to horrible dismay, often in overlapping or sequential appearance. Use, but do not obsess or become dependent; they will swallow your life and, in the case of hallucinogens, can drive you into a self-destructive schizophrenic mental state.

38.Let me get your assessments on the internet today....
The internet once had a high admittance cost, like black and before it death metal; one had to understand the technology, assemble some things homebrew-style, and then get online in a world where documentation, software and hardware were glaringly imperfect.

Some time later, it became a place where one bought a computer off a shelf in a Best Buy or Office Depot, plugged it into the phone line at home and called up AOL with a free disc included, having to know nothing but a credit card number where $25 in allocatable cash existed. As a result, people have flooded the net under the pretense of wanting "information" but have turned it into a playground for the damaged, neurotic, self- stimulating ego of a citizen of the modern globalist state, or America as it is currently called. As a result the net is now nothing more than entertaintment, and is seen by these people as television + a little bit of yellow pages function + the same kind of internet messenger activity that occurs on SMS-enabled phones. It is consequently no longer an environment where infor- mation comes first, but a virtual place where entertainment and ego come before all else, increasing the amount of noise and decreasing signal as more and more people shout "equally" loudly with vastly similar messages.

The 'heat-death' of the universe is when the universe has reached a state of maximum entropy. This happens when all available energy (such as from a hot source) has moved to places of less energy (such as a colder source). Once this has happened, no more work can be extracted from the universe. Since heat ceases to flow, no more work can be acquired from heat transfer. This same kind of equilibrium state will also happen with all other forms of energy (mechanical, electrical, etc.). Since no more work can be extracted from the universe at that point, it is effectively dead, especially for the purposes of humankind. -- Andreas Birkedal-Hansen, M.A.

I include this definition as metaphor, or perhaps simply warning, of what the net has become and what has happened to its culture.

For metal, the internet has been both a boon and a disaster; the ebay culture and waves of kids who are treated like royalty by parents feeling guilty for spending quality time elsewhere and substituting material goods for affection (just like their parents did) have bloated black metal with a bratlike "me first" mentality which has caused black metal to be a boat sinking under the weight of people who jump on before considering whether it can hold them. A brief trip to mp3.com, where reams and reams of bands not worth recording ply their wares with absolutely clonelike appearance, sound and content shows how selfish the metal scene has become.

39.Where do you think these media will be, in say 10 years from now?
In my view, there will be several networks at that time, with people for the most part (90%) staying to the public networks which will be like television today with the IM, video gaming and chat functions of advanced cellular phones. You will be able to navigate web pages underneath the flashing storefronts of major corporations, which will incorporate a good deal of video and possibly, neural stimulus, to give you an entertaining experience. On the darkened and ambiguous edges of the net will exist the dissidents, the thinkers, the sages and the terrorists...
40.Feel free to tell us an unusual story / occurrence in your own life we may not know about.
I once without the influence of any drugs found myself staring at the moon one night, and as I stared I comtemplated, and as I contemplated I unconsciously lost identity with the physical surroundings immediately near my body. It seemed to me the moon got larger in my focus and I felt as if I were near it, in a form where heat was not required for life, and I absorbed a sensation of moon-ness: a abandoned, lifeless void in which primal forces conflicted before being buried by ashen dust. When someone back on earth touched me suddenly, I almost assaulted them and it took me several hours and more than a few beers and bong hits to identify again with life as a member of homo sapiens.
41.Is the United States Of America doomed?
I hope so. The USA represents all that Christianity idealizes: individuals as most important, a binary morality, a sense of guilt and pity yet a crusade to equalize and dominate nature for the glory of what is "right" (mental projection) over what in genius and beauty of creation simply *is*.
42.What benefits does A.N.U.S. Have for the reader?
It depends on the reader. For some, there is only new vocabulary, and some collected ideas to which they might not have had exposure in this context; for others, there may be a more subtly perceived sense of spirit which is a useful tool for not only surviving but finding triumph in the postmodern era.
43.Have you ever considered a print fanzine? While on the subject, give me your ideas on this medium. Let's hear some ideas you have on the general state of printed, metal journalism.
Printed metal journalism? Most suffer from the same lack of self-confidence that permeates the metal community; having spent too much time in socialization, they are convinced at a subconscious level that metal doesn't measure up and thus is somehow deficient, insufficient, depleted in a fundamental way. Thus they treat metal like entertainment for idiots and in doing so, degrade themselves. There are few metal print zines today that I consider to even reach the levels of semi- professionalism that the "regular" news media achieves; I'm a reader of Unrestrained! and Explictly Intense for the major publications, and I enjoy a scattering of small zines such as Qvadrivivm, Where's My Skin, Leather 'n' Spikes and Galleries of the Grotesque. Otherwise, I avoid most metal print media, including the larger maga- zines that need not be mentioned here.

Have I considered a print zine? Yes, for many years; ultimately what stops me is the lack of forced recycling at gunpoint in this country, which would be for me a greatly desired thing before throwing more processed wood pulp into the world. I suppose I could be "original" and claim my content is worth the small damage, but so far I have wanted to stick with electrons, as for those who do not need a shiny new computer every two years these are the most efficient, clean and direct method, not to mention having the benefit of requiring a non- physical search for the content.

If I did a zine, it would probably mostly consider of opinions on society, politics and most of all, philosophy and mystical analysis; there would of course be a large section for dissection of music, and probably some of what people like to call "creative writing," although the use of the term "creative" in that blanket context bugs the shit out of me. Maybe I will end this answer by being an ass and asking what you think I should include in a print zine, as you have more experience with this medium -- ?

44. Is murder an appropriate response to antagonism? Should murder be supported?
If you had a palette of oil paints in front of you, a kiss might be light blue and murder bright red - it depends wholly on what part of the story you are representing. To me killing is natural, and the loss of some of our six billion excess humans is nothing that will change the color of the sky or the texture of blood.
45.You define Texas as a "Lost Country", though maybe I have misquoted you here. What do you mean by this? What makes Texas a special place? I've been under the impression it is rather a nest for religious fundamentalism and ignorance.....
I am not experienced with the Northwest Coast; the farthest I got was Northern California and, lacking some way to exterminate the human population up there, I retreated into the more comfortable area of southern California, where I was a DJ from 1992-1998 and went from hating it during the first three years of that period to embracing its chaotic dystopia during the second half of my tenure. However, comparing the North and Midwest on the eastern side of the country with the South, my conclusion is that the South is a more passionate place, in which people are more analytical of their actions as self-reflective, unlike the Northeast where people are purely functional. In the South a person considers themself as a product of their heritage and the ideals upheld by ancestors, at least more than in the North, and there is less basic endurance functionalism than in the Midwest, although I am fond of the Midwest also for its honorable work ethic and abundance of attractive, gentle and intelligent women. Texas the state in the South that was a free nation for the longest perhaps takes itself both more and less seriously than other places, but it does have a spirit and hot-bloodedness that to me is close to nature; it also has some wonderful aspects such as snakes which can kill you dead with a fast bite and natural hazards which will terminate the unwary. Further, it has a history and pride of being something like the Interzone that William Burroughs fantasized, where few rules apply and outside the cities, the law of the wild is all that a traveler can expect...

There are plenty of Christians and Jews here also, but their presence and haughty righteousness make us all the more inclined to see the truth and be ready in our hearts for upheaval against the dominance which disguises itself as meekness.

46.How does Deviation in metal culture (**For a "personal" accomplishment) strike you?
For this word, I know two definitions: a deviant, being one who does what is not within the scope of the mission of a society or social group, and deviating meaning to stray the course to a different angle, possibly caused by local influences or external forces. As a personal accomplishment, either of these is worthy so long as it has a concept behind it and a goal, whether tangible or intangible, that can be clearly expressed and is coherent with the ancient values that find expression in metal. Putting a banjo solo in the middle of a metal song for example could be useful, but could also just be stupid trivial collage composition in the postmodern style.

Deviant from society? This is as a personal accomplishment like encountering nihilism, an opening of a doorway to another level of conceptual discovery.

47.If you were given the opportunity to do whatever you wanted to an individual you disliked, what would you do to him. Full detail is acceptable.
For dislike only, nothing, but I sense here you mean dislike in a political sense. Assuming I were healthy in mind and spirit at the time, I would do nothing but what would be expedient and just: swift dispatch with a sword or other implement of battle. The useless should die, but honour and self-discipline and pride convey a sense of abstention from that which is obsessive and ego-enhancing, such as torture and thus delight in the cyclic focus of rage.
48.You used to do a radio program as I understand.....
I created net radio for three years after leaving KSPC radio and southern California, where I hosted the "Oration of Disorder" on 88.7 FM on the outskirts of Los Angeles. This was a death metal, black metal, doom metal and grindcore show that played selected speed and heavy metal acts, although very few of the latter; it was an underground show with an emphasis on Swedish death metal and the most destructive and nihilistic and abrasive metal being produced at the time. For its time and location, it was phenomenally successful, and represents some of the greatest experiences of my life. Initially, I did not know it was something I could do; at one point, I looked up during a broadcast and had an uncanny sensation of deja vu, like I was realizing for the first time that this was indeed my life - and that this had happened before, and was in fact an experience radiating from a core of experiences open to intelligent beings, a necessary part of being a separate cognitive process. It was during this show that I acquired my nom de metal, Spinoza Ray Prozak, being something I improvised during my first solo show based on a philosopher who denied Christ even though it cost him dearly, a guitarist from Texas and the drug that I thought was metaphorical for the time in which we are living. (Many views have since changed, including estimation of Baruch Spinoza, but that is a subject for now, not recollections of "the then.")
49. What have been the most memorable times for you while working on A.N.U.S.? For example, what interviews do you feel have been the most fulfilling and exciting? I tend to think your chat with Bill Zebub for example was well "balanced".....
The interview I did with Les Evans from Cryptic Slaughter floored me, because he has been a hero from youth. Doing an interview with Bruce Corbitt from Rigor Mortis was similar, as was talking to Lori Bravo from Nuclear Death and Anders Odden from Cadaver... there have been many interviews which have directly affected my emotional state and made me thankful for my existence, but it would be hard to hierarchicalize them, as I have interviewed only those whose works I enjoy and have found each one to be in varying degrees massive. Quorthon was an interesting experience as well. I enjoyed talking with Bill Zebub and finding out that he was an intelligent persona who did have some beliefs and who was working toward goals other than clowning around. He sent a copy of his movie and I found that quite a trip as well... an interesting reflection of the metal community, its beauties and depressing continual sadness.

Memorable times working on the A.N.U.S.? Probably the second edition of the undiscovered country, and many nights when, after a full round of travelling through several campuses on foot to seek friends and comradeship in the midst of mass intoxication, I returned to my dorm room and allowed my imagination to rise as I described both life and music in reviews and "literature," primitive as it was for the time. Once again, however, it would be hard to find a time that was not magical in some way to me and the devel- opment of my consciousness, mentality and spirit.

50.Is there a future for A.N.U.S.? If so, what new ideas do you have for the website? In addition, what do you yourself hope to gain through new experiences?
I hope to continue growth and discovery, and to find new ways of communicating that which is not immediately recognizable as value because it does not come sugar- coated as a form of entertainment, mockery or light- hearted "social commentary" that affirms the system as a whole. The future for the A.N.U.S. is interesting; the focus on metal is becoming more intensive through the launch of our new e-zine, Heidenlarm, however also the site is broadening its focus to more articles on philosophy and the beliefs of A.N.U.S., in addition to which we're covering more neoclassical music, synthpop and ambient/electronica.
51. That shall be all for the night. This has been a long interrogation. I'm afraid we'll have to stop now, but I'll let you pass on the final word. Good luck.
My gratitude to you for writing such an extensive interview; you spent time and energy on this and I am appreciative and have learned more about you and what there is to respect ensconced in that persona. Furthermore, I am reminded that I owe you dubs of a certain Texas band...

If I had to say anything in closing, it would be this: what is eternal exists in all of us, and we create it when we unify emotion and logic with both perception and a desire for action. Life is not for spectators, nor is it for those who can only see with their eyes. It is something to be grasped and ridden like an unbroken demon, and while we are all of different levels of this hierarchy and thus have different ranges of function, to live to the fullest extent of your strata is to die with your eyes on a greater possibility above you. There is an idealism to existence; at some level, all of this is data and we are the surfers of a stream of information which changes to keep itself from falling into similarity, and in that is the essence of the desires of those that live. The government of the United States is under the control of a foreign power. Those who claim to do things in your best interests would love to rape you. There is no shame in believing in something, in acting for something, in creating change - as long as you are acting for that something, and not to fulfill a vision of how you will appear from an external view. There are many out there who believe that the only way to be untouched by this world is to sit on the couch and reject everything, but they are as Christian as anyone else who refuses to accept reality, and they miss an understanding of life. Because they are sick, they will try to shame you into the same sickness, like a priest slowly pushing his forefinger into the resistant anus of a young child... at some point, if you feel and think with the same vivid point of focus, you will stand up and without fear proclaim, "Ich Kampfe!"

52.) What do you think of the USA as being the great "melting pot"? I know you have some opinions on segregation - vs- assimilation.
Assimilation is normativization. To become assimilated, you must assume that the parent culture is superior to your own culture, and thus must give up what has produced you specifically as distinct from all other beings on earth and thus embrace that which unifies, equalizes, and conforms all beings in its grasp to a static symbol of the generic human. The melting pot is a stupid idea and was never intended by those who founded this nation, but was a political expediency to remove barriers of culture from the marketplace. Culture has values outside of convenience and buying products; it is the enemy of all monetaristic, Judean moralistic systems. Culture is natural, and they fear and hate nature and would like to equalize it. Thus they attempt to destroy it by providing pleasant illusions and negative feedback for those "Racists" and "Terrorists" and "Deviants" who do not agree.
53) ....Is a man born superior or made superior?
Superior requires some context of measurement. Superior to others? Reliable information suggests to me that we are 80% nature (genetics) and 20% nurture (upbringing, values, our own actions). Thus a man is given a chance, and if he seizes it the world laughs with him, in the longest-term assessment, but if he does not seize it he descends, especially in the next generation. To me genetics is nothing but a form of ultra-long- term memory.
54.)You've expressed some sympathy for individuals like The Unabomber and Osama bin Laden, calling them you "main men" of the century. What is it about these renegades you find appealing?
They support naturalism, natural systems and a reversal of the great poison which Judeo-Christianity unleashed in western society. Further, they are not afraid to die -- and to kill -- for their beliefs.
55.)What education do have? (College, university etc..) Do you have a job outside of A.N.U.S. In which to make a living?
I have a degree in English (B.A.) and I make my living as a technical writer, creating manuals for technological objects that are meant to be read by humans and understood so that they can manipulate the technologies in question. Jobs give little room for ideology, but my goals in this context have been to avoid doing what is outright destructive and to suggest to people ways of using their technology which, by the sheer strength of their ability to manipulate it thus derived, can enforce a longer presence of the object in their lives and thus a slightly smaller dose of landfill for each object. I have also made an income by teaching computer skills, making web sites, managing teams and resources, and programming computers.
56.) Give me your thoughts on-
B.)"Christian" influence in metal music
C.)National Socialism
D.) Pedophiliacs
A - Satanism: best as a metaphor, as Slayer used it, for how we are all the bastard Children of a deity who wishes for us to serve, and how we choose the pains and independence of hell over convenience and servitude in heaven.

B - Christian/metal: Before the cocaine ate their brains, the boys in Black Sabbath wanted out of the flower power bullshit, the Christian bullshit, and the society/big business lies. There is no place for Christianity or its secular counterpart, liberalism, in red-blooded metal. And half-hearted metal sucks and is best reserved for novelty bands and "nu-metal."

C - National Socialism: The first non-monetarism system of government since the Roman empire, and one of the few to consider ecological problems as more important than human ones. There is much to learn from these thinkers. A useful side note: National Socialism was directly influenced by Arthur Schopenhauer, who was in turn influenced by the pre-Hindu Indo-Aryan religions; similarly, Einstein derived his concept of relativity from his inspirations in Schopenhauer and borrowed his equations from an Italian physicist. You will never hear this as long as your media is owned by those of the middle eastern persuasion who own and operate it, with liberal lackeys at their side.

D - Pedophiles: I do not believe in there being any value in punishment, or punitive revenge; I think it is safe to say that pedophiles are broken for the context of any useful society, and should be shot without emotion. I consider this society pedophiliac as it idealizes youthful sexuality in the pursuit of the marketing of products.

57.)Do you support Animal rights on the same level as environmentalism (radicalism)? Why or why not?
I don't believe in rights, but it is my conviction that honour, pride and naturalism should be applied in the treatment of animals. It is insane to house cows in 4'x8' cells where they are pumped full of hormones and special feeding formulas, milked at an industrial pace and then finally slaughtered for their proteins. My environmental radicalism is in part based on the concept that industry attempts to make normative what nature more wisely keeps chaotic, and thus that industry and nature - like God and nature - are mortal enemies. This is a challenge to our species which will determine not only our survival but that of a transcendently beautiful place (Earth).
58.)Do you believe the body has a metaphysical existence?
The body-mind? Yes. It seems to me it is one thread of a massively parallel computing agency inherent to the process of nature itself. One could view Darwinism as design selection, and evolution as computation, in a "machine" so large it incorporates its own antithesis at every level as a means of out-calculating a system seizure or shutdown.
59.)Do you consider yourself a social individual?
I can be social, selectively; I do not consider myself a social human because my fundamental motivation requires an absence of social thinking to maintain its insight. Too much socialization results in self- censorship, since speaking the truth will inevitably offend someone and end the party or business deal, thus one must value and defend solitude if anything of importance is to be thought.
60.)Do you find some truth that a combination of
Truth is definitely a combination, and mostly, a recombination; it consists of momentarily unique rearrangement of fragments of the whole through which the whole may be interpreted so that it does not become static and thus, may be empowered to continue developing within instead of creating novelty without (yes, I hijacked this question, but hopefully you will not mind).